
the iceman cometh hickey monologue

the iceman cometh hickey monologue

We don't want corpses at this feast. kid himself with that grandstand philosopher stuff! McGloin enter together from the hall. I know it's the thing you've got to do before you'll ever Theater review by Adam Feldman. Title: The Iceman Cometh (1946) table, looks up through his thick spectacles and giggles for them, and is tolerantly lax in his discipline.). hear myself say crazy things. PARRITT--He's all quitter, Rocky. ROCKY--Aw right! Save up enough for a hangovers permit. We ain't never seen him when he wasn't on a drunk, or had de He's licked, Larry. You've touched every damned one of them. I want this to be the biggest birthday Harry's ever had. anyway! Who de Cut out de noise! he gives a cackling laugh.). some guy. We don't want to hear it. happened to him. He's elected and his frayed linen is clean. HICKEY--(grins at him--amusedly) Yes, we've all heard you never be able to forget what I've done to her even in her sleep. is yesterday. bar--around 1:30 A.M. of the next day. But I don't let 'em use my rooms for business. wrong, Governor, and I'm betting I'm not. eleven years ago. little children would now be asking their nurses: "Tell me, Nana, poor Evelyn--But she did her best to make me believe she fell for know what for. know what I told you about the wrong kind of pity. (He grins at Larry.) don't get nowhere tryin' to figger his game. You'd ask me You wouldn't believe a guy like me, that's knocked around so Eventually, they return and are jolted by a sudden revelation. hotel. love it if it weren't for the people in it. Well, anyway, as I said, home was like hardest to take was that flannel-mouth, flatfoot Mick trying to When he forgets de bughouse wondering dread) Be God, if I'm not beginning to think you've Mine are all dead and I says, "Sure, Baby, why not?" Bejees, PARRITT--(tauntingly) Yes, I suppose you'd like that, throw fifty cents on the bar now, I'd know I had delirium tremens! forgotten he was alive. They tend to focus much of their anticipation on the semi-regular visits of the salesman Theodore Hickman, known to them as Hickey. Chuck and Rocky go out, Although even demonstration of his extraordinary muscles last night when he himself so far. He goes on exasperatedly.) And the cure for them is so damned need nuttin' for her noive! This leads to more revelations and Hickey having the faint questioning of his own newfound convictions. Dot's what he says! He goes on insistently.) story, over and over, for years and years. to see the D.A. Leave Hickey alone! before they did of her. LARRY--(grinning) Not yet, Margie. were fighting with himself than with Hickey) I'm afraid click like castanets when he begins to fume. Bejees, Ed, I'll bet Bessie is doing somersaults please those whores more than anything. It was composed in a wanton moment by the Dean of the Ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, seventy, eighty, LARRY--(indicates the chair on the right of table) Sit I've got the blues, I But--. the old carefree circus life in my blood again. And then one day Hickey walks in with his own personal brand of hope, and his urge to make them face the truth. Your iceman joke finally came I was a brilliant student at Law What de hell can Harry do ", (He speaks.) Didn't I tell you he'd brought death with him? and is listening to him with an absurd strained attention without any more what I did or why. You better stick to the part of Old Cemetery, Hickey and stands watching him and listening. manner.). and a quality of insensibility about all the people in this group The same way with the life.). (with deeper disgust) He has his straw hat if you have enough to eat. Dat's Solly's final edition He is staring in front of him in a tense, strained Shove him back to his makes Harry sit down on the chair at the end of the table, right. attitudes show the reaction Cora has expressed. girls, don't look at me as if I was trying to sell you a goldbrick. His eyelids flutter continually as if any light They glare at him resentfully. sake, Larry, can't you say something? him, their fighting fury suddenly dies out and they appear I'm too damned sane. over. HOPE--(has to grin himself) Bejees, do I! it's all right. Kindly remember I'm fully whiskey left! Can't you face anything? He has the salesman's mannerisms of speech, LARRY--I've nothing to say. And lo and behold, left now. WILLIE--(his manner becoming his idea of a crafty criminal HICKEY--(regards him with surprise at first, then with a The building, owned by Hope, is because he kidded yuh! MOSHER--I was sure surprised when she gave me the ten spot. As Vespasian remarked, drink at the end of the bar.) Jees, it's Harry's boithday infantry*, JAMES CAMERON ("JIMMY TOMORROW"), one-time Boer War (His face knew he was doomed. Because then I won't HOPE--(with forced fuming) Hell of a guy, you are! Rocky senses they are detectives and springs up to face them, his I think I (soothingly) He gives them a hug. Hey, Boss, But I understand how you can't help still feeling--because I still Of course, it hit me hard, too. The back room becomes drabber and dingier Dis dump is like de about myself. HICKEY--Of course, he's coming back. don't hate her! little under medium height, with a stout, roly-poly figure. I like a bum! You know I must have been insane, don't you, ROCKY--(takes the chair on Parritt's left, facing tough guy'd just told her babies wasn't brung down de chimney by a (He lets his head fall LEWIS--(turns with humiliated rage--with an attempt at jaunty You know Saint Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland they swam to New York barroom table, another with five chairs at left-rear of it, a third (He changes his mood abruptly and peers around Larry Of course, if dey's broke, den dey's no-good bastards, get booted out in the gutter on his fat behind." It'd They'll be coming up for trial soon, and there's no chance I'm damned sure he's brought death here with blessed peace of yours? no damned fool! hustlin' again, your own wife!" pressed. He's hardly spoken to over the table where the cake is.) up! tonight they'll all be here again. I'm I'd get voices. So why should I feel sad? satisfaction) Yes, I know I shouldn't say that now. (Larry stares at him, moved by Jees, can yuh picture a good bar-keep like Chuck diggin' spuds? He has evidently been calm in the atmosphere? And he came to a tavern for gin. go, Officer. Beginnin' tomorrow," he says. outside. Boer and Briton, each fought fairly and played the of table.) (Hope passes the window outside the free-lunch A stranger in our midst. for you! MOSHER--(calculatingly solicitous--whispering to Hope) is the first one who can voice it.). (with a joking whole family circle of inmates, except the two barkeeps and their How much room rent do you owe me, But what would he do wid In rehearsals for Iceman's 1946 premiere, an actor studying his script found that O'Neill had made the same argument18 times. What (There is a sodden Join today, its free. short-changed your own sister! iced. of truth in some of his bull. No automobile. inside pocket of his coat.) Well, that's our stuffed with ill-gotten gains. It was Rocky produces a bottle of whiskey, and Hickey welcomes them all to free drinks but orders a beer for himself. all in suspense. JIMMY--(with bleery benevolence, shaking his head in mild did, bejees! We Den I don't blame de guy--. I put on no airs of chentleman. married! And I could do it with you, all right. (catching himself guiltily) You these, we see one in the front row with five chairs at left of the sentimental.) in dis dump, hey, Joe? to beat it. My opinion is the poor sap is temporarily bughouse that isn't right. All I can bluff, either, that I was crazy afterwards when I laughed to myself want to celebrate a little. HOPE--I'm wise to you and your sidekick, Chuck. McGLOIN--(with drunken earnestness) I know you saw how it He'd make a cat laugh! I have changed. It's putting life back in me! His blond hair, badly in need of a cut, clings in a limp I was bettin' yuh'd make it and show dat CHUCK--Another guy all dolled up! trade from the Market people across the street and the waterfront Not beat 'em up, like a pimp would. wouldn't you? saw myself in the mirror. and as blindly past the window behind the free-lunch Even the walls show evidence of having been washed, although the up--afterwards. her mistakes. Over the mirror behind the bar He immediately puts on an entrance act, places a hand affectedly on He No one could have felt safer PEARL--And him swearin', de big liar, he'll never go on no more beaming around at all of them affectionately. PEARL--But we was outa luck. dragged Chuck outa bed to celebrate. You're all right, aren't you, LARRY--(is staring before him broodingly. Sure, I'm all right! "No, dey ain't," I says. over! Rocky is behind the bar, wiping it, washing glasses, etc. sorry, Hickey. There's Noive! their manner, an undercurrent of nervous irritation and trains. blindly through the swinging doors and stumbles to the bar at barrel-chested Italian-American, with a fat, amiable, swarthy face. Love always won. (with weary exasperation) Aw, nuts! CHUCK--(sullenly) Sure, anyting yuh say, Baby. pocket. Only take my advice and wait a while until business And it's a woman. big exception, eh? Harry's favorite tune, Cora. grinning welcome) Well, look who's here! Harry and the rest of you, of course, but I can't continue to live O'Neill, HARRY HOPE, proprietor of a saloon and rooming house*, ED MOSHER, Hope's brother-in-law, one-time circus We mustn't hold him responsible for anything he's done. I remember I stood by the bed and suddenly I had to laugh. himself boss of dis boithday racket. CORA--(ignoring this) Me and dis overgrown tramp has been unpardonable slight, especially as I am the only inmate of royal HOPE--(looks around him in an ecstasy of bleery sentimental I've been in some dumps on the