
antimatter dimensions zero deaths

antimatter dimensions zero deaths

Some people recommend to get all your replicated galaxies before crunching, but I personally am using a slightly different strategy: At 1e180 IP, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP or so. At this point, you should have most of the challenges done (5 challenges of the past 10 eternity challenges), and up to some or all of the row 12 achievements. and our Used to be on the right of study 11, but room had to be made for study 12 in the Nameless Ones' reality. This will take a while. You have to use a specific Time Studies setup, wait for Replicanti to build up, and get a bunch of Replicanti Galaxies so you can get enough tickspeed to progress. Once you have the first 3 columns of infinity upgrades and 10+ IP on hand, you're good to go. Buy max 8th dimensions. (Sort of like the "Do you need a guide for this" achievement, but you need to do it with 1 infinitied stat). (log10(AD1)/10)^2.4 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.6, or AD1^0.01 -> AD1^0.011 if you completed IC2. Achievements are mostly designed based on the game progress: Secret achievements are in the same tab as Achievements. Keep crunching every 5 or so orders of magnitude of IP and remember to keep buying everything you can with your IP. Minimize challenge times: Turn off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers, leave big crunch autobuyer on, use autoclicker + spam 'C' (don't hold, spam) plus spam left clicking on Big Crunch button. Your achievement bonus affects Infinity Dimensions. (For more details, see this spreadsheet.) - Dimension and Tickspeed cost multipliers will rise faster as you buy more instead of the cost multiplying by a static amount like it does pre-infinity. Set the game to landscape mode in options and have the app open for 10 minutes total. Everything pre-reality that may be different because of the reality update (to update as I find more) and their effects on what is said in this guide, Section 1 - under 1e308 antimatter (pre infinity), Section 3 - 66 K to 1e140 IP (Breaking Infinity), Section 4 - 1e140 to 1e308 IP (Replicantis), Section 6: 100 Qa to 1e1300 EP (Eternity Challenges), Section 7: 1e1300 to 1e4000 EP (Time Dilation). This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. These infinity runs will be quite long. If you are going to use the waiting method, it is time consuming, so you should choose the Automatic Big Crunch challenge to complete the achievement, as it is faster and requires less waiting. antimatter dimensions zero deaths; antimatter dimensions wiki; antimatter dimensions long lasting relationship; antimatter dimensions save editor; antimatter dimensions ic5; Check how much IP you will get on crunch when you are at your peak IP/min. ", Buy an Antimatter Galaxy without Sacrificing. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 5% stronger. Set auto dimboost to 0 and 18 (can be slightly different for you). Active path is crucial for this achievement. This is to prevent game-breaking growth. This replaces "Stop right there criminal scum! Then, there are 3 repeatable upgrades. Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle. For the tickspeed autobuyer challenge, set the autobuyers for Dimensions 1-6 to 3, 7 to 2, 8 to 1, and tickspeed to 4 (NOTE: unfortunately, you can't change priorities now, so set 1-7 to buy singles instead of max, hold the 4, 5, 6, and 7 hotkeys to get dimension shifts, then yeah). You start Eternities with all Infinity Challenges unlocked and completed. At one point in Star Fox 64, Peppy tells you to "do a barrel roll!". 1e90 IP, 0 1st ADs, 0 infinities, 4 Dimension Boosts, 1 Antimatter Galaxies, and 0 Replicanti Galaxies. On web, click the "Donate" button at the bottom of the tab. When you finally get the galaxies 50% stronger upgrade, you want to completely change your strategy. Antimatter Dimensions is a game made in Javascript, and none of the code is made to be hard to view or understand (it's open source ). Do it over and over again at 2x, until it gets faster (because you keep your tickspeed upgrades on sacrifice), then once the sacrifice multiplier gets to 2x almost instantly you will be able to do it at 3x, then 4x, then 10x, then you will inflate to infinity. This section is a bit slow. Searching "do a barrel roll" into Google will make it do a 360 degree clockwise turn. You might get lucky and get this achievement in earlier eternities. "We could afford nine": Turn off replicanti upgrade autobuyers, and wait for your replicanti amount to hit 9, then eternity. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in first 3 minutes of an Infinity, but only in challenges. Get the 3rd column of upgrades from top to bottom, giving little boosts. Achievements you should have gotten by this point: This section may take a while (potentially over 1 week), so you should be active often to get more progress. - Zero deaths: After unlocking the 2nd infinity dimension this will be easy just turn off your dimension boost autobuyer and don't buy any dimension boosts and enter any challenge. Sacrifice every sacrificable Glyph type at least once. In addition, some achievements have their own rewards. 'Is this safe?' In the web version prior to the Reality Update, all the challenges were stored in a single variable. Before you eternity, get one more achievement: - I brake for nobody: Disable your Dimension Boost autobuyer and set Max Galaxies to as many as you can get in under 20 seconds, and do it close to the very end of this section, with your big crunch autobuyer set to 1e250 IP. Get to Infinity with up to 10 (web: only a single) 1st Dimensions without any other Dimensions, Dimension Boosts, or Antimatter Galaxies, while in the 2nd Dimension Autobuyer challenge (, Crunch in C2 with 10 (web: 1) 1st ADs, 0 Dimension Boosts, and 0 Galaxies. Special notes . After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the time study tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more time studies. Max out galaxies, and dimboosts if necessary. This process could take a while. Infinity Challenge 4 only has the last dimension bought producing full power, so micromanagement is needed as well. Gain 2.5x Time Theorems, and a free coupon to McDonalds. Permanently gain back all Antimatter Dimension autobuyers. The basic Goal is to reach infinity and receive an infinity point, which can be spent on various skills to increase your overall production. Maybe even just get 2 galaxies and 3 Dimension Shifts then reach infinity from there. Note that it is. 2) Go to autobuyers, disable bulk buy, set dimensions 2-7 to singles and in IC5 also set tickspeed to buy singles. The last one generates IP and is not that special. This section will still take a long time, but it's not that bad, just a lot of timewalls. However, there is a new way to make progress after 1e1300 EP, requiring that you've completed everything before this point. 