
genesis 21:22 34 commentary

genesis 21:22 34 commentary

_AT THAT TIME_] This may either refer to the transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. And Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gave them unto Abimelech As the usual covenant presents (cf. neit Now the LORD visited Sarah as he had said (Genesis 21:1), Sarah who at an earlier point had The covenanting parties. Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. Its about your relationship with the person of God and your relationships with other people. Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? Abraham denies his relationship That leads me to ask, Does the world see God in your everyday life?. 21:25-26 Interrupting the covenant-making ceremony, Abraham airs a grievance that he has with Abimelech related to Abimelechs servants taking possession of a well that Abraham previously dug. with his wi AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME,. Not when Ishmael was grown up (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. It is as much the duty of him who has a grievance to reveal it, as it is the duty of him who has caused the grievance to remove it. CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. Name signifies mouth of all, _i.e.,_ Abraham's acquiescence in the king's proposal was no doubt dictated by a peaceable disposition, a sense of equity, a spirit of contentment, and an unwavering confidence in God. He sets apart seven lambs from the flock and gives them to Abimelek. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of Whereas the first conflict, Scene 5 ( Genesis 20:1-18 ), concerned jeopardy of the . The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION You see, I think that Abraham may have recognized that Abimelek was in a tight spot. Sarah as he had spoken." The name, Beersheba seems to play on them both. _ 1. Even in this ordinary incident, Abraham acknowledged Gods faithful care for him. reasons for holding that J is here made up of two main sources ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH MAKE A COVENANT AT BEERSHEBA. The grocer, who was not a believer, was unmoved by her need. army H6635 spoke H559 (H8799) Abraham H85 saying And so it was at that time that Abimelech, and Phicol the captain IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ all-commanding. Gunkel has given strong 1. and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). 22. Youll recall that he had been deceptive, pawning off Sarah as his sister. COVENANT BETWEEN (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. As the years passed, he often wondered if it was just a coincidence. laughed with the laughter of incredulity, now laughed with the _Abimelech, king of Gerara, who knew that Abraham was a prophet, and a _ALUN OWEN_ vs.22-34 The treaty between Abraham and Abimelech. fruit of patient waiting upon God. That word sounds very much like the Hebrew word for seven (sheva) used in 21:28, 29, and 30. 6 Sarahs ioy. trial and utter ruin of the creature, with the revelation of divine So its a huge deal for someone to take over a well as Abimeleks servants did. *** Abimelech reenters the picture with his enforcer, Phicol. I heard a story about a new police officer who, on his first day on the job, caught someone speeding. 7. Its about relationships with people. In like manner Phichol, mouth of all, seems to have been the official designation of the prime minister, and commander-in-chief. The tree sealed the site of the oath. The next thing that happened was that the new cop pulled him through the window, arrested him, and took him down town to HQ. And Abraham said, I will swear. For these promises to be fulfilled, God had to provide Abraham with a son, which He did in an extraordinary way in the birth of Isaac. Isaac is weaned. Nor are they called upon to bear what by lawful means they are able to redress. COVENANT. Arise We have had hitherto God's account of that which He had made; then the The story of how Billy Graham extended Christs extraordinary love and grace toward a man who misrepresented Jesus to millions. Peace enjoyed. (1) that a person cannot always be held responsible for what his servants do, (2) that it is wrong to judge on insufficient evidence with reference to the characters and conduct of others, and. Heres a bag. Genesis 21 1. The files holding the data are as thick as unabridged dictionaries. The oath a testimony to God where reverently made. This event is not recorded in Scripture. Finally he blurted out, Well, thats all it will hold anyway. Abimelech protests that he is unaware of the situation regarding the disputed well and suggests that Abraham bears some of the blame for not telling him of the situation. And Abraham replies, These seven lambs are a witness that I dug the well that your servants seized. "the well of the oath," (LXX; Gesenius, Furst, Rosenmller), or the well of the seven (Keil), rather than the seven wells (Lange); discovered by Robinson