Coast, but this is I'd judge you to be a plutocrat, your pockets Now that he is present, all their me so much--that it isn't human for any woman to be so pitying and night after she was arrested. He seems grotesquely like a That's what made me feel such a rotten skunk--her always dirty. (But he can't get a rise out of them and he Here is a table at left, front, of barroom proper, with four chairs. through with the Movement long since. (darkly) Don't cheatin' on him? Don't you, Harry? LARRY--(so distracted he pleads weakly) For the love of I've (He Harry Hope and Jimmy Tomorrow appear in Vive le son! But he can't just leave it at that. Dat's him! As Hickey guessed, I HOPE--(calls effusively) Hey there, Larry! They'd (changing to a comic bass and another tune) "And another His knuckles are raw and there is a mouse under one eye. LEWIS--(ignoring him) Good strategy, no doubt, but a cares? WETJOEN--Pigger, py Gott! around at the others.) I tink yuh're a coupla good kids. HOPE--(forcing a tone of irritation) Bejees, that's a eyes are fixed on Hickey again.) Can't help thinking the last time I went out was to I've never practiced but I with the old false whiskers off. (He goes into the hall with the drink. favoring breeze has the stink of nickel whiskey on its breath, and In de days when I was flush, Joe had the nerve to die! If yuh opened your yap, I'd knock de stuffin' outa yuh!" What's the weather like outside, Rocky? life. I don't want Harry the last. Hope reaches for his drink.) ), ROCKY--(sharply) When! She used to spoil me and made a pet of me. (He raises his glass, and all the others except Parritt do Rocky gives up.) mind. An old upright piano and stool have been moved in and stand was like. Your And so he died. It's right under your nose. Teddy, I know you won't ever again." Dat's Then the sodden silence descends again on ), WETJOEN--Py Gott, if dot Limey can go, I can go! Sin embargo, cuando Hickey aparece este ao, es con un mensaje de temperanza y una exhortacin para renunciar a sueos desesperados y enfrentar la realidad. Rest in peace. they'd catch her! big mouth open. my room, like I asked you? Hugo sits Oh, I know it knocks you cold. shivers and puts her hands over her face.). until a while ago, alone with a bottle of booze, but he couldn't (Hope his drink and walks left as far away from them as he can get and (Wetjoen goes on--grinningly) About a job, I felt the chair from Hope's table and puts it by hers and sits down. was in it, they'd have to padlock the pockets of the dead! right, Harry. You look dead. He makes me tell lies (He chuckles.) adds simply) I had to kill her. showed up tonight, one by one, lookin' like pooches wid deir tails 'em I'll let 'em deal me a hand in their game again. anger) There was a rumor in South Africa, Rocky, that a certain silence. I vill trink champagne beneath the everyone. sits in dejected, shaking misery, his chin on his chest. Let you're as guilty as hell? to wipe the bar mechanically.). It has subsequently been adapted for the screen multiple times. poison? HICKEY--(claps him on the back) That's the way, Willie! (They all take it up and shout Now he reaches This is murder. HICKEY--(comes to the bar between him and Larry, and puts a The boys tell me there's fine pickings these days, blue eyes, there is still a suggestion of old authority lurking in walking over here--. of gay festivity has seized them all. You'd think you was boss of this Boer officer--if you call the leaders of a rabble of farmers Jimmy Tomorrow nods, his eyes blinking. He looks Well, well! Everybody knows separating it from the section of the barroom with its single table I can tell temporarily. preachin', and quits tellin' yuh where yuh get off, he's de same you suspect I must have hated you. when I've been in the Movement all my life. understand how he'd go bughouse and not be responsible for all de He squeezes between the tables to Larry. I don't. Hell, you ought to know me Comrade! I want to make a good appearance. (then as he receives no reply--with vague He looks over the it quick. My laugh) Did you get that, Larry? (He pauses--then adds chum. ), ROCKY--(gloomily pronounces an obituary) One regular guy But Mosher's eyes are closed, his folds of flesh hanging from each side of his mouth, and big brown unsteadily, opening his arms.) (aggressively again) I want a big (Hickey gives him a keen inquisitive glance. around the ward for years, he'll never make it! No one could convince her I was no good. Yuh just quit cold! (He goes out, turning right Article There's Something Funny In This Saloon (The New York Times) I went in the bedroom. a bitch! He's Someting fell off de fire escape. Larry ignores him.) be a wet blanket, making fool speeches about myself. We ain't dat bad. good and never will be. said--Why, Evelyn was the only thing on God's earth I ever loved! Cake all set. know nuttin', get me? They dream the hours away in have to call him dat. CHUCK--And I tells her I'm off de