There are three ways to enable an interface. /** document.body.appendChild(script); window.onload = function () { Game.cookies= Game.cookies + ; Game.computedMouseCps=; Game.cookies/=1000;Game.cookiesEarned/=1000; Game.cookiesPs=; Game.Achievements[].won=1; According to your browser, use the below shortcuts for the source inspector: Open the Console tab from the top of this window. newShimmer.pop(); Game.prestige['Heavenly chips'] = Infinity; *Switch to the "Console" tab of the developer window 6. if (Game.wrinklers[i].close==1) And even with much patience and planned grinding, you can quickly produce many cookies in a couple of days or hours if you play nonstop. The game continues while your phone is closed, so you can set up your ideal bakery and resume later to reap the . Game.gainBuff('haggler luck',.5*60*60,9999); return setInterval(intoTheAbyss, repeatInterval); 28 days ago. = 99999999; If you want your heavenly chips amount to be correct, enter the following into the console. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? }; Game.prestige['Heavenly chips'] = ; This will make it so that when you refresh the page, the amount of heavenly chips returns back to normal. When should I start the Grandmapocalypse? You can add any number here. Contribute to D1harv/Cookie-Clicker development by creating an account on GitHub. Game.prestige.ready = 1; So lets get right into it. */ Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. If you want to know more, check out our "Cookie Clicker Cheat Codes & Hacks" post and learn everything that there is about the game. Both index fingers and low dpi. Microsoft Windows: Press F12 to open the developer tools. Copy/paste the following code into your Monkey editor. If you continue to use the site, we will assume that this suits you. I recommend Google Chrome but the cheat does work in all browsers. Game.gainBuff('dragonflight',.5*60*60,9999); The original description above have been disputed as follows: Link to source code:, This script is an improvement of Build Script X, it buys the most effective buildings or upgrades automatically and tells you details about it in the news bar. Game.gainBuff('sugar frenzy',.5*60*60,9999); your right I also hate it how they got rid of cookie clicker on the school laptops like seriously im kinda mad about it >:(. }, 500); If you want to instantly spawn all twelve wrinklers so you can get the bonus after letting them feed a while: If you want to make all currently existent wrinklers shiny: Or, if you want to instantly spawn all twelve wrinklers and make them shiny: If you want to kill Wrinklers quickly, use this command: var noWrinkler = setInterval(function () { Similar to achievements, upgrades can also be referred by either ID or name. Then tap some more! 1 What is the cheat to get infinite cookies in cookie clicker? 3 How much does the One Mind upgrade cost? Game.upgradesToRebuild = 1; If you want to make all researches instant, use: setInterval(function() { Safari: Press + Option+C. To make it so that the title of the webpage changes to an exclamation point whenever a golden/red cookie appears, use: setInterval(function() { ask.onclick = askPermission; Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord. 2013 saw the debut of Cookie Clicker, an incremental video game developed by the French programmer Julien Orteil Thiennot. right click on cookie clickers and click "Inspect Element" 2. }; Fully wipe your save, achieved by going to Options > Wipe save, shown below: Or, assuming the only thing they changed was the amount of cookies you had, press F12 (Chrome) or Ctrl+Shift+K (Firefox) to enter the console, and type Game.cookies = 0 to set your game's cookies to 0. The creator(s) should change it accordingly, but who wants to sit in that debate? if ( > 0) document.title = '!' 1 week ago Show details . Warning: Do not perform if you want to unlock the game fairly. Game.cookies=Infinity; - Changes your cookie balance to unlimited. Edit the save. One Mind is definitely worth it. }); If you only want to unlock non-shadow achievements, remove the double slash (//); If you want to remove an achievement, use: If you want to remove all the achievements, use: Game.AchievementsById.forEach(function(e) { To remove the noise from clicking the big cookie, but keep other noises on, use: This is not really a cheat, but can be somewhat useful at times. If you want to build a custom number of buildings, N, use: Note that the Wrath Cookie counts as a golden cookie as far as the game coding goes, therefore the following scripts also apply on Wrath Cookies. I had 8 after restarting my game, and then deleted it and reloaded. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. In order to get an infinite amount of cookies, type this command: Game.cookies=0 All you have to do now is simply press enter and should have an Cookies 165 Show detail Preview View more This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. document.addEventListener("mousemove", MouseMv, false); x = e.clientX; // 0 - Next upgrade to research Type "javascript:[your code here]" on the address bar, then press Enter. Modify the cookies of the game to hack it.7. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Cookie Clicker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. }); If you want to make all upgrades completely free, use: Game.UpgradesById.forEach(function (e) { Right click pretty much anywhere on your screen and choose the " Inspect " option. Opening this panel will secretly award the player the "Cheated cookies taste awful" Shadow Achievement for cheating in cookies, even if the panel's functions are not actually ever used. // 1381898487292 - session started Game.shimmers.forEach(function(shimmer) { Game.cookiesPs = ; The only way to undo this is by entering Game.cookies=0 into the console. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? } * @author QtheConqueror Right click anywhere on the screen4. To execute this function, simply use: As of V2, the game contains a debugging menu with a multitude of useful features, such as spawning Golden Cookies with various effects. Microsoft Windows: Press F12 or CTRL + SHIFT + K to open the console. This command can be used to lower your number of cookies as well as increase it. So instead of typing 3 lines of code, you could also type a single word to use the exact same cheat. You can spend the cookies to buy and unlock everything you like. Mac OS: Press + OPTION + C to open the Error Console. But the reverse didn't work for me witch sucks. }, 100); For instructions on using these scripts refer to above. } Upgrades don't look quite as exciting as purchasing new cookie Cookie production x' + Game.frenzyPower + ' for ' + time + ' seconds! We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Screenshot of the Week #85 [Submissions Closed - Vote Now!]. You have to replace n with the number of cookies you want and remove the quotes. The shortcut for Opera users is CTRL + SHIFT + I. Game.gainBuff('dragon harvest',.5*60*60,9999); If you wish to do that, here are the instructions: The decoded save follows a certain format, take this save for example: 1.0393||1381898487292;1380107853914;1381899592923|011101|19810703888477384;232154241051907840;4218;2120;24564619087288988;9632;-1;-1;45326046739823870;0;11;107852;0;-1;2;207;1656259545394620;175|219,220,25128184169839,0;216,216,64729416294516,0;180,180,7033459448,0;168,169,22279979110,0;159,159,75346744514,0;150,150,182832240409,0;139,140,651206881531,0;143,143,11123847712297,0;121,122,120436061607417,0;112,112,1119454662710064,0;|4503599627370495;4503599627370495;4503599627370495;4503573749070335;2814337448673279;171798691455|4503599627370495;2313303743266815;2047. Game.Unlock(; Game.UpgradesById.forEach(function(i) {if (i.bought === 0) { Game.cookies +=i.basePrice;; }}). However, for today we will focus mainly on how to get those infinite cookies. Clicking power x777 for ' + time + ' seconds! /*Game.shimmers.forEach(function(shimmer){shimmer.wrath = 0});*/ The script automatically buys the most effective item only in terms of cookies per second and price. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? Yes, if you are a big fan of Cookie Clicker, here is a news that will make you beam with joy; this game has a plethora of hacks and cheats! } else { cookie clicker is really fun in till we ruin it by putting the hacks in makes this game so much more fun, Your email address will not be published. }, ); If you want to set your Sugar Lumps to a certain number, use: If you want to change a sugar lump to a bifuricated, golden, meaty, or caramelized lump, use: Note that you will have to replace with either 0 for normal, 1 for bifuricated, 2 for golden, 3 for meaty, or 4 for caramelized. Select "Inspect"5. The console is where you enter the code into for the cheats to take effect. We will teach you how to get infinite cookies in Cookie Clicker in this article. // 11111111111111111111011111111111111011111101100000 }; Consider unblocking our site or checking out our Patreon! Game.cookies=Infinity; This Command changes your cookie balance to unlimited. Cookies like this may be exchanged for cursors and other buildings that, if acquired, will continue to produce cookies even after the transaction has been made. Game.storeToRebuild = 1; for (var i in Game.Objects){ How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? '); This will give you a +1 sugar lump every 5 minutes. >>How to get infinite cookies on PC. It displayed me having 8 cookies. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? Cheats are case-sensitive, so don't replace uppercase letters with lowercase. Best Cookie Clicker Strategy Guide - Tech News Today . Youll find it at the top of the source inspector window. I'll give you a step by step guide on how. // if (e.hide == 3) The most simple cheat you can do is import a save. javascript:(function(){var script=document.createElement('script');script.setAttribute('src','');document.body.appendChild(script);}()); // ==UserScript== You can either: Fully wipe your save, achieved by going to Options > Wipe save, shown below: Or, assuming the only thing they changed was the amount of cookies you had, press F12 (Chrome) or Ctrl+Shift+K (Firefox) to enter the console, and type Game.cookies = 0 to set your game's cookies to 0. Modify the cookies of the game to hack it. This applies to both Y and Y***. // 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Your email address will not be published. Cookie Clicker is mainly supported by ads. Press Enter button once you copy and paste the CC cheat codes from our list. Game.gainBuff('devastation',.5*60*60,9999); * Step 5 will be different from browser to browser. Game.CalculatePrestige(); If you want to gain infinity heavenly chips, use: Game.prestige = []; One Mind is acquired after defeating Isshin Ashina (requires players to choose to Obey the Iron Code when asked). }); Paste all the code in your browser console. This will open the Cookie Clicker game interface. // 4218 - Big cookie clicks Game.ClickCookie(); Safari: Press +Option+C Chromebook: CTRL+SHIFT+J How to get infinite cookies in Cookie Clicker Method-2: The cheat to spawn gvar newShimmer=new Game. You're wasting useful internet space that could go to petitions to ban 7 year olds like you on the internet. Cookies 83 Show detail Preview View more I let my friend use my computer, and she wanted to play cookie clicker after I showed her. Open your browser console. Buying things like the Time Machine, Prisim or Chancemaker will significantly increase the number of cookies per second that you generate. One way is to buy the sugar lump upgrade from the upgrades tab. }); If you only want to remove shadow achievements, remove the double slash (//); Note: Removing an achievement won't reduce your milk percentage. Note that a return of 'undefined' does not mean that it failed to execute, just that there was nothing to display back to the user. In order to get an infinite amount of cookies, type this command: Game.cookies=0 All you have to do now is simply press enter and should have an infinite amount of cookies. Option is activated by default and can be removed by pressing 'G'. * @param {number} [rate] - Timeout between clicks in milliseconds; Default: 500 Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. Game.gainBuff('blood frenzy',.5*60*60,9999); If you want to automatically click all spawned cookies then spawn a cookie at set interval, use: setInterval(function() { :(. British. If you want to unlock an achievement, use: If you want to unlock every single achievement, use: Game.AchievementsById.forEach(function(e) { PS: It did not work for me it is not woreth it and I askiditly deleted the thing. How would you describe an honorable person? Also, if it's activated after buying the Bingo Center or when One mind is available to be bought, it will spam "research has begun" and start the grandmapocalypse. var audio = new Audio(""); Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. Now, whenever you open Cookie Clicker, the cheat interface will automatically be enabled. Cookie Clicker Cheats List All Hacks & Codes (Updated March 2023), Add Cookies to Your Current Cookie Supply. Game.shimmer.spawn = (function() { If you want to change the dungeon level, use: The level affects amount of cookies rewarded and spawning of monsters. If you want to unlock a single upgrade, use: If you want to unlock AND buy an upgrade, use: Game.UpgradesById.forEach(function(e) {
