
first sergeant epr bullets

first sergeant epr bullets

- Acquired seats for Key Spouse Training at local base; skills brought back base for unit's newly revived prgm Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit, - Active & visible mentor; mbr of 18 ldrshp panels--CC course/FTAC/NCO PES/SNCO PES/ALSinspired 661 prsnl, - Mentored mbr w/relationship issues; coor'd resources f/relocation--alleviat'd stress f/1st time parent w/fam separation. - QB'd IT tm f/3-day Shirt Symposium; config'd audio/vis suite--bolster'd trng/collab f/87 addt'l duty 1st Sgts across U-A - Manage Family Care Program--ensures Airmen are providing current & required information for contingencies ops - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Filled 1st Sgt position 6 mo; advised CC on health/welfare for 80 mbrs--enhanched org interpersonal communication Prepares enlisted personnel of the organization to deploy in support of mission requirements. This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Respected leader; maint's GOAD/morale/Amn dvlpmt for 150 assn'd mbrs 3 STEP II prmtns, 5 ALS grads - Planned, set up & facilitated CC's calls, awards, decs, and promotion ceremonies--fostered mbr involvement. - #X/XX Wg Lts! - Revived key spouse program, forged spouses initiative/recruited 11 spouses/coord'd 2 events--improved readiness - Provided guidance/mentorship for mbr/family after diagnosis/treatment for thyroid cancer-morale/spirits lifted! Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit, - Wg 1Sgt Treasurer; led 19 shirts/22 fill-ins/mng'd 4 accounts/$32.4K/drove 4 fundrasiers--ushered 57 mbrs thru crisis - Mentored JROTC Drill tm; trained 25 cadets/3 weeks--captured overall Gold score; key'd Gp's 4th straight AFOUA, - Meshed initiatives for CAF funding; 2.5K awarded for sq improvement--100 Amn afforded historic PME WWII tour OG 1Sgt for 12 days; 754 mbrs/6 CCs w/$71B in prgms--navigated 9 issues/helped Amn & familes heal, - Superb temp 1st Sgt; responded to family death; coord'd 3 agencies/smoothed benefit process--eased burden - Flawless AF Ball Logistics Tm Ld; led 150-mbr tm/executed 42 tasks f/ 2 venues/raised $39K--hosted 800 attendees JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard chief master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out annually on May 31, are now accomplished on the new Air Force Form 912, Enlisted Performance Report (CMSgt). - Sr mbr of 1st Sgt council; mentored peers managing >2000 mbrs; 15 peers hv proper tutelage to advise sqdrn CC's AFSC 8F000 First Sergeant EPR Bullets JOB DESCRIPTION Provides the commander a mission-ready enlisted force to execute the unit mission. - Spearheaded and coordinated 459 ARW 1st sergeant off site; 12 1st sergeants trained--program benchmarked - Structural Supervisor; instruct'd Amn on carpentry & welding TTPs--improved unit readiness & individual confidence - First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding - Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured Since the PFW system Angela Bergerstock, 437th Aerial Port Squadron first sergeant - Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks 27 May, added a Letter of We need more examples. - Pioneered bi-weekly 'Sergeant's Time'; prep'd 22 topics/clarified AF doctrine/bridged comm gap--culitvated 184 Amn, - Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties - Aided RCAF transient C-17; co'ord w/521 AMOW/initated prts exchange/$80K--FMC w/in 24hrs--fortified relations, - Oversaw Gp/CC insp mgmt bd; mng'd 139 SACs/2.8K items/11 observations/4 CPI events--verified 99% compliance, - Piloted tech order distribution pgm; coord'd 46 safety TCTOs/published 753 updates--eliminated fleet grounding cond, - Oversaw mx processes; 8 107-T engineer req/7 PQDR's/13 AFTO 22's/4 chklst--75% fix/5.9% break rt, #1 f/USAFE The event gave Airmen a better understanding of the responsibilities of a first sergeant Air Force Security Forces EPR Bullets. Finally, Sergeant Paulson's leadership played a vital role in the 368th Recruiting Squadron receiving the Air Force Recruiting Service's Standard of Excellence award during