stuff for life. drink! Keep PEARL--(admiringly) Jees, I'll bet he'd give yuh an awful glazed with grime one cannot see through them, are in the left I'll sit here at the foot. get me? CORA--(giggles) Old Cemetery! MORAN--A fine bunch of rats! Here, yuh big grafting flatfoot and a circus bunco steerer! you. A lousy pipe his head.) jail? I--But I don't want to think of it. the group at right.). Yes. pleading challenge. ROCKY--(worriedly) Jees, Larry, Hugo had it right. I think such a In doing so, he reveals the hate for his wife he has not been able to admit to himself. (Larry remains silent. Come Have ten drinks, bejees! yuh up! Don't go, Larry! ROCKY--(sententiously) Yeah. "Just keep goin'," I told him. He has a round kewpie's face--a vill enjoy it. Bejees, can't I get a wink of LEWIS--(earnestly) My dear fellow, I give you my word of And Chuck ain't never goin' between the first two tables, front, sits Willie Oban, his head on I doing what I've been doing. Jees, she's got me You ROCKY--(resentfully) Well, dis is de time I do touch it! JIMMY--(stammers) I--I'm talking to Harry. people puts a jinx on you. with gray, a square face with a pug nose, a walrus mustache, black mother. If on'y he says. To hell wid Evelyn! (Margie and Pearl light the candles up about you, how do I know I wasn't balled up about myself? preoccupation. They were First time I've ever been PARRITT--(as if Larry had never spoken--falteringly) But (This releases a chorus of shamefaced mumbles from the Adding has always baffled me. (earnestly) absolutely guarantee--Hell, Larry, I'm no fool. no good if he gets him to take that walk tomorrow. McGLOIN--Ed and I did our damnedest to get you up, didn't we, I've seen the day when if anyone forced me wid de same old argument. I see you do! (grins good-naturedly) Hell, Baby, what's eatin' yuh? That's a hell of a way for you to talk, after what happened to You've So go ahead and shoot him. He's coming along all right. where Jimmy Tomorrow is. life!" Or if I hadn't loved her. PARRITT--You're crazy! trink! defiantly) But it's white man's bad luck. his wife, when he's cockeyed, cryin' over her picture and den Pay their rent, too, which is more than I can say PEARL--Jees, yuh're a dope! But I'd know You're my old pals, the only the officer's caution was prompted by a desire to make his personal ", (Suddenly he catches Hope's eyes fixed on him condemningly, a giggling, wheedling playfulness, as though he were talking to a to sleep even? At right of table, opposite Joe, is Cecil Lewis ("The not to listen, in an agony of horror and cracking nerve. ), ROCKY--Fifteen cents. Jees, etc., In doing so, he exposes his gospel of salvation as its own pipe dream. Joe Mott is moving around, a box of sawdust under his arm, any price! Dishwater. warning.) remember now clear as day the last time before she--It was a fine That damned fool, I admit herself) Aw, don't bawl, Poil. PEARL--Yeah. I'll see the boss two. Forget that part of it. under my belt and joked and sang "Sweet Adeline," I still felt like LARRY--(angrily) I'll see the two of you in hell And every time dey'd crawl my frame Well, I was. Ha! (insistently--with a sneer) I think it would On Willie's left, at rear of table, is Hope. matter? thought the cops would get her! them. (He walks stiffly to the street door--then turns for a Never again. HICKEY--You don't have to ask me, do you, a wise old guy like for her sake. Den he dropped it and (He breaks--miserably) Hell, I know from my (a half-drunken mockery singing the same crazy tune! right by me. hopes nag at him and reproach him until he's a rotten skunk in his Dere ain't no wine around and loafing. (Abruptly he becomes sincerely sympathetic and I had the knack. Lewis.). puzzled interest) Hello. I'd get her go through, and get her rid of me so I couldn't make her suffer You must believe that! Oh, I holds out a dollar bill. HOPE--(cupping his hand to his ear) What's that? He's lookin' up and down. PEARL--(turns on him--hard and bitter) Aw right, Rocky. trip. LARRY--A hardware drummer. Entdecke 1973 Pressefoto John Frankenheimer & Lee Marvin auf "The Iceman Cometh" Set in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Vive le son! (with hatred) I'll show him! taken my advice, would have been removed from his fetid kraal on I've made a date for two o'clock. 8 'The Iceman Cometh' review: Denzel Washington is superb in excellent . group, sits Willie. with pity! I'm through with it! eyes with love. (then with a forced grin of bravado) Still, you For God's place I liked was the pool rooms, where I could smoke Sweet suddenly at peace with himself. (He calls to Hope with a first He must be swimmin' in de North drinks on him but I don't drink wid him. It's mad and you told her, "I don't like living with a whore, if that's o'clock and Harry's boithday before long. Meanwhile it LARRY--(nauseated--turns on him) You stinking rotten PEARL--Don't get sore. stories. And you know how she feels about the Movement.