3,145 Obtainable EXP. 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club. After Eternity you permanently keep 5% of your Infinities. The team has taken time off for a few years to work on a larger update released alongside this . EC8 strategy: Buy all the studies up to 123, buy 13 RGs, 9% replicate chance, max interval, 50 ID1s, then wait, then buy the rest of the time studies. (You may want to not buy Study 181 in some cases, like saving up TT for a challenge). 500 33.57% (24.0) Over in 30 seconds Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. Can be obtained by failing Eternity Challenge 4 in under 250ms. Faster than a potato^286078: Progress related achievement. The reward, however, is similar to Time Study 143. O snap. Just do it normally. Next, get 1e71 IP, and do IC4. Start an infinity run with all your autobuyers enabled and maxed, except for the dimboost autobuyer, and max galaxies set to a big number like 9999999. After this, save up 500 B IP for the upgrade that makes Galaxies 50% stronger. "Design", "Christmas", "Finnish", "Confused", or "Nicolas". The fix infinity button just unbreaks infinity so it's useless unless you are farming your number of infinities. ), Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. When you have enough TT, drop 193, 213, 214 and 211 for 223 and 232 and progress will explode. (Mobile) Have 1e90 IP, and 0 infinities. Have complete > 0 Infinity Challenges after Crunching. Get 1e102, then do IC6 (easy), at 1e114 IP do IC7 (takes a few minutes), then at 1e129 IP (Getting to 1e129 IP can be a bit tricky) do IC8 (not that hard), then go for 1e140 IP to unlock the next mechanic: Replicantis. - Game Design Is My Passion: Start IC5 with at least e165 IP, set your autobuyer priorities to 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/1 with Dimensions 1-7 on buy singles instead of max. How to do it: Go to Options, turn on the news, and wait. 500 52.97% (20.8) Multidimensional After you have Study 171, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle path, as these are now more useful and passive is less. You must. I didn't cover Priority before, but basically it's which things the autobuyers prioritize buying if they can afford multiple things. 104 Total Achievements. This upgrade is repeatable. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. Play in landscape mode for 10 real-time minutes. As for time studies during this time, get 191, get a few million banked infinities, then get 211, then 212, then 193 (get 1000000 eternities), then 214 then finally 213. Second dimensions produce First Dimensions, Third Dimensions produce Second Dimensions, etc. This includes: - Infinity points. Once you dilate time for the first time, you will get a new achievement in the row 13 of achievements ("I told you already, time is relative"). Are you sure these are the right way around? Currently: 2.0x. Get the sum of Infinity Challenge times under 750 milliseconds. When you don't have much RAM, games tend to lag more. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. By this point, your fastest infinity should be about 1 minute. Set the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. - Replicantis are a feature unlocked much later. Study 181 is also important for getting the achievement "Like feasting on a behind" (as explained later in the guide). Synergism can go above 100% and Momentum increases 10x faster. Get e500 IP on this run, then eternity for 4 EP, getting 1 TT for each currency. 46.3% Boosting to the max Buy 10 Dimension Boosts. This achievement allows you to keep replicanti and 1 RG on infinity, so you will be able to do 2 RG runs in the same amount of time as 1 RG runs (ie, less than an hour), and 3 RG runs in less than 2 hours. The first script on the left gives 3 errors in just 2 lines, these error are. Your main focus here is to grind more EP, as of right now. There is a little wall to unlock dilation. If you can't do this, respec out of time study 32, and you can get up to 8 infinities of that length. The study is an invisible study to the left of study 11. On mobile, press the "Buy more" button on the "Shop" tab. ": Be sure to do two infinities under 4.9 seconds. Have the time between two ticks be 6 hours or more (excludes offline ticks, includes the Kongregate purchase). (Mobile) Big Crunch for 1e300 or more Infinity Points. (Mobile) You keep your Replicanti and 1 Replicanti Galaxy on Infinity. Also, turn on the eternity autobuyer at 0 EP and go offline, to allow the 100 eternities milestone to give you several thousand free eternities while you wait. When will it be enough? The downsides include disabling the Replicanti Galaxy autobuyer in the active path and Replicanti speed 10x slower in the idle path. 16000 to 31999: apply notation recursively to n-8e3 looks like this: ^^ = 16200. 3-27-2020, v1.3: Added two new upgrades, the automator for the antimatter dimensions, and did some balancing and bugfixing. Internally called "Don't you dare to sleep" on the web version. The picture for it on the web version shows a donkey ([[VisualPun aka an ass]]), and the picture on the mobile version just has the text "I can't draw this like really what do you expect come on". Getting this achievement will give multiplier to IP based on infinities, which will be important in some cases. Your antimatter doesn't reset on Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies. This one tastes like chicken - Sozyaz.com Best Contents 2022 Antimatter Dimensions Ultimate Sigma's Modifications (with help from Aarex) This mod set contains all of the previous Aarex modifications, as well as new ones I created. - YouTube Finally! Don't act like you don't know what you did. The trick is to do a normal run (possibly without Time Studies 225 and 226), then once you reach an EP plateau, disable auto replicanti galaxies, crunch until you have none left over, and wait a bit until your Galaxies get back up to more than 630. Finally, buy everything costing 1e16 EP or less - by this time you should have 