Fiscal Year 2018. It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. First Sergeant EPR Bullets; epr bullet generator 2020; Legal Office EPR Bullets; Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC and Additional Duty. cafb 14FTW First Sergeant Symposium Growth Train mentor This puts you in a tough spot becauseMore, Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. Represents the commander at base meetings and councils, and when conducting tours through unit areas. - Overhauled unit out-processing; linked MPS/est'd electronic docs tracker--elim d DEROS exp/100% timely departure, - Partnered w/Campbell University to host 2 college crses on flightline; 32 attended/6 sem hrs--7 CCAF degrees awd'd Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. - Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations - Rectified tank storage oversight; impl'd MSEP insp/eval--facilitated dual Sq MOA/custody xfer of $2M SPRAM acct - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT --instilled pos image to 70 airmen, - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents, - Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores. - Developed & managed deployed spouse wellness group--improved information flow and resource availability by 100% - Acting Key West TDY 1st Sgt; safety prebriefed 5 sqs/130 psnlaquired 116 sorties <2 wks w/ no incidents Master Sgt. - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas Examples of Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) EPR Bullets. Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . - Awd winner f/51FW's largest sq; served 492 in 12 AFSCs with PACAFs most robust FHP--earn'd Spirit of Bob Hope CCAF/College - Engaged in off-duty education; aced 2 classes/6 credit hrs towards BA/Business Ldrship--3.5 GPA/degree on horizon - Higher Education focused; completed 24 credit hrs toward BA of Homeland Security--earned 3.9 GPA/75% complete - Preach'd higher education; complet'd 6 credit hrs f/CCAF degree/oversaw TA brief--mentor'd 15 prsnl toward Just recently, the first sergeants brought back an award recognition process to the KMC. When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball - 375 MDG/GPM pick f/1st-ever Flt/CC crs X2; voiced SNCO/1sgt Sgt perspective--honed ldrship roles for 40 officers. FIRST SERGEANT Air Force Reserve. - Advises recommended actions/plans to officer and enlisted leadership pertaining to administrative and legal issues Additionally, as the commander's top advisor, he successfully exploited organizational talent in support of the world's largest international maritime warfare exercise, providing shore power to 200 aircraft and 49 ships, facilitating the Squadron's first ever Verne Orr Award. He is a talented Squad Leader who adapts to shifting conditions and gets the job done. - Successfully completed SNCOA non-resident course; fully qualified First Sergeant ready to tackle enlisted challenges - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. He reduced our supply account by $200,000 by correcting erroneous records. Jared Bryant is the first sergeant for the 403rd Force Support Squadron, and no, he isn't the first to be in that position; but as an Active Guard Reserve member, he is the first full-time first sergeant to work at the 403rd Wing. Back to EPR Bullets. - Prolific leader; mng'd 5 dorm/KS meals/5 booster club/3 unit events--fed 520 Amn/raised $3K/lifted 570 mbrs morale - Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant - Qualified Assistant 1st Sgt; provided coverage/advisory counsel to CC--ensured high moral/health for HQ personnel - Prepared/delivered Christmas Day breakfast burritos; 60 137 SWS unit guardsmen--fostered Total Force spirit - Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's Outstanding ldr, sprinting past peers, groom f/ldrshp; ready Flt/CC now--perfect for PDE soonest! - Organized prominent golf gala; led 36 mbr jt service tm/wounded warrior org--secured $100K ISO local disabled vet - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened, - Corrected 6 SDAP oversights; ID'd $9K overdue pay/liaised w/AFPC/finance--rectified