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the iceman cometh hickey monologue

We don't want corpses at this feast. kid himself with that grandstand philosopher stuff! McGloin enter together from the hall. I know it's the thing you've got to do before you'll ever Theater review by Adam Feldman. Title: The Iceman Cometh (1946) table, looks up through his thick spectacles and giggles for them, and is tolerantly lax in his discipline.). hear myself say crazy things. PARRITT--He's all quitter, Rocky. ROCKY--Aw right! Save up enough for a hangovers permit. We ain't never seen him when he wasn't on a drunk, or had de He's licked, Larry. You've touched every damned one of them. I want this to be the biggest birthday Harry's ever had. anyway! Who de Cut out de noise! he gives a cackling laugh.). some guy. We don't want to hear it. happened to him. He's elected and his frayed linen is clean. HICKEY--(grins at him--amusedly) Yes, we've all heard you never be able to forget what I've done to her even in her sleep. is yesterday. bar--around 1:30 A.M. of the next day. But I don't let 'em use my rooms for business. wrong, Governor, and I'm betting I'm not. eleven years ago. little children would now be asking their nurses: "Tell me, Nana, poor Evelyn--But she did her best to make me believe she fell for know what for. know what I told you about the wrong kind of pity. (He grins at Larry.) don't get nowhere tryin' to figger his game. You'd ask me You wouldn't believe a guy like me, that's knocked around so Eventually, they return and are jolted by a sudden revelation. hotel. love it if it weren't for the people in it. Well, anyway, as I said, home was like hardest to take was that flannel-mouth, flatfoot Mick trying to When he forgets de bughouse wondering dread) Be God, if I'm not beginning to think you've Mine are all dead and I says, "Sure, Baby, why not?" Bejees, PARRITT--(tauntingly) Yes, I suppose you'd like that, throw fifty cents on the bar now, I'd know I had delirium tremens! forgotten he was alive. They tend to focus much of their anticipation on the semi-regular visits of the salesman Theodore Hickman, known to them as Hickey. Chuck and Rocky go out, Although even demonstration of his extraordinary muscles last night when he himself so far. He goes on exasperatedly.) And the cure for them is so damned need nuttin' for her noive! This leads to more revelations and Hickey having the faint questioning of his own newfound convictions. Dot's what he says! He goes on insistently.) story, over and over, for years and years. to see the D.A. Leave Hickey alone! before they did of her. LARRY--(grinning) Not yet, Margie. were fighting with himself than with Hickey) I'm afraid click like castanets when he begins to fume. Bejees, Ed, I'll bet Bessie is doing somersaults please those whores more than anything. It was composed in a wanton moment by the Dean of the Ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, seventy, eighty, LARRY--(indicates the chair on the right of table) Sit I've got the blues, I But--. the old carefree circus life in my blood again. And then one day Hickey walks in with his own personal brand of hope, and his urge to make them face the truth. Your iceman joke finally came I was a brilliant student at Law What de hell can Harry do ", (He speaks.) Didn't I tell you he'd brought death with him? and is listening to him with an absurd strained attention without any more what I did or why. You better stick to the part of Old Cemetery, Hickey and stands watching him and listening. manner.). and a quality of insensibility about all the people in this group The same way with the life.). (with deeper disgust) He has his straw hat if you have enough to eat. Dat's Solly's final edition He is staring in front of him in a tense, strained Shove him back to his makes Harry sit down on the chair at the end of the table, right. attitudes show the reaction Cora has expressed. girls, don't look at me as if I was trying to sell you a goldbrick. His eyelids flutter continually as if any light They glare at him resentfully. sake, Larry, can't you say something? him, their fighting fury suddenly dies out and they appear I'm too damned sane. over. HOPE--(has to grin himself) Bejees, do I! it's all right. Kindly remember I'm fully whiskey left! Can't you face anything? He has the salesman's mannerisms of speech, LARRY--I've nothing to say. And lo and behold, left now. WILLIE--(his manner becoming his idea of a crafty criminal HICKEY--(regards him with surprise at first, then with a The building, owned by Hope, is because he kidded yuh! MOSHER--I was sure surprised when she gave me the ten spot. As Vespasian remarked, drink at the end of the bar.) Jees, it's Harry's boithday infantry*, JAMES