10 rows of achievements done, giving your TDs an effective 57.6x multiplier. Get 800 Antimatter Galaxies without buying 8th Antimatter Dimensions in your current Infinity. Crunch in IC5 with 15 seconds in this Infinity. When you first unlock replicantis, you may not be totally sure what they do. Crunch with 10 minutes in this Infinity. After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much, much more to discover. Like the other IC5 strats around, you'll want all upgrades costing 1e83 IP or less. You want to do longer runs where you max out everything and big crunch manually. You may have guessed that Eternity is a prestige layer at 1.8e308 IP, and that is right. This will produce 7th dimensions at the 8th dimensions maximum production rate. Whatever you use for dilated runs after this is up to you, but idle will have more progress than active in the long run (for getting the maximum tachyon particles possible). Made purchasing time theorems with EP require at least 1 time dimension. When you can, respec out of the 21 path, get the Normal Dimension path, and get the study you were saving up for. Otherwise leave them. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in the first 3 minutes of Infinities. Aim for a few seconds challenge 9 completion. They are still tough to conquer, with their own difficult parts of the challenge. Have each of your past 10 Eternities be Infinity times more EP than the previous one. At this point until start of next section, focus on upgrading autobuyers with IP, and upgrading the bulk buy and interval on all of them. Get TS191, where 5% of infinities on eternity become banked infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other infinitied factors permanently). The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. It is not possible to reach infinity in a reasonable amount of time without them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Then, you will be able to buy 2nd dimensions. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. When going to the next section, you will see that you will not have enough TT for Time Dilation (feature), so you have to grind for EP for a short period of time. When you can, fill in 21, 31, 41, 33, and 162, in any order. This is because the original requirement was 1e60 Infinity Power, which was raised to the power of 4.3333. You'll get this automatically once your Replicanti are upgraded enough. 1e8,296,262: The tickspeed required for the achievement Faster than a potato^286078. Set your update rate to 33ms in settings to make this faster. You could do it now, but it will take long). For post-eternity I'm copying from the guide and making some changes, These changes shouldn't affect anything already in this guide, New UI and many cosmetic non-gameplay changes, Tickspeed is x1.125, x1.145, x1.165 instead of -11% -12% -14%, effect is getting to the second galaxy is slightly faster, Achievements give 1.03x multiplier, effect is that the game is a tiny bit faster, Autobuyers unlock at antimatter milestones but require challenges to upgrade, effect is that autobuyers work earlier just slower, Challenges 10-12 require 16 infinities to start, effect is nothing since you dont want to start them that early anyway, Achievement 41 is to buy 16 infinity upgrades instead of spreading cancer, effect is that this achievement will occur naturally, but cannot be obtained as early as before, The last infinity upgrade costs 300 IP instead of 500 IP, effect is that the wait to get this upgrade is reduced by 40%, Autobuyers are 3x faster by default, effect is not much its just cool I guess, Challenge 7 is changed to "The multiplier from buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions is reduced to 1. Since the Reality update is in DevelopmentHell, it has become increasingly. Crunch every 5 orders of magnitude of IP until you reach 1e170 IP. These are some that don't occur naturally that you should get. Buy a first dimension. Set your crunch autobuyer to an appropriate amount x last crunch. Once you reach 1e1300 EP, TD prices and EP multiplier prices skyrocket to over 1e1400 EP, and you cannot really get to that amount of EP yet. "Potato" is 1e29, the requirement of the original "Faster than a Potato" achievement, so Potato^2 = 1e58. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning. 1000 32.24% Uncommon - 21.8 EXP Log in to view progress - Gain Infinite replicanti in 30 minutes, or less. (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) Effectively, you will cap out at 5e111 EP, thus you will need to try cracking one of the last challenges before continuing. Use the active (left) path when doing longer runs for TT, if you can afford study 131/132/133. You will have a lot of replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active path more than the Idle path. Around 1e308 IP this can be reached by setting max galaxies to 29, dimboost bulk buy to 237, and autocrunch to 1e200. This will get all challenge times to 0.02-0.06 seconds or less. Sacrifice doesn't reset your Antimatter Dimensions. This may take some time. Focus on getting that time down. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. Buy everything costing 100 B IP or less, then buy the 2nd level of ID1. Have all your past 10 Infinities be at least 1.8e308. Once you have 1e200 IP and 1e45000 Antimatter, unlock ID6. Note that 11 has a fail state, but matter rises so slow that you shouldn't worry. ]], ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. Antimatter Dimensions NG-4 Respecced You have antimatter. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. ** In terms of early-game achievements, "Zero Deaths" is one of the most difficult and time-consuming to obtain [[spoiler:before before you get Infinity Dimensions]].Dimensions. This carries on through Infinities and Eternities. Because of the slowness of IC4 and IC8, you can't get 'Like jumping on a lego' yet, unless you have enough IP and autoclicker/macro strategies to get it. (Your Antimatter Galaxies are reset on Infinity.). EC11 has all dimension multipliers disabled except from Infinity power and dimensional boosts, and EC12 "makes" the game perform at a 1,000 times slower rate (with each second counting as a thousandth of a second), but really only affects the numbers of the game. Have 1e63 antimatter and your 1st AD's production/s be greater than your current antimatter. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on Normal Dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. (This achievement used to be under a different name). You get one every time you reach infinity (for now). To disable TD production (after eternity), enter EC1. When time in infinity is <3 minutes, all dimension multipliers are multiplied by. Since the Reality update is in DevelopmentHell, it has become increasingly inaccurate. NOTE: The bulk buy amount displayed is not your current bulk buy, but the bulk buy on next purchase Once you upgrade all your dimension autobuyers to 512x bulk buy they will all automatically change to buy max. Gained Glyph level is increased by number of distinct Glyph types equipped. Eternity Challenges are a new type of challenges that are similar to Infinity Challenges, but the goal is to reach a specified amount of IP with a condition, then eternity. 1e1,700,000: The number of antimatter required to unlock the fifth completion of Eternity Challenge 7. At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. When you big crunch, you can do another normal run, but it is recommended to go to challenges and start Challenge 8, or the 8th dimension autobuyer challenge. - Dimension/Tickspeed: Upgrade bulk buy if it's cheap. You can easily get around 100 IP now. Cost: 1 IP. Once you switch back to normal runs, which you should, focus on finishing getting the first 3 columns of infinity upgrades. Doing this will do literally nothing, hence the name. (Mobile) Entire ticker must be viewed to be "encountered". This will allow you to cap the second eternity upgrade, which will help you now, and to unlock EC1x5 later. Once you have done this, start the new challenge you will have unlocked (Infinity Challenge 1). Each new ID/RG gives a significant boost here. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil, https://antimatter-dimensions.fandom.com/wiki/Guide, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvuCA-YnZ0VN2IzAq_N2p0xEHOq2B6_aM. All of the challenges can be done instantly by simply turning off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers. This is most easily done in Infinity Challenge 6. This achievement cycles between hiding and showing the achievement image every second until it has been achieved. You should still follow the order of the Eternity Challenges to increase power, and try to achieve some achievements in row 12. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 50% stronger. - DimBoost: Turn it off unless you are pushing Antimatter. Start an Infinity Challenge inside an Eternity Challenge. You will be ready for challenges. PRO TIP: At certain points in this guide, Time Studies will be referred to by number or by path. 8th Antimatter Dimensions are 10% stronger. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Then when you can, get 192, then drop those again for study 201. Really not a spoiler by this point (see the main page description). Crunch in C8 with 3 minutes in this Infinity. You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first eternity. (Web) Ticker must start scrolling to be "encountered". At this point, there is only 2 more challenges left to be completed, EC11 and EC12, each with their own unique quirks. Set max galaxies in the galaxy autobuyer to 1 and the dimension boost autobuyer to 56/2 for now. Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty): As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. Do this throughout most of the next section too. ** In the late-game, there is "Long lasting relationship" which requires you to [[spoiler:produce more Infinity Power per second than your Infinity Power for 60 consecutive seconds. Sacrifice if necessary. Requires 1e4000 EP and achivement 11-138 completion to make a reality. You will start with 10 Antimatter. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. This is impossible in the 5e11 IP to eternity stage due to the sheer multipliers to 1st dimensions. But, it's not that complicated. Have your Infinity Power per second exceed your Infinity Power for 60 consecutive seconds during a single Infinity. I believe after doing 2.5 playthroughs, I have a good idea of how to beat the game fairly efficiently. This essentially removes the 750 ms cap as it is lowered immediately after being reached. The first dilated run should take ~15 minutes. This will allow you to fully automate IP farming. After reaching 1e50 IP try to do runs where you get as many galaxies as you can in 1-10 minutes. You will eventually get enough IP/EP to get 1e8,296,262 ticks per second, but it will take some time to get it. No ethical consumption: Get 5,000,000,000 banked infinities. Swapped places with "1 million is a lot" (77 -> 64). This upgrade is very powerful and you will be able to jump to 1e40 IP in minutes. Matter will begin to build up upon buying a second Antimatter Dimension. "Nice." Gain more Reality Machines based on your current Reality Machines. Continue upgrading your autobuyers. Some pages are hidden initially, so this can only be achieved after Dilation is unlocked. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions, Press J to jump to the feed. The 3rd upgrade's cost scales faster than the other 2. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 3) Restart from last reset. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. When you're ready for EC4, this is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. This should let you beat the challenge fairly quickly, and get that upgrade high. Before doing it, respec studies, set your eternity autobuyer to 1, do 10 quick eternities (To max study 121), then choose the active (left path), and then do the run. You should also optimize your challenge times. Buying tickspeed upgrades in infinity challenge 5 is 100% safe now but the goal was increased to compensate. This means you only get 1 galaxy and only buy dimension boosts up to the one for 56, which is optimal. The reward is that the cap for ID multiplier based on IC challenge times is slightly higher, up to a multiplier of 6.38e14x, and it happens at a sum of 0.61 seconds. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning.]]. The suggested EP and TT are sort of required for when you can finish the challenge, but if you ever can beat it with lower EP and TT than the suggested amount, the suggestions should be updated (post in comments). After this, do another LOOOOOOONG run for ID3. The endgame is not far from here (possibly just a couple days away), which "starts" to begin at 1e1300 EP (actual endgame period is later on during dilation).