mbrs recordsfiscal stability - Completed Professional Mngr cert/Human Resources CCAF degree requirements; inclined professional growth/skills - Voice of the enlisted force; up-channelled information to CC, developed solutions--improved mbr & sq morale, - Wg Senior Shirt; mentored 1Sgts, liased w/CCs, advised CCC on base issues--influenced 34 command tms/5K+ mbrs - Cared f/Hurricane Michael evacuees; coord'd w/spt agencies/sec'd financial aid/home--nailed Wg/CC's pri/Amn/fams NJPs down 35%, climate & moral up; 8 Art 15s/1 sep--refocused Amn on stnds & Mongrel Pride! - Served as deployment First Sergeantsecured lodging/transportation for 41 mbrssharpened ldrshp attributes, - Served Xx days as Add'l Duty 1st Sgt; advised CC on legal, medical, family issues--upheld AF stds, mbrs' well-being - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline Dave Bautista Guardians Of The Galaxy 3, - Selected 1/250 AF wide for CCAF Profeciency Prgm; proofed Air University syllabus--validated CCAF accreditation - CC's focal point f/discipline/mentoring/recognition f/234 enl/135 ofcrs/155 civs in 66 AFSCs; manages EPME pgms - Piloted drug use CC investigation; interviewed 14 prsnl/30 hrs--reinforced Sq discipline/reset org climate for 89 mbrs - Employs crisis intervention techniques; equips/aids AD & families with deployment/stress mgmt tools and resources, - Enlisted leader; maintains morale, health, welfare, guidance, and Airman development for 62 member squadron - Refurbished 29 Family Care Plans; put emphasis on Amn accountability--model program/adopted by 1st Sgts council Key Spouses are volunteers appointed by the unit Commander that serve as a conduit of information providing resources to Air and Space Force families. - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared, - Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's, - CAA's #1 go-to! - SOCCENT CG select f/JITF strategic WG; produced $90M coalition JOC/dvlp'd C2 capes--SECDEF backed/U.S. - Unquestionable adherence to Air Force Core Values; Leads by example/holds subordinates to Air Force Standards - Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs, - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl. - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared - Add'l Duty 1st Sgt x43 days; resolved 7 MH issues/23 disciplinary actions/counseled 6 jr enl; upheld large 623 mbr sq The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Johnson reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. - Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15 First Sergeant (1SG) First Sergeant NCOER Bullets o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited 5 discharges; sustained readiness o investigated resources during a family crisis; uncovered family life insurance benefits for a Company member exceptional SNCO secured 2 BTZ/12 Sq/Gp/Wg/AMC/1 Levitow/AMC Sijan wins--SMgt a must! - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - Addt'l Duty 1st Sgt; dual-hatted w/ primary duties/spt'd 610 psnl/eight flts--gained valuable senior leadership insight, - Advised CC on x prsnl housing issues/x admin actions/ADAPT-FAP consults--enforced equal standards f/ xxx prsnl - Secured 246 tix/8 major sports evts--orch'd LA Dodgers Hero/Game honoree--demo'd selfless devotion to unit morale - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters - Cert'd SAPR vol; dedicated 168 hrs on-call, 11 hrs CT/gave 22 brfs--enhanced spt f/2 wgs, helped est wg SAPR bldg - Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment, - Maintained real-time status of training reports via AF-IT; utilized by the Wing--heightened mission readiness, - Qual'd LRS QA evaluator; comp'd LOGMOD 32 & HQ/AFRC Logistics Enterprise Course; increased sq effectiveness www.eprbulletsafsc.com. - Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties - LRS Sq Supt f/3 wks; coord w/69 orgs/58 acft rqmts/38 jets--spt'd 27 msns/4.5K pax f/N. - Led USFKs largest CES; cultivat'd 33 CCAF Grads/5 BTZ/9 Gp/Wg qtrly, yrly/5 MAJCOM/2 HAF, USFK awd wins Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Steered 5 Sq BTZ brds; scrutinized 23 