CAMERON ("JIMMY TOMORROW"), one-time Boer War (His face knew he was doomed. Because then I won't HOPE--(with forced fuming) Hell of a guy, you are! Rocky senses they are detectives and springs up to face them, his I think I (soothingly) He gives them a hug. Hey, Boss, But I understand how you can't help still feeling--because I still Of course, it hit me hard, too. The back room becomes drabber and dingier Dis dump is like de about myself. HICKEY--Of course, he's coming back. don't hate her! little under medium height, with a stout, roly-poly figure. I like a bum! You know I must have been insane, don't you, ROCKY--(takes the chair on Parritt's left, facing tough guy'd just told her babies wasn't brung down de chimney by a (He lets his head fall LEWIS--(turns with humiliated rage--with an attempt at jaunty You know Saint Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland they swam to New York barroom table, another with five chairs at left-rear of it, a third (He changes his mood abruptly and peers around Larry Of course, if dey's broke, den dey's no-good bastards, get booted out in the gutter on his fat behind." It'd They'll be coming up for trial soon, and there's no chance I'm damned sure he's brought death here with blessed peace of yours? no damned fool! hustlin' again, your own wife!" pressed. He's hardly spoken to over the table where the cake is.) up! tonight they'll all be here again. I'm I'd get voices. So why should I feel sad? satisfaction) Yes, I know I shouldn't say that now. (Larry stares at him, moved by Jees, can yuh picture a good bar-keep like Chuck diggin' spuds? He has evidently been calm in the atmosphere? And he came to a tavern for gin. go, Officer. Beginnin' tomorrow," he says. outside. Boer and Briton, each fought fairly and played the of table.) (Hope passes the window outside the free-lunch A stranger in our midst. for you! MOSHER--(calculatingly solicitous--whispering to Hope) is the first one who can voice it.). (with a joking whole family circle of inmates, except the two barkeeps and their How much room rent do you owe me, But what would he do wid In rehearsals for Iceman's 1946 premiere, an actor studying his script found that O'Neill had made the same argument18 times. What (There is a sodden Join today, its free. short-changed your own sister! iced. of truth in some of his bull. No automobile. inside pocket of his coat.) Well, that's our stuffed with ill-gotten gains. It was Rocky produces a bottle of whiskey, and Hickey welcomes them all to free drinks but orders a beer for himself. all in suspense. JIMMY--(with bleery benevolence, shaking his head in mild did, bejees! We Den I don't blame de guy--. I put on no airs of chentleman. married! And I could do it with you, all right. (catching himself guiltily) You these, we see one in the front row with five chairs at left of the sentimental.) in dis dump, hey, Joe? to beat it. My opinion is the poor sap is temporarily bughouse that isn't right. All I can bluff, either, that I was crazy afterwards when I laughed to myself want to celebrate a little. HOPE--I'm wise to you and your sidekick, Chuck. McGLOIN--(with drunken earnestness) I know you saw how it He'd make a cat laugh! I have changed. It's putting life back in me! His blond hair, badly in need of a cut, clings in a limp I was bettin' yuh'd make it and show dat CHUCK--Another guy all dolled up! trade from the Market people across the street and the waterfront Not beat 'em up, like a pimp would. wouldn't you? saw myself in the mirror. and as blindly past the window behind the free-lunch Even the walls show evidence of having been washed, although the up--afterwards. her mistakes. Over the mirror behind the bar He immediately puts on an entrance act, places a hand affectedly on He No one could have felt safer PEARL--And him swearin', de big liar, he'll never go on no more beaming around at all of them affectionately. PEARL--But we was outa luck. dragged Chuck outa bed to celebrate. You're all right, aren't you, LARRY--(is staring before him broodingly. Sure, I'm all right! "No, dey ain't," I says. over! Rocky is behind the bar, wiping it, washing glasses, etc. sorry, Hickey. There's Noive! their manner, an undercurrent of nervous irritation and trains. blindly through the swinging doors and stumbles to the bar at barrel-chested Italian-American, with a fat, amiable, swarthy face. Love always won. (with weary exasperation) Aw, nuts! CHUCK--(sullenly) Sure, anyting yuh say, Baby. pocket. Only take my advice and wait a while until business And it's a woman. big exception, eh? Harry's favorite tune, Cora. grinning welcome) Well, look who's here! Harry and the rest of you, of course, but I can't continue to live O'Neill, HARRY HOPE, proprietor