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antimatter dimensions zero deaths

Some people recommend to get all your replicated galaxies before crunching, but I personally am using a slightly different strategy: At 1e180 IP, keep crunching every 5 orders of magnitude of IP or so. At this point, you should have most of the challenges done (5 challenges of the past 10 eternity challenges), and up to some or all of the row 12 achievements. and our Used to be on the right of study 11, but room had to be made for study 12 in the Nameless Ones' reality. This will take a while. You have to use a specific Time Studies setup, wait for Replicanti to build up, and get a bunch of Replicanti Galaxies so you can get enough tickspeed to progress. Once you have the first 3 columns of infinity upgrades and 10+ IP on hand, you're good to go. Buy max 8th dimensions. (Sort of like the "Do you need a guide for this" achievement, but you need to do it with 1 infinitied stat). (log10(AD1)/10)^2.4 -> (log10(AD1)/10)^2.6, or AD1^0.01 -> AD1^0.011 if you completed IC2. Achievements are mostly designed based on the game progress: Secret achievements are in the same tab as Achievements. Keep crunching every 5 or so orders of magnitude of IP and remember to keep buying everything you can with your IP. Minimize challenge times: Turn off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers, leave big crunch autobuyer on, use autoclicker + spam 'C' (don't hold, spam) plus spam left clicking on Big Crunch button. Your achievement bonus affects Infinity Dimensions. (For more details, see this spreadsheet.) - Dimension and Tickspeed cost multipliers will rise faster as you buy more instead of the cost multiplying by a static amount like it does pre-infinity. Set the game to landscape mode in options and have the app open for 10 minutes total. Everything pre-reality that may be different because of the reality update (to update as I find more) and their effects on what is said in this guide, Section 1 - under 1e308 antimatter (pre infinity), Section 3 - 66 K to 1e140 IP (Breaking Infinity), Section 4 - 1e140 to 1e308 IP (Replicantis), Section 6: 100 Qa to 1e1300 EP (Eternity Challenges), Section 7: 1e1300 to 1e4000 EP (Time Dilation). This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. These infinity runs will be quite long. If you are going to use the waiting method, it is time consuming, so you should choose the Automatic Big Crunch challenge to complete the achievement, as it is faster and requires less waiting. antimatter dimensions zero deaths; antimatter dimensions wiki; antimatter dimensions long lasting relationship; antimatter dimensions save editor; antimatter dimensions ic5; Check how much IP you will get on crunch when you are at your peak IP/min. ", Buy an Antimatter Galaxy without Sacrificing. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 5% stronger. Set auto dimboost to 0 and 18 (can be slightly different for you). Active path is crucial for this achievement. This is to prevent game-breaking growth. This replaces "Stop right there criminal scum! Then, there are 3 repeatable upgrades. Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. After this, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle. For the tickspeed autobuyer challenge, set the autobuyers for Dimensions 1-6 to 3, 7 to 2, 8 to 1, and tickspeed to 4 (NOTE: unfortunately, you can't change priorities now, so set 1-7 to buy singles instead of max, hold the 4, 5, 6, and 7 hotkeys to get dimension shifts, then yeah). You start Eternities with all Infinity Challenges unlocked and completed. At one point in Star Fox 64, Peppy tells you to "do a barrel roll!". 1e90 IP, 0 1st ADs, 0 infinities, 4 Dimension Boosts, 1 Antimatter Galaxies, and 0 Replicanti Galaxies. On web, click the "Donate" button at the bottom of the tab. When you finally get the galaxies 50% stronger upgrade, you want to completely change your strategy. Antimatter Dimensions is a game made in Javascript, and none of the code is made to be hard to view or understand (it's open source ). Do it over and over again at 2x, until it gets faster (because you keep your tickspeed upgrades on sacrifice), then once the sacrifice multiplier gets to 2x almost instantly you will be able to do it at 3x, then 4x, then 10x, then you will inflate to infinity. This section is a bit slow. Searching "do a barrel roll" into Google will make it do a 360 degree clockwise turn. You might get lucky and get this achievement in earlier eternities. "We could afford nine": Turn off replicanti upgrade autobuyers, and wait for your replicanti amount to hit 9, then eternity. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in first 3 minutes of an Infinity, but only in challenges. Get the 3rd column of upgrades from top to bottom, giving little boosts. Achievements you should have gotten by this point: This section may take a while (potentially over 1 week), so you should be active often to get more progress. - Zero deaths: After unlocking the 2nd infinity dimension this will be easy just turn off your dimension boost autobuyer and don't buy any dimension boosts and enter any challenge. Sacrifice every sacrificable Glyph type at least once. In addition, some achievements have their own rewards. 'Is this safe?' In the web version prior to the Reality Update, all the challenges were stored in a single variable. Before you eternity, get one more achievement: - I brake for nobody: Disable your Dimension Boost autobuyer and set Max Galaxies to as many as you can get in under 20 seconds, and do it close to the very end of this section, with your big crunch autobuyer set to 1e250 IP. Get to Infinity with up to 10 (web: only a single) 1st Dimensions without any other Dimensions, Dimension Boosts, or Antimatter Galaxies, while in the 2nd Dimension Autobuyer challenge (, Crunch in C2 with 10 (web: 1) 1st ADs, 0 Dimension Boosts, and 0 Galaxies. Special notes . After beating EC10 once, you get access to the 3rd 3 way split on the time study tree, which leads to the endgame, and has more time studies. Max out galaxies, and dimboosts if necessary. This process could take a while. Infinity Challenge 4 only has the last dimension bought producing full power, so micromanagement is needed as well. Gain 2.5x Time Theorems, and a free coupon to McDonalds. Permanently gain back all Antimatter Dimension autobuyers. The basic Goal is to reach infinity and receive an infinity point, which can be spent on various skills to increase your overall production. Maybe even just get 2 galaxies and 3 Dimension Shifts then reach infinity from there. Note that it is. 2) Go to autobuyers, disable bulk buy, set dimensions 2-7 to singles and in IC5 also set tickspeed to buy singles. The last one generates IP and is not that special. This section will still take a long time, but it's not that bad, just a lot of timewalls. However, there is a new way to make progress after 1e1300 EP, requiring that you've completed everything before this point. 