rcds/mentored supervisors--ensured pgm integrity/2 Amn sel'd for promotion Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS xxxx HAS DISTINGUISHED HERSELF BY DEMONSTRATING CLEARLY THAT SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER, DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN HER FIELD OF EXPERTISE. - Impacts base-wide! - Authored TAR QAM report: Review'd/validat'd 90 lines;/identified 32 docs/$15M in discrpncies--met NGB suspense Steered $750K fitness ctr project; led GC tm/15 mo--svd $25M milcon/solved 20 yr wait, - Aided Wg PA wksp; directed 30 SMEs & vetted 110 processes--poised to right-size 1180 rqmt/valued $98.4M, - Analyzed 5 ACRs--realigned/updated 35 rqmts; exhibited efficient manpower resource use & UMD accuracy, - Brilliant training monitor; four airman/NCOs in upgrade training--100% pass rate/amazing 85% average score, - Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF, - Completed Career Management crs; honed leadership/org/prsnl management skills--mentored/enhanced Qol 31 Amn, - Conducted UMD/AEF system training--instructed 2 LRS personnel; improved understanding/wartime expertise, - Consummate professional; managed enlisted and SORTS issues affecting 9 Intel AFSCs at over 50 subordinate units, - Coord'd 14 sections/72 Amn as Pro Super; enabled 16 acft rdy for no-notice FTD < 72 hrs--pivotal to 88% MC, - Designed training plan for assigned QA augmentees; trained 12 new personnel--program functional in two months, - Developed OPLAN training scenario--trained manpower personnel; enhanced unit's critical wartime capability, - Directed recognition program; executed three successful load crew competitions--lauded by wing leadership, - Drove evaluation completion of QA process; 54 personnel evaluated--75% of yearly quota completed in one quarter, - Earned Professional Managers Certification; completed 6 credit hours--broadened management/supervisory skillsets, - Effectively managed 4 sections inspiring best performance; supported 4 ops squadrons & Dets--enabled 300+ sorties, - Excellent Wartime Program Mgr--verified 109 Global Thunder exer taskings; strengthened nuclear enterprise, - Execut'd UDM Staff Assistance Visit; audit'd 50 folders/resolv'd 10 errors--six units 100% combat/deployment ready, - Executed qtrly MICT assessments; inspected sq corrosion control program--elim'd $400K/69 tank replacement, - Expedited HHQ tasking; procured msn critical $60K OAP unit--averted potential UTC shortfalls/EUCOM rdy, - Expedited IFE for generator failure; orchestrated launch of alternate asset for POTUS CAP--100% mission capable, - Facilitated mvmt of 201TMR's f/11 FOBs--4M lbs critical cargo Resolute Spt/OGS combat ops/base buildup, - Filled E-8 billet as interim flt chief; controlled >1.5K mx actions--secured flt's 99% QVI/100% PE pass rates, - Filled Sq Assist Superintendent billet; tackled 45 EPRs/levied tighter std--max'd quality w/zero late suspense's, - Finished Conflict Mgmt crse; implemented problem solving/resolution techniques--enhanced ldrshp abilities, - Fostered compliance; zero discrepancies over 5 mo period--MXS 93% pass rate/beat CAF 85% standard 15%, - Fueled 712 scheduled/unscheduled mx tasks; ushered 31 engineer dispositions--key to 5.6K sorties/7.5K flt hrs, - Functional expert; assisted NBG/A4 w/ AFI 21-123 ANG SUP development--provided vital guidance all ANG wings, - Generated launch/recovery of 400 combat sorties; 4.0K flt hours/14K images/700 airstrikes/19 TICs/127 pri tgts, - Governed $9M CMD lvl container mgmt enterprise; synch'd 13 sites/1K containers--ensured 100% vis CJOA-A wide, - Guided 4 shops through 4 flying surges; ensured 24/7 mx support 16 days--critical to 924 sorties/1122.5 fly hrs, - Headed Moron AB TDY; 21 critical balances certified/126 tons of cargo moved--sustained 1.3K transient a/c, - Id'd Coalition Cargo ITV gap; bridged AMR tracking w/5 agencies--secured cargo sight f/10 NATO SOF units, - Implemented Repair Network Integration sizing efforts; shifted $600K to critical AFSCs--AF saved $45M/5yrs, - Invaluable inspector; conducted 142 QVI/ 123 SI/ 57 PE inspections--strictly enforced T.O.