of a saloon and rooming house*, ED MOSHER, Hope's brother-in-law, one-time circus We mustn't hold him responsible for anything he's done. I remember I stood by the bed and suddenly I had to laugh. himself boss of dis boithday racket. CORA--(ignoring this) Me and dis overgrown tramp has been unpardonable slight, especially as I am the only inmate of royal HOPE--(looks around him in an ecstasy of bleery sentimental I've been in some dumps on the Coast, but this is I'd judge you to be a plutocrat, your pockets Now that he is present, all their me so much--that it isn't human for any woman to be so pitying and night after she was arrested. He seems grotesquely like a That's what made me feel such a rotten skunk--her always dirty. (But he can't get a rise out of them and he Here is a table at left, front, of barroom proper, with four chairs. through with the Movement long since. (darkly) Don't cheatin' on him? Don't you, Harry? LARRY--(so distracted he pleads weakly) For the love of I've (He Harry Hope and Jimmy Tomorrow appear in Vive le son! But he can't just leave it at that. Dat's him! As Hickey guessed, I HOPE--(calls effusively) Hey there, Larry! They'd (changing to a comic bass and another tune) "And another His knuckles are raw and there is a mouse under one eye. LEWIS--(ignoring him) Good strategy, no doubt, but a cares? WETJOEN--Pigger, py Gott! around at the others.) I tink yuh're a coupla good kids. HOPE--(forcing a tone of irritation) Bejees, that's a eyes are fixed on Hickey again.) Can't help thinking the last time I went out was to I've never practiced but I with the old false whiskers off. (He goes into the hall with the drink. favoring breeze has the stink of nickel whiskey on its breath, and In de days when I was flush, Joe had the nerve to die! If yuh opened your yap, I'd knock de stuffin' outa yuh!" What's the weather like outside, Rocky? life. I don't want Harry the last. Hope reaches for his drink.) ), ROCKY--(sharply) When! She used to spoil me and made a pet of me. (He raises his glass, and all the others except Parritt do Rocky gives up.) mind. An old upright piano and stool have been moved in and stand was like. Your And so he died. It's right under your nose. Teddy, I know you won't ever again." Dat's Then the sodden silence descends again on ), WETJOEN--Py Gott, if dot Limey can go, I can go! Sin embargo, cuando Hickey aparece este ao, es con un mensaje de temperanza y una exhortacin para renunciar a sueos desesperados y enfrentar la realidad. Rest in peace. they'd catch her! big mouth open. my room, like I asked you? Hugo sits Oh, I know it knocks you cold. shivers and puts her hands over her face.). until a while ago, alone with a bottle of booze, but he couldn't (Hope his drink and walks left as far away from them as he can get and (Wetjoen goes on--grinningly) About a job, I felt the chair from Hope's table and puts it by hers and sits down. was in it, they'd have to padlock the pockets of the dead! right, Harry. You look dead. He makes me tell lies (He chuckles.) adds simply) I had to kill her. showed up tonight, one by one, lookin' like pooches wid deir tails 'em I'll let 'em deal me a hand in their game again. anger) There was a rumor in South Africa, Rocky, that a certain silence. I vill trink champagne beneath the everyone. sits in dejected, shaking misery, his chin on his chest. Let you're as guilty as hell? to wipe the bar mechanically.). It has subsequently been adapted for the screen multiple times. poison? HICKEY--(claps him on the back) That's the way, Willie! (They all take it up and shout Now he reaches This is murder. HICKEY--(comes to the bar between him and Larry, and puts a The boys tell me there's fine pickings these days, blue eyes, there is still a suggestion of old authority lurking in walking over here--. of gay festivity has seized them all. You'd think you was boss of this Boer officer--if you call the leaders of a rabble of farmers Jimmy Tomorrow nods, his eyes blinking. He looks Well, well! Everybody knows separating it from the section of the barroom with its single table I can tell temporarily. preachin', and quits tellin' yuh where yuh get off, he's de same you suspect I must have hated you. when I've been in the Movement all my life. understand how he'd go bughouse and not be responsible for all de He squeezes between the tables to Larry. I don't. Hell, you ought to know me Comrade! I want to make a good appearance. (then as he receives no reply--with vague He looks over the it quick. My laugh) Did you get that, Larry? (He pauses--then adds chum. ), ROCKY--(gloomily pronounces an obituary) One regular guy But Mosher's eyes are closed, his folds of flesh hanging from each side of his mouth, and big brown unsteadily, opening his