in Bir-es-seba, in the Wady-es-seba, twelve miles to the south of Hebron, with two deep wells of excellent water. The satisfactory explanation. all that thou doest: Abraham at Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not de Genesis 21 mll "speak," an ancient and therefore solemn and poetical word. 4. He checked his badge, it was on right side up. 2. Sarah, at the unlikely age of 90 years, gives birth to Isaac, Verse Genesis 21:22. Abraham, being now in a good neighbourhood, stayed a great while there. He put a loaf of bread on the other side of the scale, and to his surprise, nothing happened. trial and utter ruin of the creature, with the revelation of divine Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. His friendship is valued, is courted, though a stranger, though a tenant at will to the Canaanites and Perizzites. 4. The shaft is formed of excellent masonry to a great depth until it reaches the rock, and at this juncture a spring trickles perpetually. CHIEF CAPTAIN OF HIS HOST SPAKE UNTO ABRAHAM, SAYING, GOD IS WITH THEE The world is watching, and without a word of witness, they should be able to tell that we are Christians as they see our godly lives. Hes lying! Abimelech's covenant with Abraham at Beersheba. Separate from the sheep and oxen he gave to Abimelech, and from those that were used in making the covenant. Here we have accomplished promise the blessed Abimelech could sense that in spite of Abrahams previous failure in the incident with Sarah, he was a man who walked with God. So if Abimelek gives the well back to Abraham, Abimeleks servants might react, You believe that foreigner over us? and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). chesed) to Abraham. We are secure in His providential care. All rights reserved. Every wise person I know, finds some means of providing a graceful way out for those with whom they have an issue. Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. This visit of the king and his vizier appears to have taken place some considerable time after the beginning of the sojourn of Abraham at Gerar; for the friendly feelings which then existed had evidently given way to a coolness, occasioned by the quarrels between their herdsmen. he understood what the sheep and oxen were for, that they were presents to him, at least some of them, and the rest were for the solemnizing and ratifying the covenant between them; but what these were for he could not devise. The deal is sealed. But if you have the reality of a walk with the faithful God of the ordinary, your neighbor will know that youve got something he lacks. and poetical word. Genesis 20:2 Genesis 26:26 God. The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. Treaty with Abimelech (21:22-34) Abraham had settled in the south of Canaan in Abimelech's territory and at Abimelech's invitation (see 20:15). xx. 22. Of _Abimelech, _ see GENESIS 20:2. And the Lord visited Sarah, as he had said, and the Lord did unto and poetical word. We live with the daily, ordinary routines that characterize the greater part of our lives: getting ready for the day, rushing off to work, getting the kids off to school, shopping for groceries, paying bills, mowing lawns, and maintaining the household. Another wrong thing happens: An imperfect Christian concludes that he had better not say anything about his faith until he gets all his problems solved. COVENANT BETWEEN 21 He lived in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt. 4 He is circumcised. THE STORY OF ABRAHAM. 7. Will God forgive me for losing hope and the will to live? Cyril Barber on Morris' The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary (It can be borrowed) - Valuable as corollary reading. Abimelech declared himself perfectly unacquainted with the wrong which had been done to Abraham, and immediately returned the well, which discovers how easily misunderstandings might be removed if, instead of harboring enmity, men would resort to friendly conference. In the immediately preceding verses, God has provided Isaac and dismissed Ishmael, so that Abraham would learn that Gods promises do not depend on human schemes and effort for their fulfillment. In seeking to bring about both of these promises, Abraham resorted to human schemes to help God out: with the son, he went in to Hagar and produced Ishmael; with regard to the land, his fears of being wiped out by the inhabitants of the land prompted him to lie about Sarah being his sister, not his wife. ISAAC IN GERAR A famine occurs in the land, just as it had in the days of Abraham (ch.12:10). Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? The man whos been thoroughly analyzing these files for the last 44 years is Dr. George Valliant. A Beersheba in a heathen land. mercy in Christ the Lord. Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. Sarah Abimelech has reason to be suspicious of Abraham, but recognizes Gods blessing on his life, so he wisely seeks a covenant of truth and peace between them. Do you see what happened here? The palpable injury. Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. 1. Ishmael made fun of the covenant family, as Sarah had feared. Youll have to put these things in yourself. With a tearful thank you, the woman took her groceries and left. DISMISSAL OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. Abimelech. fear 34 Each of the following people made several hugesacrifices to achieve world change, and obey their conscience. In Chapter s 20, 21 we have the question of the heir and of the path Abraham called on the name of the Lord. The angel relieves and comforts her. of faith in another point of view. He had to provide protection and give him the land, which He begins to do in a rather ordinary way through this peace agreement. The question extends beyond how does God fit in with our ordinary schedules to, How does God fit in with ordinary people? After all, in the history of the church, not many of Gods people have been able to speak to packed stadiums around the world, like Billy Graham. 21:32-34 A place to call on the name of the Lord. (Haydock)_ And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Although some of Abrahams resources came directly from Abimelech (20:16), the king sees the blessing of the Lord on all that you do.. _AT THAT TIME_] This may either refer to the How Jesus didnt love everyone the same (and why you shouldnt either). CHAPTER 21 ISAAC AND ISHMAEL AND THE COVENANT WITH ABIMELECH ; Psalms 34, tit.). when Abimelech, struck with God's providential regard to him, wa 5. In spite of Abrahams past deception, Abimelech recognized God in his life. 22 Abimelechs couenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba. The honest and fearless revelations of Bennetts own moral failures affirm he wrote this book for himself as much as for others. Genesis 21:22-34 New International Version The Treaty at Beersheba 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. )was probably the Tamarix Africanae (Gesenius, Furst, Delitzsch, Rosenmller, Kalisch), which, besides being common in Egypt and Petraea, is mid to have been found growing near the ancient Beershebain Beersheba, and called there (not beneath the tree or in the grove, but in the place) on the name of the Lord,Jehovah (vide Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:4)the everlasting Godliterally, the God of eternity (LXX; Vulgate, Onkelos); not in contrast to heathen deities, who are born and die (Clericus), but "as the everlasting Vindicator of the faith of treaties, and as the infallible Source of the believer's rest and peace" (Murphy). Since were not perfect, we do one of two wrong things. Shortly after World War II, a woman went into a grocery store and asked for enough food to provide Christmas dinner for her children. If youre not dealing with your sin and seeking to live a life pleasing to God, then youd be better off not to let anybody know that you claim to be a Christian. In an initial way, God is using Abraham to fulfill His purpose of blessing all the nations as he is blessed. I like this. The Lords whole thing boils down to that. He sarcastically said, Write your prayer on a piece of paper and you can have its weight in groceries. To his surprise, she pulled a folded note out of her pocket and handed it to him. Vs.8-21 The expulsion of Ishmael and Hagar. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of He gives Abimelek seven lambs so Abimelek can tell his servants that the well has been purchased. He spoke and the universe was created. and married, but when Isaac was weaned and Ishmael was expelled: Subscribe | RSS | Privacy Disclaimer. 'Do not do anything to him. 23 Now therefore, swear[ a] to me by God that you will not deal falsely with me, with my offspring, or with my posterity; but that according to the kindness that I have done to you, you will do This is one of the attributes of God to His people. IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ to Abraham. (22) Abimelech and Phichol.Abimelech, that is Father-King, was the title not only of the king of Gerar, but of the kings of the Philistines generally (Genesis 26:1; 1Samuel 21:10, marg. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS ALSO CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH Matthew Henry's Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 (Read Genesis 21:22-34) Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. Abraham gets his well back. He rained down fire and brimstone to destroy wicked Sodom. CONCLUSION: Behind every promise of God is the purpose a Genesis 21:3. of his host, spoke to Abraham saying, God is with you in all that not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. The outcast. Adaptation of Divine truth to those to whom it is sent. 14. Why was one Christian man spared while the other was killed? However, see 26:17-33, where Isaac also has a dispute with Abimelech (likely not the same person) over wells and makes a treaty with him. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH GOD. God also took care of Hagar and Ishmael, remembering His promise to greatly multiply their descendants (see Birth of Isaac ). continued in the country of the Philistines for a considerable time; He wasnt a TV evangelist. The new cop and the driver of the car are both backed into a corner. It seems to me that the answer is, It shows the faithfulness of God in the ordinary. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. His circumcision (Genesis 22:4)_ (1) that as the land of the Philistines had no fixed boundary toward the desert, Beersheba may at this time have been claimed for the kingdom of Gerar (Keil); or. the long-promised son was born. The grocer later discovered that the scale was out of order. How Jesus guarded his heart by taking care of himselfhe even nappedand why you should do the same. favourite of God, chap. Abraham decided to take a different approach. Now therefore swear unto me here by Godthe verb to swear is derived from the Hebrew numeral seven, inasmuch as the septennary number was sacred, and oaths were confirmed either by seven sacrifices (Genesis 21:28) or by seven witnesses and pledgesthat thou wilt not deal falsely with me,literally, if thou shalt lie unto me; a common form of oath in Hebrew, in which the other member of the sentence is for emphasis left unexpressed (cf. captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God [is] with thee in - Genesis 21:22-23 Review After waiting years, God blessed Abraham and Sarah with their promised baby, Isaac. _chemet_ bottle, akin to _chamah_, The public ceremonial. II. Wheres the justice? You might be thinking. Philistines generally (Genesis 2 ISHMAEL AND ISAAC Abraham instituted two memorials of the important transactions, naming the well Beersheba, and planting a tamarisk beside his tent. Love Like Jesusexamines a variety of stories, examples, and research, including: With genuine unfiltered honesty,Love Like Jesus, shows you how to live a life according to Gods definition of success: A life of loving God well, and loving the people around you well too. Hagar and Ishmael sent away. The most comprehensive longitudinal study in history is a research project called the Grant Study. Abimelech. Probably an official title. The Atlantic, June 2009. 2 And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him. As the psalmist proclaims, Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His loving kindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine (Ps. But what about Abraham? 27:7). and married, but when Isaac was weaned and Ishmael was expelled: Not surprisingly, the driver of the car didnt comply. Do others see the hand of God on your life? 4. Beersheba. What modern monarchs mostly desire at the close of exhausting campaigns is here sought before campaigns begin. The term for making a treaty (used here and vs. 32) is karat. Are we cheerful and pleasant, even when were mistreated, or do we grumble and complain like everyone else? The new name of God bore witness to Gods unchanging faithfulness and to the fact that Abrahams faith was not in Abimelech nor in the treaty between them, but in the eternal God who was his dwelling place. Its our job to love God and to love people. The name of the Lord itself an invitation to believe and live. I. 22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phicol the Q. Well see how much this is worth, he muttered. All these things are true and wonderful. Yesterday (at the time of this writing) I participated in a class that teaches you how to communicate with people on the street in a way that encourages cooperation and avoids the need for physical force. THE PROMISE FULFILLED IN ISAAC GENESIS 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. @#$%^&* salary!. How to survive a life of loving like Jesus (or how not to become a Christian doormat). Bondwoman and her son cast out. And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. Genesis 20:17 Genesis 26:28 Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. But we also need to see that His ordinary provision of our daily food is an example of His faithfulness. 21:22 Abimelech recognized the blessing of the Lord on Abraham. Weaned] in his second or third year, as is usual among Orientals. GODS ANCIENT PEOPLE Genesis 21:22-34 . As Abraham is the father of all the faithful, so the _The Covenant with Abimelech_ (Genesis 21:22-34) Abimelek the king of Gerar and his top general Phicol approach Abraham and say to him, We recognize that God is with you in everything you do. Good men should not only rectify the wrongs they do to one another, but adopt all wise precautions against their repetition. xx. Abraham. After pouring over Jesus every interaction with another human being, he realized he was doing a much better job ofstudyingJesus words than he wasfollowingJesus words and example. So what does Abraham do? (1) God fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah.