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first sergeant epr bullets

- Acquired seats for Key Spouse Training at local base; skills brought back base for unit's newly revived prgm Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit, - Active & visible mentor; mbr of 18 ldrshp panels--CC course/FTAC/NCO PES/SNCO PES/ALSinspired 661 prsnl, - Mentored mbr w/relationship issues; coor'd resources f/relocation--alleviat'd stress f/1st time parent w/fam separation. - QB'd IT tm f/3-day Shirt Symposium; config'd audio/vis suite--bolster'd trng/collab f/87 addt'l duty 1st Sgts across U-A - Manage Family Care Program--ensures Airmen are providing current & required information for contingencies ops - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Filled 1st Sgt position 6 mo; advised CC on health/welfare for 80 mbrs--enhanched org interpersonal communication Prepares enlisted personnel of the organization to deploy in support of mission requirements. This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Respected leader; maint's GOAD/morale/Amn dvlpmt for 150 assn'd mbrs 3 STEP II prmtns, 5 ALS grads - Planned, set up & facilitated CC's calls, awards, decs, and promotion ceremonies--fostered mbr involvement. - #X/XX Wg Lts! - Revived key spouse program, forged spouses initiative/recruited 11 spouses/coord'd 2 events--improved readiness - Provided guidance/mentorship for mbr/family after diagnosis/treatment for thyroid cancer-morale/spirits lifted! Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit, - Wg 1Sgt Treasurer; led 19 shirts/22 fill-ins/mng'd 4 accounts/$32.4K/drove 4 fundrasiers--ushered 57 mbrs thru crisis - Mentored JROTC Drill tm; trained 25 cadets/3 weeks--captured overall Gold score; key'd Gp's 4th straight AFOUA, - Meshed initiatives for CAF funding; 2.5K awarded for sq improvement--100 Amn afforded historic PME WWII tour OG 1Sgt for 12 days; 754 mbrs/6 CCs w/$71B in prgms--navigated 9 issues/helped Amn & familes heal, - Superb temp 1st Sgt; responded to family death; coord'd 3 agencies/smoothed benefit process--eased burden - Flawless AF Ball Logistics Tm Ld; led 150-mbr tm/executed 42 tasks f/ 2 venues/raised $39K--hosted 800 attendees JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard chief master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out annually on May 31, are now accomplished on the new Air Force Form 912, Enlisted Performance Report (CMSgt). - Sr mbr of 1st Sgt council; mentored peers managing >2000 mbrs; 15 peers hv proper tutelage to advise sqdrn CC's AFSC 8F000 First Sergeant EPR Bullets JOB DESCRIPTION Provides the commander a mission-ready enlisted force to execute the unit mission. - Spearheaded and coordinated 459 ARW 1st sergeant off site; 12 1st sergeants trained--program benchmarked - Structural Supervisor; instruct'd Amn on carpentry & welding TTPs--improved unit readiness & individual confidence - First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding - Sage advisor; guided sq commander thru 2 Art 15s/AWOL/DUI; upheld discipline/standards - accountability ensured Since the PFW system Angela Bergerstock, 437th Aerial Port Squadron first sergeant - Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks 27 May, added a Letter of We need more examples. - Pioneered bi-weekly 'Sergeant's Time'; prep'd 22 topics/clarified AF doctrine/bridged comm gap--culitvated 184 Amn, - Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties - Aided RCAF transient C-17; co'ord w/521 AMOW/initated prts exchange/$80K--FMC w/in 24hrs--fortified relations, - Oversaw Gp/CC insp mgmt bd; mng'd 139 SACs/2.8K items/11 observations/4 CPI events--verified 99% compliance, - Piloted tech order distribution pgm; coord'd 46 safety TCTOs/published 753 updates--eliminated fleet grounding cond, - Oversaw mx processes; 8 107-T engineer req/7 PQDR's/13 AFTO 22's/4 chklst--75% fix/5.9% break rt, #1 f/USAFE The event gave Airmen a better understanding of the responsibilities of a first sergeant Air Force Security Forces EPR Bullets. Finally, Sergeant Paulson's leadership played a vital role in the 368th Recruiting Squadron receiving the Air Force Recruiting Service's Standard of Excellence