There are three ways to enable an interface. /** document.body.appendChild(script); window.onload = function () { Game.cookies= Game.cookies + ; Game.computedMouseCps=; Game.cookies/=1000;Game.cookiesEarned/=1000; Game.cookiesPs=; Game.Achievements[].won=1; According to your browser, use the below shortcuts for the source inspector: Open the Console tab from the top of this window. newShimmer.pop(); Game.prestige['Heavenly chips'] = Infinity; *Switch to the "Console" tab of the developer window 6. if (Game.wrinklers[i].close==1) And even with much patience and planned grinding, you can quickly produce many cookies in a couple of days or hours if you play nonstop. The game continues while your phone is closed, so you can set up your ideal bakery and resume later to reap the . Game.gainBuff('haggler luck',.5*60*60,9999); return setInterval(intoTheAbyss, repeatInterval); 28 days ago. = 99999999; If you want your heavenly chips amount to be correct, enter the following into the console. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? }; Game.prestige['Heavenly chips'] = ; This will make it so that when you refresh the page, the amount of heavenly chips returns back to normal. When should I start the Grandmapocalypse? You can add any number here. Contribute to D1harv/Cookie-Clicker development by creating an account on GitHub. Game.prestige.ready = 1; So lets get right into it. */ Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. If you want to know more, check out our "Cookie Clicker Cheat Codes & Hacks" post and learn everything that there is about the game. Both index fingers and low dpi. Microsoft Windows: Press F12 to open the developer tools. Copy/paste the following code into your Monkey editor. If you continue to use the site, we will assume that this suits you. I recommend Google Chrome but the cheat does work in all browsers. Game.gainBuff('dragonflight',.5*60*60,9999); The original description above have been disputed as follows: Link to source code:, This script is an improvement of Build Script X, it buys the most effective buildings or upgrades automatically and tells you details about it in the news bar. Game.gainBuff('sugar frenzy',.5*60*60,9999); your right I also hate it how they got rid of cookie clicker on the school laptops like seriously im kinda mad about it >:(. }, 500); If you want to instantly spawn all twelve wrinklers so you can get the bonus after letting them feed a while: If you want to make all currently existent wrinklers shiny: Or, if you want to instantly spawn all twelve wrinklers and make them shiny: If you want to kill Wrinklers quickly, use this command: var noWrinkler = setInterval(function () { Similar to achievements, upgrades can also be referred by either ID or name. Then tap some more! 1 What is the cheat to get infinite cookies in cookie clicker? 3 How much does the One Mind upgrade cost? Game.upgradesToRebuild = 1; If you want to make all researches instant, use: setInterval(function() { Safari: Press + Option+C. To make it so that the title of the webpage changes to an exclamation point whenever a golden/red cookie appears, use: setInterval(function() { ask.onclick = askPermission; Keep updated on the latest PC Gaming news by following GameWatcher on Twitter, checking out our videos on YouTube, giving us a like on Facebook, and joining us on Discord. 2013 saw the debut of Cookie Clicker, an incremental video game developed by the French programmer Julien Orteil Thiennot. right click on cookie clickers and click "Inspect Element" 2. }; Fully wipe your save, achieved by going to Options > Wipe save, shown below: Or, assuming the only thing they changed was the amount of cookies you had, press F12 (Chrome) or Ctrl+Shift+K (Firefox) to enter the console, and type Game.cookies = 0 to set your game's cookies to 0. The creator(s) should change it accordingly, but who wants to sit in that debate? if ( > 0) document.title = '!' 1 week ago Show details . Warning: Do not perform if you want to unlock the game fairly. Game.cookies=Infinity; - Changes your cookie balance to unlimited. Edit the save. One Mind is definitely worth it. }); If you only want to unlock non-shadow achievements, remove the double slash (//); If you want to remove an achievement, use: If you want to remove all the achievements, use: Game.AchievementsById.forEach(function(e) { To remove the noise from clicking the big cookie, but keep other noises on, use: This is not really a cheat, but can be somewhat useful at times. If you want to build a custom number of buildings, N, use: Note that the Wrath Cookie counts as a golden cookie as far as the game coding goes, therefore the following scripts also apply on Wrath Cookies. I had 8 after restarting my game, and then deleted it and reloaded. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. In order to get an infinite amount of cookies, type this command: Game.cookies=0 All you have to do now is simply press enter and should have an Cookies 165 Show detail Preview View more This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. document.addEventListener("mousemove", MouseMv, false); x = e.clientX; // 0 - Next upgrade to research Type "javascript:[your code here]" on the address bar, then press Enter. Modify the cookies of the game to hack it.7. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Cookie Clicker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. }); If you want to make all upgrades completely free, use: Game.UpgradesById.forEach(function (e) { Right click pretty much anywhere on your screen and choose the " Inspect " option. Opening this panel will secretly award the player the "Cheated cookies taste awful" Shadow Achievement for cheating in cookies, even if the panel's functions are not actually ever used. // 1381898487292 - session started Game.shimmers.forEach(function(shimmer) { Game.cookiesPs = ; The only way to undo this is by entering Game.cookies=0 into the console. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? } * @author QtheConqueror Right click anywhere on the screen4. To execute this function, simply use: As of V2, the game contains a debugging menu with a multitude of useful features, such as spawning Golden Cookies with various effects. Microsoft Windows: Press F12 or CTRL + SHIFT + K to open the console. This command can be used to lower your number of cookies as well as increase it. So instead of typing 3 lines of code, you could also type a single word to use the exact same cheat. You can spend the cookies to buy and unlock everything you like. Mac OS: Press + OPTION + C to open the Error Console. But the reverse didn't work for me witch sucks. }, 100); For instructions on using these scripts refer to above. } Upgrades don't look quite as exciting as purchasing new cookie Cookie production x' + Game.frenzyPower + ' for ' + time + ' seconds! We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Screenshot of the Week #85 [Submissions Closed - Vote Now!]. You have to replace n with the number of cookies you want and remove the quotes. The shortcut for Opera users is CTRL + SHIFT + I. Game.gainBuff('dragon harvest',.5*60*60,9999); If you wish to do that, here are the instructions: The decoded save follows a certain format, take this save for example: 1.0393||1381898487292;1380107853914;1381899592923|011101|19810703888477384;232154241051907840;4218;2120;24564619087288988;9632;-1;-1;45326046739823870;0;11;107852;0;-1;2;207;1656259545394620;175|219,220,25128184169839,0;216,216,64729416294516,0;180,180,7033459448,0;168,169,22279979110,0;159,159,75346744514,0;150,150,182832240409,0;139,140,651206881531,0;143,143,11123847712297,0;121,122,120436061607417,0;112,112,1119454662710064,0;|4503599627370495;4503599627370495;4503599627370495;4503573749070335;2814337448673279;171798691455|4503599627370495;2313303743266815;2047. Game.Unlock(; Game.UpgradesById.forEach(function(i) {if (i.bought === 0) { Game.cookies +=i.basePrice;; }}). However, for today we will focus mainly on how to get those infinite cookies. Clicking power x777 for ' + time + ' seconds! /*Game.shimmers.forEach(function(shimmer){shimmer.wrath = 0});*/ The script automatically buys the most effective item only in terms of cookies per second and price. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? Yes, if you are a big fan of Cookie Clicker, here is a news that will make you beam with joy; this game has a plethora of hacks and cheats! } else { cookie clicker is really fun in till we ruin it by putting the hacks in makes this game so much more fun, Your email address will not be published. }, ); If you want to set your Sugar Lumps to a certain number, use: If you want to change a sugar lump to a bifuricated, golden, meaty, or caramelized lump, use: Note that you will have to replace with either 0 for normal, 1 for bifuricated, 2 for golden, 3 for meaty, or 4 for caramelized. Select "Inspect"5. The console is where you enter the code into for the cheats to take effect. We will teach you how to get infinite cookies in Cookie Clicker in this article. // 11111111111111111111011111111111111011111101100000 }; Consider unblocking our site or checking out our Patreon! Game.cookies=Infinity; This Command changes your cookie balance to unlimited. Cookies like this may be exchanged for cursors and other buildings that, if acquired, will continue to produce cookies even after the transaction has been made. Game.storeToRebuild = 1; for (var i in Game.Objects){ How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? '); This will give you a +1 sugar lump every 5 minutes. >>How to get infinite cookies on PC. It displayed me having 8 cookies. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? Cheats are case-sensitive, so don't replace uppercase letters with lowercase. Best Cookie Clicker Strategy Guide - Tech News Today . Youll find it at the top of the source inspector window. I'll give you a step by step guide on how. // if (e.hide == 3) The most simple cheat you can do is import a save. javascript:(function(){var script=document.createElement('script');script.setAttribute('src','');document.body.appendChild(script);}()); // ==UserScript== You can either: Fully wipe your save, achieved by going to Options > Wipe save, shown below: Or, assuming the only thing they changed was the amount of cookies you had, press F12 (Chrome) or Ctrl+Shift+K (Firefox) to enter the console, and type Game.cookies = 0 to set your game's cookies to 0. Modify the cookies of the game to hack it. This applies to both Y and Y***. // 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Your email address will not be published. Cookie Clicker is mainly supported by ads. Press Enter button once you copy and paste the CC cheat codes from our list. Game.gainBuff('devastation',.5*60*60,9999); * Step 5 will be different from browser to browser. Game.CalculatePrestige(); If you want to gain infinity heavenly chips, use: Game.prestige = []; One Mind is acquired after defeating Isshin Ashina (requires players to choose to Obey the Iron Code when asked). }); Paste all the code in your browser console. This will open the Cookie Clicker game interface. // 4218 - Big cookie clicks Game.ClickCookie(); Safari: Press +Option+C Chromebook: CTRL+SHIFT+J How to get infinite cookies in Cookie Clicker Method-2: The cheat to spawn gvar newShimmer=new Game. You're wasting useful internet space that could go to petitions to ban 7 year olds like you on the internet. Cookies 83 Show detail Preview View more I let my friend use my computer, and she wanted to play cookie clicker after I showed her. Open your browser console. Buying things like the Time Machine, Prisim or Chancemaker will significantly increase the number of cookies per second that you generate. One way is to buy the sugar lump upgrade from the upgrades tab. }); If you only want to remove shadow achievements, remove the double slash (//); Note: Removing an achievement won't reduce your milk percentage. Note that a return of 'undefined' does not mean that it failed to execute, just that there was nothing to display back to the user. In order to get an infinite amount of cookies, type this command: Game.cookies=0 All you have to do now is simply press enter and should have an infinite amount of cookies. Option is activated by default and can be removed by pressing 'G'. * @param {number} [rate] - Timeout between clicks in milliseconds; Default: 500 Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. Game.gainBuff('blood frenzy',.5*60*60,9999); If you want to automatically click all spawned cookies then spawn a cookie at set interval, use: setInterval(function() { :(. British. If you want to unlock an achievement, use: If you want to unlock every single achievement, use: Game.AchievementsById.forEach(function(e) { PS: It did not work for me it is not woreth it and I askiditly deleted the thing. How would you describe an honorable person? Also, if it's activated after buying the Bingo Center or when One mind is available to be bought, it will spam "research has begun" and start the grandmapocalypse. var audio = new Audio(""); Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. Now, whenever you open Cookie Clicker, the cheat interface will automatically be enabled. Cookie Clicker Cheats List All Hacks & Codes (Updated March 2023), Add Cookies to Your Current Cookie Supply. Game.shimmer.spawn = (function() { If you want to change the dungeon level, use: The level affects amount of cookies rewarded and spawning of monsters. If you want to unlock a single upgrade, use: If you want to unlock AND buy an upgrade, use: Game.UpgradesById.forEach(function(e) { Best Scratch Off Tickets To Buy In Florida,
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