3,145 Obtainable EXP. 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club. After Eternity you permanently keep 5% of your Infinities. The team has taken time off for a few years to work on a larger update released alongside this . EC8 strategy: Buy all the studies up to 123, buy 13 RGs, 9% replicate chance, max interval, 50 ID1s, then wait, then buy the rest of the time studies. (You may want to not buy Study 181 in some cases, like saving up TT for a challenge). 500 33.57% (24.0) Over in 30 seconds Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. Can be obtained by failing Eternity Challenge 4 in under 250ms. Faster than a potato^286078: Progress related achievement. The reward, however, is similar to Time Study 143. O snap. Just do it normally. Next, get 1e71 IP, and do IC4. Start an infinity run with all your autobuyers enabled and maxed, except for the dimboost autobuyer, and max galaxies set to a big number like 9999999. After this, save up 500 B IP for the upgrade that makes Galaxies 50% stronger. "Design", "Christmas", "Finnish", "Confused", or "Nicolas". The fix infinity button just unbreaks infinity so it's useless unless you are farming your number of infinities. ), Consider getting at least 1e349 IP, which will earn you a second EP when you Eternity. When you have enough TT, drop 193, 213, 214 and 211 for 223 and 232 and progress will explode. (Mobile) Have 1e90 IP, and 0 infinities. Have complete > 0 Infinity Challenges after Crunching. Get 1e102, then do IC6 (easy), at 1e114 IP do IC7 (takes a few minutes), then at 1e129 IP (Getting to 1e129 IP can be a bit tricky) do IC8 (not that hard), then go for 1e140 IP to unlock the next mechanic: Replicantis. - Game Design Is My Passion: Start IC5 with at least e165 IP, set your autobuyer priorities to 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/1 with Dimensions 1-7 on buy singles instead of max. How to do it: Go to Options, turn on the news, and wait. 500 52.97% (20.8) Multidimensional After you have Study 171, switch to Time Dimensions + Idle path, as these are now more useful and passive is less. You must. I didn't cover Priority before, but basically it's which things the autobuyers prioritize buying if they can afford multiple things. 104 Total Achievements. This upgrade is repeatable. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. Play in landscape mode for 10 real-time minutes. As for time studies during this time, get 191, get a few million banked infinities, then get 211, then 212, then 193 (get 1000000 eternities), then 214 then finally 213. Second dimensions produce First Dimensions, Third Dimensions produce Second Dimensions, etc. This includes: - Infinity points. Once you dilate time for the first time, you will get a new achievement in the row 13 of achievements ("I told you already, time is relative"). Are you sure these are the right way around? Currently: 2.0x. Get the sum of Infinity Challenge times under 750 milliseconds. When you don't have much RAM, games tend to lag more. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. By this point, your fastest infinity should be about 1 minute. Set the big crunch autobuyer to 1e50x last crunch, and wait. - Replicantis are a feature unlocked much later. Study 181 is also important for getting the achievement "Like feasting on a behind" (as explained later in the guide). Synergism can go above 100% and Momentum increases 10x faster. Get e500 IP on this run, then eternity for 4 EP, getting 1 TT for each currency. 46.3% Boosting to the max Buy 10 Dimension Boosts. This achievement allows you to keep replicanti and 1 RG on infinity, so you will be able to do 2 RG runs in the same amount of time as 1 RG runs (ie, less than an hour), and 3 RG runs in less than 2 hours. The first script on the left gives 3 errors in just 2 lines, these error are. Your main focus here is to grind more EP, as of right now. There is a little wall to unlock dilation. If you can't do this, respec out of time study 32, and you can get up to 8 infinities of that length. The study is an invisible study to the left of study 11. On mobile, press the "Buy more" button on the "Shop" tab. ": Be sure to do two infinities under 4.9 seconds. Have the time between two ticks be 6 hours or more (excludes offline ticks, includes the Kongregate purchase). (Mobile) Big Crunch for 1e300 or more Infinity Points. (Mobile) You keep your Replicanti and 1 Replicanti Galaxy on Infinity. Also, turn on the eternity autobuyer at 0 EP and go offline, to allow the 100 eternities milestone to give you several thousand free eternities while you wait. When will it be enough? The downsides include disabling the Replicanti Galaxy autobuyer in the active path and Replicanti speed 10x slower in the idle path. 16000 to 31999: apply notation recursively to n-8e3 looks like this: ^^ = 16200. 3-27-2020, v1.3: Added two new upgrades, the automator for the antimatter dimensions, and did some balancing and bugfixing. Internally called "Don't you dare to sleep" on the web version. The picture for it on the web version shows a donkey ([[VisualPun aka an ass]]), and the picture on the mobile version just has the text "I can't draw this like really what do you expect come on". Getting this achievement will give multiplier to IP based on infinities, which will be important in some cases. Your antimatter doesn't reset on Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies. This one tastes like chicken - Sozyaz.com Best Contents 2022 Antimatter Dimensions Ultimate Sigma's Modifications (with help from Aarex) This mod set contains all of the previous Aarex modifications, as well as new ones I created. - YouTube Finally! Don't act like you don't know what you did. The trick is to do a normal run (possibly without Time Studies 225 and 226), then once you reach an EP plateau, disable auto replicanti galaxies, crunch until you have none left over, and wait a bit until your Galaxies get back up to more than 630. Finally, buy everything costing 1e16 EP or less - by this time you should have 10 rows of achievements done, giving your TDs an effective 57.6x multiplier. Get 800 Antimatter Galaxies without