award during Fiscal Year 2018. It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. First Sergeant EPR Bullets; epr bullet generator 2020; Legal Office EPR Bullets; Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC and Additional Duty. cafb 14FTW First Sergeant Symposium Growth Train mentor This puts you in a tough spot becauseMore, Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. Represents the commander at base meetings and councils, and when conducting tours through unit areas. - Overhauled unit out-processing; linked MPS/est'd electronic docs tracker--elim d DEROS exp/100% timely departure, - Partnered w/Campbell University to host 2 college crses on flightline; 32 attended/6 sem hrs--7 CCAF degrees awd'd Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. - Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations - Rectified tank storage oversight; impl'd MSEP insp/eval--facilitated dual Sq MOA/custody xfer of $2M SPRAM acct - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT --instilled pos image to 70 airmen, - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents, - Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores. - Developed & managed deployed spouse wellness group--improved information flow and resource availability by 100% - Acting Key West TDY 1st Sgt; safety prebriefed 5 sqs/130 psnlaquired 116 sorties <2 wks w/ no incidents Master Sgt. - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas Examples of Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) EPR Bullets. Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . - Awd winner f/51FW's largest sq; served 492 in 12 AFSCs with PACAFs most robust FHP--earn'd Spirit of Bob Hope CCAF/College - Engaged in off-duty education; aced 2 classes/6 credit hrs towards BA/Business Ldrship--3.5 GPA/degree on horizon - Higher Education focused; completed 24 credit hrs toward BA of Homeland Security--earned 3.9 GPA/75% complete - Preach'd higher education; complet'd 6 credit hrs f/CCAF degree/oversaw TA brief--mentor'd 15 prsnl toward Just recently, the first sergeants brought back an award recognition process to the KMC. When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball - 375 MDG/GPM pick f/1st-ever Flt/CC crs X2; voiced SNCO/1sgt Sgt perspective--honed ldrship roles for 40 officers. FIRST SERGEANT Air Force Reserve. - Advises recommended actions/plans to officer and enlisted leadership pertaining to administrative and legal issues Additionally, as the commander's top advisor, he successfully exploited organizational talent in support of the world's largest international maritime warfare exercise, providing shore power to 200 aircraft and 49 ships, facilitating the Squadron's first ever Verne Orr Award. He is a talented Squad Leader who adapts to shifting conditions and gets the job done. - Successfully completed SNCOA non-resident course; fully qualified First Sergeant ready to tackle enlisted challenges - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. He reduced our supply account by $200,000 by correcting erroneous records. Jared Bryant is the first sergeant for the 403rd Force Support Squadron, and no, he isn't the first to be in that position; but as an Active Guard Reserve member, he is the first full-time first sergeant to work at the 403rd Wing. Back to EPR Bullets. - Prolific leader; mng'd 5 dorm/KS meals/5 booster club/3 unit events--fed 520 Amn/raised $3K/lifted 570 mbrs morale - Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant - Qualified Assistant 1st Sgt; provided coverage/advisory counsel to CC--ensured high moral/health for HQ personnel - Prepared/delivered Christmas Day breakfast burritos; 60 137 SWS unit guardsmen--fostered Total Force spirit - Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's Outstanding ldr, sprinting past peers, groom f/ldrshp; ready Flt/CC now--perfect for PDE soonest! - Organized prominent golf gala; led 36 mbr jt service tm/wounded warrior org--secured $100K ISO local disabled vet - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened, - Corrected 6 SDAP oversights; ID'd $9K overdue pay/liaised w/AFPC/finance--rectified mbrs recordsfiscal stability - Completed