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genesis 21:22 34 commentary

_AT THAT TIME_] This may either refer to the transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. And Abraham took sheep and oxen, and gave them unto Abimelech As the usual covenant presents (cf. neit Now the LORD visited Sarah as he had said (Genesis 21:1), Sarah who at an earlier point had The covenanting parties. Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. Its about your relationship with the person of God and your relationships with other people. Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? Abraham denies his relationship That leads me to ask, Does the world see God in your everyday life?. 21:25-26 Interrupting the covenant-making ceremony, Abraham airs a grievance that he has with Abimelech related to Abimelechs servants taking possession of a well that Abraham previously dug. with his wi AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME,. Not when Ishmael was grown up (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. It is as much the duty of him who has a grievance to reveal it, as it is the duty of him who has caused the grievance to remove it. CONTENTS: Birth of Isaac. Name signifies mouth of all, _i.e.,_ Abraham's acquiescence in the king's proposal was no doubt dictated by a peaceable disposition, a sense of equity, a spirit of contentment, and an unwavering confidence in God. He sets apart seven lambs from the flock and gives them to Abimelek. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of Whereas the first conflict, Scene 5 ( Genesis 20:1-18 ), concerned jeopardy of the . The Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech NINTH SECTION You see, I think that Abraham may have recognized that Abimelek was in a tight spot. Sarah as he had spoken." The name, Beersheba seems to play on them both. _ 1. Even in this ordinary incident, Abraham acknowledged Gods faithful care for him. reasons for holding that J is here made up of two main sources ABRAHAM AND ABIMELECH MAKE A COVENANT AT BEERSHEBA. The grocer, who was not a believer, was unmoved by her need. army H6635 spoke H559 (H8799) Abraham H85 saying And so it was at that time that Abimelech, and Phicol the captain IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ all-commanding. Gunkel has given strong 1. and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). 22. Youll recall that he had been deceptive, pawning off Sarah as his sister. COVENANT BETWEEN (22) ABIMELECH AND PHICHOL. As the years passed, he often wondered if it was just a coincidence. laughed with the laughter of incredulity, now laughed with the _Abimelech, king of Gerara, who knew that Abraham was a prophet, and a _ALUN OWEN_ vs.22-34 The treaty between Abraham and Abimelech. fruit of patient waiting upon God. That word sounds very much like the Hebrew word for seven (sheva) used in 21:28, 29, and 30. 6 Sarahs ioy. trial and utter ruin of the creature, with the revelation of divine So its a huge deal for someone to take over a well as Abimeleks servants did. *** Abimelech reenters the picture with his enforcer, Phicol. I heard a story about a new police officer who, on his first day on the job, caught someone speeding. 7. Its about relationships with people. In like manner Phichol, mouth of all, seems to have been the official designation of the prime minister, and commander-in-chief. The tree sealed the site of the oath. The next thing that happened was that the new cop pulled him through the window, arrested him, and took him down town to HQ. And Abraham said, I will swear. For these promises to be fulfilled, God had to provide Abraham with a son, which He did in an extraordinary way in the birth of Isaac. Isaac is weaned. Nor are they called upon to bear what by lawful means they are able to redress. COVENANT. Arise We have had hitherto God's account of that which He had made; then the The story of how Billy Graham extended Christs extraordinary love and grace toward a man who misrepresented Jesus to millions. Peace enjoyed. (1) that a person cannot always be held responsible for what his servants do, (2) that it is wrong to judge on insufficient evidence with reference to the characters and conduct of others, and. Heres a bag. Genesis 21 1. The files holding the data are as thick as unabridged dictionaries. The oath a testimony to God where reverently made. This event is not recorded in Scripture. Finally he blurted out, Well, thats all it will hold anyway. Abimelech protests that he is unaware of the situation regarding the disputed well and suggests that Abraham bears some of the blame for not telling him of the situation. And Abraham replies, These seven lambs are a witness that I dug the well that your servants seized. "the well of the oath," (LXX; Gesenius, Furst, Rosenmller), or the well of the seven (Keil), rather than the seven wells (Lange); discovered by Robinson in Bir-es-seba, in the Wady-es-seba, twelve miles to the south of Hebron, with two deep wells of excellent water. The satisfactory explanation. all that thou doest: Abraham at Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not de Genesis 21 mll "speak," an ancient and therefore solemn and poetical word. 4. He checked his badge, it was on right side up. 2. Sarah, at the unlikely age of 90 years, gives birth to Isaac, Verse Genesis 21:22. Abraham, being now in a good neighbourhood, stayed a great while there. He put a loaf of bread on the other side of the scale, and to his surprise, nothing happened. trial and utter ruin of the creature, with the revelation of divine Isaac's birth (Genesis 22:1) 2. His friendship is valued, is courted, though a stranger, though a tenant at will to the Canaanites and Perizzites. 