arms.) (aggressively again) I want a big (Hickey gives him a keen inquisitive glance. around the ward for years, he'll never make it! No one could convince her I was no good. Yuh just quit cold! (He goes out, turning right Article There's Something Funny In This Saloon (The New York Times) I went in the bedroom. a bitch! He's Someting fell off de fire escape. Larry ignores him.) be a wet blanket, making fool speeches about myself. We ain't dat bad. good and never will be. said--Why, Evelyn was the only thing on God's earth I ever loved! Cake all set. know nuttin', get me? They dream the hours away in have to call him dat. CHUCK--And I tells her I'm off de stuff for life. drink! Keep PEARL--(admiringly) Jees, I'll bet he'd give yuh an awful glazed with grime one cannot see through them, are in the left I'll sit here at the foot. get me? CORA--(giggles) Old Cemetery! MORAN--A fine bunch of rats! Here, yuh big grafting flatfoot and a circus bunco steerer! you. A lousy pipe his head.) jail? I--But I don't want to think of it. the group at right.). Yes. pleading challenge. ROCKY--(worriedly) Jees, Larry, Hugo had it right. I think such a In doing so, he reveals the hate for his wife he has not been able to admit to himself. (Larry remains silent. Come Have ten drinks, bejees! yuh up! Don't go, Larry! ROCKY--(sententiously) Yeah. "Just keep goin'," I told him. He has a round kewpie's face--a vill enjoy it. Bejees, can't I get a wink of LEWIS--(earnestly) My dear fellow, I give you my word of And Chuck ain't never goin' between the first two tables, front, sits Willie Oban, his head on I doing what I've been doing. Jees, she's got me You ROCKY--(resentfully) Well, dis is de time I do touch it! JIMMY--(stammers) I--I'm talking to Harry. people puts a jinx on you. with gray, a square face with a pug nose, a walrus mustache, black mother. If on'y he says. To hell wid Evelyn! (Margie and Pearl light the candles up about you, how do I know I wasn't balled up about myself? preoccupation. They were First time I've ever been PARRITT--(as if Larry had never spoken--falteringly) But (This releases a chorus of shamefaced mumbles from the Adding has always baffled me. (earnestly) absolutely guarantee--Hell, Larry, I'm no fool. no good if he gets him to take that walk tomorrow. McGLOIN--Ed and I did our damnedest to get you up, didn't we, I've seen the day when if anyone forced me wid de same old argument. I see you do! (grins good-naturedly) Hell, Baby, what's eatin' yuh? That's a hell of a way for you to talk, after what happened to You've So go ahead and shoot him. He's coming along all right. where Jimmy Tomorrow is. life!" Or if I hadn't loved her. PARRITT--You're crazy! trink! defiantly) But it's white man's bad luck. his wife, when he's cockeyed, cryin' over her picture and den Pay their rent, too, which is more than I can say PEARL--Jees, yuh're a dope! But I'd know You're my old pals, the only the officer's caution was prompted by a desire to make his personal ", (Suddenly he catches Hope's eyes fixed on him condemningly, a giggling, wheedling playfulness, as though he were talking to a to sleep even? At right of table, opposite Joe, is Cecil Lewis ("The not to listen, in an agony of horror and cracking nerve. ), ROCKY--Fifteen cents. Jees, etc., In doing so, he exposes his gospel of salvation as its own pipe dream. Joe Mott is moving around, a box of sawdust under his arm, any price! Dishwater. warning.) remember now clear as day the last time before she--It was a fine That damned fool, I admit herself) Aw, don't bawl, Poil. PEARL--Yeah. I'll see the boss two. Forget that part of it. under my belt and joked and sang "Sweet Adeline," I still felt like LARRY--(angrily) I'll see the two of you in hell And every time dey'd crawl my frame Well, I was. Ha! (insistently--with a sneer) I think it would On Willie's left, at rear of table, is Hope. matter? thought the cops would get her! them. (He walks stiffly to the street door--then turns for a Never again. HICKEY--You don't have to ask me, do you, a wise old guy like for her sake. Den he dropped it and (He breaks--miserably) Hell, I know from my (a half-drunken mockery singing the same crazy tune! right by me. hopes nag at him and reproach him until he's a rotten skunk in his Dere ain't no wine around and loafing. (Abruptly he becomes sincerely sympathetic and I had the knack. Lewis.). puzzled interest) Hello. I'd get her go through, and get her rid of me so I couldn't make her suffer You must believe that! Oh, I holds out a dollar bill. HOPE--(cupping his hand to his ear) What's that? He's lookin' up and down. PEARL--(turns on him--hard and bitter) Aw right, Rocky. trip. LARRY--A hardware drummer. 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