Professional Mngr cert/Human Resources CCAF degree requirements; inclined professional growth/skills - Voice of the enlisted force; up-channelled information to CC, developed solutions--improved mbr & sq morale, - Wg Senior Shirt; mentored 1Sgts, liased w/CCs, advised CCC on base issues--influenced 34 command tms/5K+ mbrs - Cared f/Hurricane Michael evacuees; coord'd w/spt agencies/sec'd financial aid/home--nailed Wg/CC's pri/Amn/fams NJPs down 35%, climate & moral up; 8 Art 15s/1 sep--refocused Amn on stnds & Mongrel Pride! - Served as deployment First Sergeantsecured lodging/transportation for 41 mbrssharpened ldrshp attributes, - Served Xx days as Add'l Duty 1st Sgt; advised CC on legal, medical, family issues--upheld AF stds, mbrs' well-being - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline Dave Bautista Guardians Of The Galaxy 3, - Selected 1/250 AF wide for CCAF Profeciency Prgm; proofed Air University syllabus--validated CCAF accreditation - CC's focal point f/discipline/mentoring/recognition f/234 enl/135 ofcrs/155 civs in 66 AFSCs; manages EPME pgms - Piloted drug use CC investigation; interviewed 14 prsnl/30 hrs--reinforced Sq discipline/reset org climate for 89 mbrs - Employs crisis intervention techniques; equips/aids AD & families with deployment/stress mgmt tools and resources, - Enlisted leader; maintains morale, health, welfare, guidance, and Airman development for 62 member squadron - Refurbished 29 Family Care Plans; put emphasis on Amn accountability--model program/adopted by 1st Sgts council Key Spouses are volunteers appointed by the unit Commander that serve as a conduit of information providing resources to Air and Space Force families. - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared, - Built combat rdy units; drove IMR/CBRN/SABC trng--deployed 47 Amn f/17 global ops94% readiness rate f/2 Sq's, - CAA's #1 go-to! - SOCCENT CG select f/JITF strategic WG; produced $90M coalition JOC/dvlp'd C2 capes--SECDEF backed/U.S. - Unquestionable adherence to Air Force Core Values; Leads by example/holds subordinates to Air Force Standards - Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs, - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl. - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared - Add'l Duty 1st Sgt x43 days; resolved 7 MH issues/23 disciplinary actions/counseled 6 jr enl; upheld large 623 mbr sq The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Johnson reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. - Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15 First Sergeant (1SG) First Sergeant NCOER Bullets o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited 5 discharges; sustained readiness o investigated resources during a family crisis; uncovered family life insurance benefits for a Company member exceptional SNCO secured 2 BTZ/12 Sq/Gp/Wg/AMC/1 Levitow/AMC Sijan wins--SMgt a must! - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - Addt'l Duty 1st Sgt; dual-hatted w/ primary duties/spt'd 610 psnl/eight flts--gained valuable senior leadership insight, - Advised CC on x prsnl housing issues/x admin actions/ADAPT-FAP consults--enforced equal standards f/ xxx prsnl - Secured 246 tix/8 major sports evts--orch'd LA Dodgers Hero/Game honoree--demo'd selfless devotion to unit morale - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters - Cert'd SAPR vol; dedicated 168 hrs on-call, 11 hrs CT/gave 22 brfs--enhanced spt f/2 wgs, helped est wg SAPR bldg - Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment, - Maintained real-time status of training reports via AF-IT; utilized by the Wing--heightened mission readiness, - Qual'd LRS QA evaluator; comp'd LOGMOD 32 & HQ/AFRC Logistics Enterprise Course; increased sq effectiveness www.eprbulletsafsc.com. - Organized 4 'Feed the Homeless' events; rallied 434 vols/coord'd 8 agencies--fed 5.1K ppl/strengthened community ties - LRS Sq Supt f/3 wks; coord w/69 orgs/58 acft rqmts/38 jets--spt'd 27 msns/4.5K pax f/N. - Led USFKs largest CES; cultivat'd 33 CCAF Grads/5 BTZ/9 Gp/Wg qtrly, yrly/5 MAJCOM/2 HAF, USFK awd wins Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Steered 5 Sq BTZ brds; scrutinized 