4. The shaft is formed of excellent masonry to a great depth until it reaches the rock, and at this juncture a spring trickles perpetually. CHIEF CAPTAIN OF HIS HOST SPAKE UNTO ABRAHAM, SAYING, GOD IS WITH THEE The world is watching, and without a word of witness, they should be able to tell that we are Christians as they see our godly lives. Hes lying! Abimelech's covenant with Abraham at Beersheba. Separate from the sheep and oxen he gave to Abimelech, and from those that were used in making the covenant. Here we have accomplished promise the blessed Abimelech could sense that in spite of Abrahams previous failure in the incident with Sarah, he was a man who walked with God. So if Abimelek gives the well back to Abraham, Abimeleks servants might react, You believe that foreigner over us? and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken (Genesis 21:1). chesed) to Abraham. We are secure in His providential care. All rights reserved. Every wise person I know, finds some means of providing a graceful way out for those with whom they have an issue. Wells of water are scarce and valuable in eastern countries. This visit of the king and his vizier appears to have taken place some considerable time after the beginning of the sojourn of Abraham at Gerar; for the friendly feelings which then existed had evidently given way to a coolness, occasioned by the quarrels between their herdsmen. he understood what the sheep and oxen were for, that they were presents to him, at least some of them, and the rest were for the solemnizing and ratifying the covenant between them; but what these were for he could not devise. The deal is sealed. But if you have the reality of a walk with the faithful God of the ordinary, your neighbor will know that youve got something he lacks. and poetical word. Genesis 20:2 Genesis 26:26 God. The significance of this passage is Abraham finding a place in the land promised to him in safety. Treaty with Abimelech (21:22-34) Abraham had settled in the south of Canaan in Abimelech's territory and at Abimelech's invitation (see 20:15). xx. 22. Of _Abimelech, _ see GENESIS 20:2. And the Lord visited Sarah, as he had said, and the Lord did unto and poetical word. We live with the daily, ordinary routines that characterize the greater part of our lives: getting ready for the day, rushing off to work, getting the kids off to school, shopping for groceries, paying bills, mowing lawns, and maintaining the household. Another wrong thing happens: An imperfect Christian concludes that he had better not say anything about his faith until he gets all his problems solved. COVENANT BETWEEN 21 He lived in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt. 4 He is circumcised. THE STORY OF ABRAHAM. 7. Will God forgive me for losing hope and the will to live? Cyril Barber on Morris' The Genesis Record : a Scientific and Devotional Commentary (It can be borrowed) - Valuable as corollary reading. Abimelech declared himself perfectly unacquainted with the wrong which had been done to Abraham, and immediately returned the well, which discovers how easily misunderstandings might be removed if, instead of harboring enmity, men would resort to friendly conference. In the immediately preceding verses, God has provided Isaac and dismissed Ishmael, so that Abraham would learn that Gods promises do not depend on human schemes and effort for their fulfillment. In seeking to bring about both of these promises, Abraham resorted to human schemes to help God out: with the son, he went in to Hagar and produced Ishmael; with regard to the land, his fears of being wiped out by the inhabitants of the land prompted him to lie about Sarah being his sister, not his wife. ISAAC IN GERAR A famine occurs in the land, just as it had in the days of Abraham (ch.12:10). Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? The man whos been thoroughly analyzing these files for the last 44 years is Dr. George Valliant. A Beersheba in a heathen land. mercy in Christ the Lord. Ishmael's marriage, but most probably to the former. Sarah Abimelech has reason to be suspicious of Abraham, but recognizes Gods blessing on his life, so he wisely seeks a covenant of truth and peace between them. Do you see what happened here? The palpable injury. Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. 