buying 8th Antimatter Dimensions in your current Infinity. Crunch in IC5 with 15 seconds in this Infinity. When you first unlock replicantis, you may not be totally sure what they do. Crunch with 10 minutes in this Infinity. After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much, much more to discover. Like the other IC5 strats around, you'll want all upgrades costing 1e83 IP or less. You want to do longer runs where you max out everything and big crunch manually. You may have guessed that Eternity is a prestige layer at 1.8e308 IP, and that is right. This will produce 7th dimensions at the 8th dimensions maximum production rate. Whatever you use for dilated runs after this is up to you, but idle will have more progress than active in the long run (for getting the maximum tachyon particles possible). Made purchasing time theorems with EP require at least 1 time dimension. When you can, respec out of the 21 path, get the Normal Dimension path, and get the study you were saving up for. Otherwise leave them. All Antimatter Dimensions are stronger in the first 3 minutes of Infinities. Aim for a few seconds challenge 9 completion. They are still tough to conquer, with their own difficult parts of the challenge. Have each of your past 10 Eternities be Infinity times more EP than the previous one. At this point until start of next section, focus on upgrading autobuyers with IP, and upgrading the bulk buy and interval on all of them. Get TS191, where 5% of infinities on eternity become banked infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other infinitied factors permanently). The importance of grinding eternities will definitely change once Reality comes out. It is not possible to reach infinity in a reasonable amount of time without them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Then, you will be able to buy 2nd dimensions. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. When going to the next section, you will see that you will not have enough TT for Time Dilation (feature), so you have to grind for EP for a short period of time. When you can, fill in 21, 31, 41, 33, and 162, in any order. This is because the original requirement was 1e60 Infinity Power, which was raised to the power of 4.3333. You'll get this automatically once your Replicanti are upgraded enough. 1e8,296,262: The tickspeed required for the achievement Faster than a potato^286078. Set your update rate to 33ms in settings to make this faster. You could do it now, but it will take long). For post-eternity I'm copying from the guide and making some changes, These changes shouldn't affect anything already in this guide, New UI and many cosmetic non-gameplay changes, Tickspeed is x1.125, x1.145, x1.165 instead of -11% -12% -14%, effect is getting to the second galaxy is slightly faster, Achievements give 1.03x multiplier, effect is that the game is a tiny bit faster, Autobuyers unlock at antimatter milestones but require challenges to upgrade, effect is that autobuyers work earlier just slower, Challenges 10-12 require 16 infinities to start, effect is nothing since you dont want to start them that early anyway, Achievement 41 is to buy 16 infinity upgrades instead of spreading cancer, effect is that this achievement will occur naturally, but cannot be obtained as early as before, The last infinity upgrade costs 300 IP instead of 500 IP, effect is that the wait to get this upgrade is reduced by 40%, Autobuyers are 3x faster by default, effect is not much its just cool I guess, Challenge 7 is changed to "The multiplier from buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions is reduced to 1. Since the Reality update is in DevelopmentHell, it has become increasingly. Crunch every 5 orders of magnitude of IP until you reach 1e170 IP. These are some that don't occur naturally that you should get. Buy a first dimension. Set your crunch autobuyer to an appropriate amount x last crunch. Once you reach 1e1300 EP, TD prices and EP multiplier prices skyrocket to over 1e1400 EP, and you cannot really get to that amount of EP yet. "Potato" is 1e29, the requirement of the original "Faster than a Potato" achievement, so Potato^2 = 1e58. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning. 1000 32.24% Uncommon - 21.8 EXP Log in to view progress - Gain Infinite replicanti in 30 minutes, or less. (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) Effectively, you will cap out at 5e111 EP, thus you will need to try cracking one of the last challenges before continuing. Use the active (left) path when doing longer runs for TT, if you can afford study 131/132/133. You will have a lot of replicanti galaxies that benefit the Active path more than the Idle path. Around 1e308 IP this can be reached by setting max galaxies to 29, dimboost bulk buy to 237, and autocrunch to 1e200. This will get all challenge times to 0.02-0.06 seconds or less. Sacrifice doesn't reset your Antimatter Dimensions. This may take some time. Focus on getting that time down. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. Buy everything costing 100 B IP or less, then buy the 2nd level of ID1. Have all your past 10 Infinities be at least 1.8e308. Once you have 1e200 IP and 1e45000 Antimatter, unlock ID6. Note that 11 has a fail state, but matter rises so slow that you shouldn't worry. ]], ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. Antimatter Dimensions NG-4 Respecced You have antimatter. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. ** In terms of early-game achievements, "Zero Deaths" is one of the most difficult and time-consuming to obtain [[spoiler:before before you get Infinity Dimensions]].Dimensions. This carries on through Infinities and Eternities. Because of the slowness of IC4 and IC8, you can't get 'Like jumping on a lego' yet, unless you have enough IP and autoclicker/macro strategies to get it. (Your Antimatter Galaxies are reset on Infinity.). EC11 has all dimension multipliers disabled except from Infinity power and dimensional boosts, and EC12 "makes" the game perform at a 1,000 times slower rate (with each second counting as a thousandth of a second), but really only affects the numbers of the game. Have 1e63 antimatter and your 1st AD's production/s be greater than your current antimatter. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on Normal Dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. (This achievement used to be under a different name). You get one every time you reach infinity (for now). To disable TD production (after eternity), enter EC1. When time in infinity is <3 minutes, all dimension multipliers are multiplied by. Since the Reality update is in DevelopmentHell, it has become increasingly inaccurate. NOTE: The bulk buy amount displayed is not your current bulk buy, but the bulk buy on next purchase Once you upgrade all your dimension autobuyers to 512x bulk buy they will all automatically change to buy max. Gained Glyph level is increased by number of distinct Glyph types equipped. Eternity Challenges are a new type of challenges that are similar to Infinity Challenges, but the goal is to reach a specified amount of IP with a condition, then eternity. 1e1,700,000: The number of antimatter required to unlock the fifth completion of Eternity Challenge 7. At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. When you big crunch, you can do another normal run, but it is recommended to go to challenges and start Challenge 8, or the 8th dimension autobuyer challenge. - Dimension/Tickspeed: Upgrade bulk buy if it's cheap. You can easily get around 100 IP now. Cost: 1 IP. Once you switch back to normal runs, which you should, focus on finishing getting the first 3 columns of infinity upgrades. Doing this will do literally nothing, hence the name. (Mobile) Entire ticker must be viewed to be "encountered". This will allow you to cap the second eternity upgrade, which will help you now, and to unlock EC1x5 later. Once you have done this, start the new challenge you will have unlocked (Infinity Challenge 1). Each new ID/RG gives a significant boost here. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil, https://antimatter-dimensions.fandom.com/wiki/Guide, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvuCA-YnZ0VN2IzAq_N2p0xEHOq2B6_aM. All of the challenges can be done instantly by simply turning off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers. This is most easily done in Infinity Challenge 6. This achievement cycles between hiding and showing the achievement image every second until it has been achieved. You should still follow the order of the Eternity Challenges to increase power, and try to achieve some achievements in row 12. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 50% stronger. - DimBoost: Turn it off unless you are pushing Antimatter. Start an Infinity Challenge inside an Eternity Challenge. You will be ready for challenges. PRO TIP: At certain points in this guide, Time Studies will be referred to by number or by path. 8th Antimatter Dimensions are 10% stronger. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Then when you can, get 192, then drop those again for study 201. Really not a spoiler by this point (see the main page description). Crunch in C8 with 3 minutes in this Infinity. You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first eternity. (Web) Ticker must start scrolling to be "encountered". At this point, there is only 2 more challenges left to be completed, EC11 and EC12, each with their own unique quirks. Set max galaxies in the galaxy autobuyer to 1 and the dimension boost autobuyer to 56/2 for now. Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty): As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. Do this throughout most of the next section too. ** In the late-game, there is "Long lasting relationship" which requires you to [[spoiler:produce more Infinity Power per second than your Infinity Power for 60 consecutive seconds. Sacrifice if necessary. Requires 1e4000 EP and achivement 11-138 completion to make a reality. You will start with 10 Antimatter. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. This is impossible in the 5e11 IP to eternity stage due to the sheer multipliers to 1st dimensions. But, it's not that complicated. Have your Infinity Power per second exceed your Infinity Power for 60 consecutive seconds during a single Infinity. I believe after doing 2.5 playthroughs, I have a good idea of how to beat the game fairly efficiently. This essentially removes the 750 ms cap as it is lowered immediately after being reached. The first dilated run should take ~15 minutes. This will allow you to fully automate IP farming. After reaching 1e50 IP try to do runs where you get as many galaxies as you can in 1-10 minutes. You will eventually get enough IP/EP to get 1e8,296,262 ticks per second, but it will take some time to get it. No ethical consumption: Get 5,000,000,000 banked infinities. Swapped places with "1 million is a lot" (77 -> 64). This upgrade is very powerful and you will be able to jump to 1e40 IP in minutes. Matter will begin to build up upon buying a second Antimatter Dimension. "Nice." Gain more Reality Machines based on your current Reality Machines. Continue upgrading your autobuyers. Some pages are hidden initially, so this can only be achieved after Dilation is unlocked. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions, Press J to jump to the feed. The 3rd upgrade's cost scales faster than the other 2. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 3) Restart from last reset. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. When you're ready for EC4, this is probably the most annoying and long part of unlocking challenges, by far. This should let you beat the challenge fairly quickly, and get that upgrade high. Before doing it, respec studies, set your eternity autobuyer to 1, do 10 quick eternities (To max study 121), then choose the active (left path), and then do the run. You should also optimize your challenge times. Buying tickspeed upgrades in infinity challenge 5 is 100% safe now but the goal was increased to compensate. This means you only get 1 galaxy and only buy dimension boosts up to the one for 56, which is optimal. The reward is that the cap for ID multiplier based on IC challenge times is slightly higher, up to a multiplier of 6.38e14x, and it happens at a sum of 0.61 seconds. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning.]]. The suggested EP and TT are sort of required for when you can finish the challenge, but if you ever can beat it with lower EP and TT than the suggested amount, the suggestions should be updated (post in comments). After this, do another LOOOOOOONG run for ID3. The endgame is not far from here (possibly just a couple days away), which "starts" to begin at 1e1300 EP (actual endgame period is later on during dilation). Stone Mountain Parking Pass Groupon, Are Michael Jones And Lindsay Still Married, Blood Spots On Skin Nhs Pictures, Villain Monologue Generator, What Is The Legal Alcohol Limit In South Carolina, Articles A

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