23 rcds/mentored supervisors--ensured pgm integrity/2 Amn sel'd for promotion Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS xxxx HAS DISTINGUISHED HERSELF BY DEMONSTRATING CLEARLY THAT SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER, DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN HER FIELD OF EXPERTISE. - Impacts base-wide! - Authored TAR QAM report: Review'd/validat'd 90 lines;/identified 32 docs/$15M in discrpncies--met NGB suspense Steered $750K fitness ctr project; led GC tm/15 mo--svd $25M milcon/solved 20 yr wait, - Aided Wg PA wksp; directed 30 SMEs & vetted 110 processes--poised to right-size 1180 rqmt/valued $98.4M, - Analyzed 5 ACRs--realigned/updated 35 rqmts; exhibited efficient manpower resource use & UMD accuracy, - Brilliant training monitor; four airman/NCOs in upgrade training--100% pass rate/amazing 85% average score, - Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF, - Completed Career Management crs; honed leadership/org/prsnl management skills--mentored/enhanced Qol 31 Amn, - Conducted UMD/AEF system training--instructed 2 LRS personnel; improved understanding/wartime expertise, - Consummate professional; managed enlisted and SORTS issues affecting 9 Intel AFSCs at over 50 subordinate units, - Coord'd 14 sections/72 Amn as Pro Super; enabled 16 acft rdy for no-notice FTD < 72 hrs--pivotal to 88% MC, - Designed training plan for assigned QA augmentees; trained 12 new personnel--program functional in two months, - Developed OPLAN training scenario--trained manpower personnel; enhanced unit's critical wartime capability, - Directed recognition program; executed three successful load crew competitions--lauded by wing leadership, - Drove evaluation completion of QA process; 54 personnel evaluated--75% of yearly quota completed in one quarter, - Earned Professional Managers Certification; completed 6 credit hours--broadened management/supervisory skillsets, - Effectively managed 4 sections inspiring best performance; supported 4 ops squadrons & Dets--enabled 300+ sorties, - Excellent Wartime Program Mgr--verified 109 Global Thunder exer taskings; strengthened nuclear enterprise, - Execut'd UDM Staff Assistance Visit; audit'd 50 folders/resolv'd 10 errors--six units 100% combat/deployment ready, - Executed qtrly MICT assessments; inspected sq corrosion control program--elim'd $400K/69 tank replacement, - Expedited HHQ tasking; procured msn critical $60K OAP unit--averted potential UTC shortfalls/EUCOM rdy, - Expedited IFE for generator failure; orchestrated launch of alternate asset for POTUS CAP--100% mission capable, - Facilitated mvmt of 201TMR's f/11 FOBs--4M lbs critical cargo Resolute Spt/OGS combat ops/base buildup, - Filled E-8 billet as interim flt chief; controlled >1.5K mx actions--secured flt's 99% QVI/100% PE pass rates, - Filled Sq Assist Superintendent billet; tackled 45 EPRs/levied tighter std--max'd quality w/zero late suspense's, - Finished Conflict Mgmt crse; implemented problem solving/resolution techniques--enhanced ldrshp abilities, - Fostered compliance; zero discrepancies over 5 mo period--MXS 93% pass rate/beat CAF 85% standard 15%, - Fueled 712 scheduled/unscheduled mx tasks; ushered 31 engineer dispositions--key to 5.6K sorties/7.5K flt hrs, - Functional expert; assisted NBG/A4 w/ AFI 21-123 ANG SUP development--provided vital guidance all ANG wings, - Generated launch/recovery of 400 combat sorties; 4.0K flt hours/14K images/700 airstrikes/19 TICs/127 pri tgts, - Governed $9M CMD lvl container mgmt enterprise; synch'd 13 sites/1K containers--ensured 100% vis CJOA-A wide, - Guided 4 shops through 4 flying surges; ensured 24/7 mx support 16 days--critical to 924 sorties/1122.5 fly hrs, - Headed Moron AB TDY; 21 critical balances certified/126 tons of cargo moved--sustained 1.3K transient a/c, - Id'd Coalition Cargo ITV gap; bridged AMR tracking w/5 agencies--secured cargo sight f/10 NATO SOF units, - Implemented Repair Network Integration sizing efforts; shifted $600K to critical AFSCs--AF saved $45M/5yrs, - Invaluable inspector; conducted 142 QVI/ 123 SI/ 57 PE inspections--strictly enforced T.O. 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