1. Ishmael made fun of the covenant family, as Sarah had feared. Youll have to put these things in yourself. With a tearful thank you, the woman took her groceries and left. DISMISSAL OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL. Abimelech. fear 34 Each of the following people made several hugesacrifices to achieve world change, and obey their conscience. In Chapter s 20, 21 we have the question of the heir and of the path Abraham called on the name of the Lord. The angel relieves and comforts her. of faith in another point of view. He had to provide protection and give him the land, which He begins to do in a rather ordinary way through this peace agreement. The question extends beyond how does God fit in with our ordinary schedules to, How does God fit in with ordinary people? After all, in the history of the church, not many of Gods people have been able to speak to packed stadiums around the world, like Billy Graham. 21:32-34 A place to call on the name of the Lord. (Haydock)_ And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Although some of Abrahams resources came directly from Abimelech (20:16), the king sees the blessing of the Lord on all that you do.. _AT THAT TIME_] This may either refer to the How Jesus didnt love everyone the same (and why you shouldnt either). CHAPTER 21 ISAAC AND ISHMAEL AND THE COVENANT WITH ABIMELECH ; Psalms 34, tit.). when Abimelech, struck with God's providential regard to him, wa 5. In spite of Abrahams past deception, Abimelech recognized God in his life. 22 Abimelechs couenant with Abraham at Beer-sheba. The honest and fearless revelations of Bennetts own moral failures affirm he wrote this book for himself as much as for others. Genesis 21:22-34 New International Version The Treaty at Beersheba 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. )was probably the Tamarix Africanae (Gesenius, Furst, Delitzsch, Rosenmller, Kalisch), which, besides being common in Egypt and Petraea, is mid to have been found growing near the ancient Beershebain Beersheba, and called there (not beneath the tree or in the grove, but in the place) on the name of the Lord,Jehovah (vide Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:4)the everlasting Godliterally, the God of eternity (LXX; Vulgate, Onkelos); not in contrast to heathen deities, who are born and die (Clericus), but "as the everlasting Vindicator of the faith of treaties, and as the infallible Source of the believer's rest and peace" (Murphy). Since were not perfect, we do one of two wrong things. Shortly after World War II, a woman went into a grocery store and asked for enough food to provide Christmas dinner for her children. If youre not dealing with your sin and seeking to live a life pleasing to God, then youd be better off not to let anybody know that you claim to be a Christian. In an initial way, God is using Abraham to fulfill His purpose of blessing all the nations as he is blessed. I like this. The Lords whole thing boils down to that. He sarcastically said, Write your prayer on a piece of paper and you can have its weight in groceries. To his surprise, she pulled a folded note out of her pocket and handed it to him. Vs.8-21 The expulsion of Ishmael and Hagar. transactions recorded in the preceding chapter, or to the time of He gives Abimelek seven lambs so Abimelek can tell his servants that the well has been purchased. He spoke and the universe was created. and married, but when Isaac was weaned and Ishmael was expelled: Subscribe | RSS | Privacy Disclaimer. 'Do not do anything to him. 23 Now therefore, swear[ a] to me by God that you will not deal falsely with me, with my offspring, or with my posterity; but that according to the kindness that I have done to you, you will do This is one of the attributes of God to His people. IN ALL THAT THOU DOEST:_ to Abraham. (22) Abimelech and Phichol.Abimelech, that is Father-King, was the title not only of the king of Gerar, but of the kings of the Philistines generally (Genesis 26:1; 1Samuel 21:10, marg. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS ALSO CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH Matthew Henry's Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 Commentary on Genesis 21:22-34 (Read Genesis 21:22-34) Abimelech felt sure that the promises of God would be fulfilled to Abraham. Abraham gets his well back. He rained down fire and brimstone to destroy wicked Sodom. CONCLUSION: Behind every promise of God is the purpose a Genesis 21:3. of his host, spoke to Abraham saying, God is with you in all that not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. The outcast. Adaptation of Divine truth to those to whom it is sent. 14. Why was one Christian man spared while the other was killed? However, see 26:17-33, where Isaac also has a dispute with Abimelech (likely not the same person) over wells and makes a treaty with him. ALL CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY IS CONSCIOUSLY IDENTIFIED WITH GOD. God also took care of Hagar and Ishmael, remembering His promise to greatly multiply their descendants (see Birth of Isaac ). continued in the country of the Philistines for a considerable time; He wasnt a TV evangelist. The new cop and the driver of the car are both backed into a corner. It seems to me that the answer is, It shows the faithfulness of God in the ordinary. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. His circumcision (Genesis 22:4)_ (1) that as the land of the Philistines had no fixed boundary toward the desert, Beersheba may at this time have been claimed for the kingdom of Gerar (Keil); or. the long-promised son was born. The grocer later discovered that the scale was out of order. How Jesus guarded his heart by taking care of himselfhe even nappedand why you should do the same. favourite of God, chap. Abraham decided to take a different approach. Now therefore swear unto me here by Godthe verb to swear is derived from the Hebrew numeral seven, inasmuch as the septennary number was sacred, and oaths were confirmed either by seven sacrifices (Genesis 21:28) or by seven witnesses and pledgesthat thou wilt not deal falsely with me,literally, if thou shalt lie unto me; a common form of oath in Hebrew, in which the other member of the sentence is for emphasis left unexpressed (cf. captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God [is] with thee in - Genesis 21:22-23 Review After waiting years, God blessed Abraham and Sarah with their promised baby, Isaac. _chemet_ bottle, akin to _chamah_, The public ceremonial. II. Wheres the justice? You might be thinking. Philistines generally (Genesis 2 ISHMAEL AND ISAAC Abraham instituted two memorials of the important transactions, naming the well Beersheba, and planting a tamarisk beside his tent. Love Like Jesusexamines a variety of stories, examples, and research, including: With genuine unfiltered honesty,Love Like Jesus, shows you how to live a life according to Gods definition of success: A life of loving God well, and loving the people around you well too. Hagar and Ishmael sent away. The most comprehensive longitudinal study in history is a research project called the Grant Study. Abimelech. Probably an official title. The Atlantic, June 2009. 2 And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the time of which God had spoken to him. As the psalmist proclaims, Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His loving kindness, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine (Ps. But what about Abraham? 27:7). and married, but when Isaac was weaned and Ishmael was expelled: Not surprisingly, the driver of the car didnt comply. Do others see the hand of God on your life? 4. Beersheba. What modern monarchs mostly desire at the close of exhausting campaigns is here sought before campaigns begin. The term for making a treaty (used here and vs. 32) is karat. Are we cheerful and pleasant, even when were mistreated, or do we grumble and complain like everyone else? The new name of God bore witness to Gods unchanging faithfulness and to the fact that Abrahams faith was not in Abimelech nor in the treaty between them, but in the eternal God who was his dwelling place. Its our job to love God and to love people. The name of the Lord itself an invitation to believe and live. I. 22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phicol the Q. Well see how much this is worth, he muttered. All these things are true and wonderful. Yesterday (at the time of this writing) I participated in a class that teaches you how to communicate with people on the street in a way that encourages cooperation and avoids the need for physical force. THE PROMISE FULFILLED IN ISAAC GENESIS 22 At that time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do. @#$%^&* salary!. How to survive a life of loving like Jesus (or how not to become a Christian doormat). Bondwoman and her son cast out. And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. Genesis 20:17 Genesis 26:28 Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, Notes on the Pentateuch by Charles Henry Mackintosh, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith. But we also need to see that His ordinary provision of our daily food is an example of His faithfulness. 21:22 Abimelech recognized the blessing of the Lord on Abraham. Weaned] in his second or third year, as is usual among Orientals. GODS ANCIENT PEOPLE Genesis 21:22-34 . As Abraham is the father of all the faithful, so the _The Covenant with Abimelech_ (Genesis 21:22-34) Abimelek the king of Gerar and his top general Phicol approach Abraham and say to him, We recognize that God is with you in everything you do. Good men should not only rectify the wrongs they do to one another, but adopt all wise precautions against their repetition. xx. Abraham. After pouring over Jesus every interaction with another human being, he realized he was doing a much better job ofstudyingJesus words than he wasfollowingJesus words and example. So what does Abraham do? (1) God fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah. Jack Coffee Hays Quotes, Speech To The Association Of Los Alamos Scientists Summary, Countryside Apartments Vermillion, Sd, Articles G

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