
morgan stanley racial equity audit

morgan stanley racial equity audit

Shareholders at JPMorgan Chase and State Street hold their meetings this week. However, not all companies have been as eager and willing to comply with these requests. [134] ISS will use the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey as a key component of ISS annual policy development process to assess potential policy changes across regions and markets for 2022 and beyond. [135] While ISS has largely appeared hesitant to support Racial Equity Audits in the circumstances presented in the 2021 proxy season, the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey could change its future guidance and recommendations on such audits. Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments. Among the many ESG developments bubbling to the forefront of the markets in recent years is the desire of investors to see companies address social justice concerns. [91] The Staff has recognized that exclusion is permitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8(i)(3) if the resolution contained in the proposal is so inherently vague or indefinite that neither the stockholders voting on the proposal, nor the company in implementing the proposal (if adopted), would be able to determine with any reasonable certainty exactly what actions or measures the proposal requires. [92] Johnson & Johnson, the only company to invoke Rule 14a-8(i)(3) during the 2021 proxy season to attempt to exclude a Racial Equity Audit proposal, argued that the proposal was impermissibly vague and indefinite because neither Johnson & Johnson nor shareholders would be able to determine with any reasonable certainty what actions or measures the proposal requires. [93]. Sarah Anderson May 17, 2021 Inequality.org Below is a chart listing the shareholder proposals submitted at various companies during the 2021 proxy season, the proponent, the regulatory basis to exclude the proposal invoked by the company and the SECs response to the companys request for exclusion. endstream endobj 335 0 obj <>stream This post is based on an Olshan memorandum by Mr. Berenblat, Ms. Gonzalez-Sussman,Claudia B. Dubn, Rebecca L. Van Derlaske, Ian A. Engoron, and Sarah R. Matchett. identify and address racial and other inequities in the accounting profession. [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. (go back), 98Wells Fargo & Company, Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/72971/000119312521082907/d71313ddef14a.htm [hereinafter Wells Fargo Proxy Statement]. Citigroup Inc. (Citi), sought "no action" relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission to exclude the requests from its 2021 proxy statements, which request was denied. According to public policy analysts, racial violence and the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposals focused on racial justice. (go back), 123Racial Equity Audit, SOC Investment Group, 2021, available at https://www.socinvestmentgroup.com/racial-equity-audit. Since our founding in 1935, Morgan Stanley has consistently delivered first-class business in a first-class way. (go back), 142SEC Approves Nasdaqs New Listing Rules Designed to Advance Greater Boardroom Diversity, Elizabeth Gonzalez-Sussman and Ron Berenblat, August 2021, available at https://www.olshanlaw.com/resources-alerts-Nasdaq-SEC-boardroom-diversity-rule.html. Everything we do at Morgan Stanley is guided by our five core values: Do the right thing, put clients first, lead with exceptional ideas, commit to diversity and inclusion, and give back. Amazon to conduct racial-equity audit led by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. With offices in more than. Morgan Stanley initially urged its shareholders to reject the audit . We believe our greatest asset is our people. According to this study, closing racial gaps would have generated an additional $16 trillion in economic output since [the year] 2000, and by closing the various gaps between Blacks and Whites, the U.S. could stand to gain an additional $5 trillion in economic activity over the next five years. [42] Racial Equity Audits could therefore prove to be a critical tool for companies looking to capture some of these unrealized gains. The activist investor nominated a slate of four director candidates with expertise operating energy companies and utilizing clean technology. Morgan Stanley did not respond to a request for comment. (go back), 129BlackRock Breaks Wall Street Ranks With Planned Racial Audit (1), Bloomberg Tax, Saijel Kishan, April 5, 2021, available at https://news.bloombergtax.com/financial-accounting/blackrock-breaks-ranks-with-wall-street-in-performing-race-audit. Kellogg Foundation has found that [b]y 2050, our country stands to realize an $8 trillion gain in GDP by closing the U.S. racial equity gap. [28]. (go back), 22Supra note 10. Professional development and peer engagement are crucial building blocks to a careers strong foundation. (go back), 9ESG DisclosureKeeping Pace with Developments Affecting Investors, Public Companies and the Capital Markets, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, John Coates, March 11, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/coates-esg-disclosure-keeping-pace-031121. UPDATE: According to a preliminary tally, 39 percent of JPMorgan shareholders voted in support of the racial equity audit proposal on May 18. New York State Common Retirement Fund et al. (go back), 31Webinar, Susan Baker, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, Trillium Asset Management, supra note 23; supra note 27. Votes on the Proposals at JP Morgan & Chase, Goldman Sachs and State Street will take place in the next few weeks. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. (go back), 116See How Amazons Emissions are Hurting Communities of Color, Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, May 26, 2020, available at https://amazonemployees4climatejustice.medium.com/environmental-justice-and-amazons-carbon-footprint-9e10fab21138; Amazon workers demand end to pollution hitting people of color hardest, NBC News, April Gleiser and Leticia Miranda, May 24, 2021, available at https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/amazon-shareholders-demand-end-pollution-hitting-people-color-hardest-n1268413. The firm's $10 million grant will help expand financial literacy, workforce development and access to capital programs in communities where the civil rights organization operates. [55], Some companies have independently engaged in Racial Equity Audits or similar internal reviews, usually in response to external pressures. . Our survey found progress in investor attitudes and actions, but more needs to be done to close the funding gap for women and multicultural entrepreneurs. Recently, Morgan Stanley and CtW Investment Group reached an agreement for the bank to conduct an internal diversity review . Assumed . The organization designed an audit process through a SACOG-wide survey that collected qualitative and quantitative research. This report is based on a survey conducted on behalf of Morgan Stanley by Brunswick Group between August 5 and 8, 2020, in the U.S. (go back), 77Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter re: JPMorgan Chase & Co.2021 Annual Meeting, Supplemental Letter dated January 11, 2021, Relating to Shareholder Proposal Submitted by CtW Investment Group, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, February 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwjpmorgan032621-14a8.pdf [hereinafter JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary]. (go back), 82See Final Rule: Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Release No. 34-40018, May 28, 1998, available at https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-1998-05-28/html/98-14121.htm. Yesterday, the audit proposal also went to the vote at Wells Fargo, the result has not yet been disclosed. Measurement and transparency are important components of the work Citi is doing to advance diversity, equity and inclusion, both at our bank and through our contributions to our communities and society more generally. Intentional investing approaches can allow you to have an impact on racial equity, while pursuing your financial goals. (go back), 17Supra note 5; see also What Is ESG? The chart below lists the proponents who submitted Racial Equity Audit proposals to public companies pursuant to Rule 14a-8 during the 2021 proxy season and the number of proposals they submitted: Source: ISS Corporate Solutions and SEC Filings, Boards of directors of public companies are [i]ncreasingly . In 2007, the firm's co-founder, a former Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley banker named Divesh Makan, told a wealth management magazine that he'd even organized clients' parties and helped . (go back), 105Id. In 2020, partners at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility(ICCR) filed 12 resolutions calling for racial equity audits. A fiduciarys duty is to act in the best interest of their beneficiaries and traditionally translates to acting to obtain the highest return on investment, but it can be equally important that fiduciaries seek to minimize risk. The $1.9 trillion-asset bank has hired the law firm Covington & Burling to conduct the review and plans . McKensie Mack Group (MMG), a Black-led consultancy that centers around racial equity, released their Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) racial equity audit. [63] If the company determines that it is not in the best interests of the company to include a Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposal in its proxy materials, it can (i) seek no-action relief from the SEC staff (the Staff) that, if granted, would allow the company to exclude the proposal without the threat of Staff recommendation of an enforcement action based on a procedural deficiency or a substantive exclusion under Rule 14a-8; (ii) take legal action in court to exclude the proposal; and/or (iii) negotiate with the proponent to withdraw the proposal. From our origins as a small Wall Street partnership to becoming a global firm of more than 60,000 employees today, Morgan Stanley has been committed to clients and communities for 85 years. (go back), 125Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter, CtW Investment Group, November 12, 2020, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwjpmorgan032621-14a8.pdf. [90], Under Rule 14a-8(i)(3), a shareholder proposal may be excluded from a companys proxy materials if the proposal or the supporting statement accompanying the proposal is contrary to any of the federal proxy rules, including Rule 14a-9, which prohibits a company from disclosing materially false or misleading statements in its proxy materials. Racial equity audits started catching on after the events of 2020 prompted a racial reckoning in the U.S. BlackRocks response to the Racial Equity Audit proposal that SEIU submitted for inclusion in its proxy statement was an outlier among the other financial and asset management firms that faced similar proposals. State Street's support increased from 12.5 percent in 2021 to a bare majority of racial equity audit proposals (52.6 percent) in 2022. Risks to shareholder value associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) remain a top engagement priority for Vanguard with our funds' portfolio companies. [17], Improved ESG criteria is not a new area for activist investors. Racial Equity Audits and similar equity and inclusion initiatives that are not robust or designed with the aid of independent third party consultants may risk being perceived as mere window dressing and invite criticism from shareholders. [58] The audit produced three reports, which ultimately described how Facebook utilized the audit process to listen, plan and deliver on various consequential changes that will help advance the civil rights of its users in a number of categories and also recommended implementation of specific action items, including to (1) continue to onboard expertise, (2) build out the civil rights leaders team, (3) expand civil rights product review processes, (4) require civil rights perspectives in escalation of key content decisions and (5) prioritize civil rights. [59] The thoroughness of the audit and the response and subsequent actions taken by the company have led to the Facebook audit being heralded by many as a big success. [3], With the increasing prominence of ESG awareness, the market has also seen the rise of ESG-specific funds as a new form of investment vehicle. Beyond the moral case and business case for conducting Racial Equity Audits, and fighting systemic racism in general, is the democracy case espoused by social justice advocates [37] and that corporations can at times act more swiftly and have a more profound effect on current social issues than the government; therefore, these advocates argue that corporations have a responsibility to address issues affecting our democracy. (go back), 38See e.g., Opinion: Companies Have a Duty to Defend Democracy, NPR, Brett Bruen, July 7, 2020, available at https://www.npr.org/2020/07/07/887628306/opinion-companies-have-a-duty-to-defend-democracy (discussing corporations ability to be more responsive to critical issues to voters on the macro-level, such as gun control and climate change, as well as on a more personal level including Twitter, Uber and Blue Apron announc[ing that] they would give employees a paid day off when their country holds elections). We leverage the full resources of our firm to help individuals, families and institutions reach their financial goals. (go back), 30Webinar, Cyrus Mehri, Founding Partner of Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, supra note 23. SEC interpretations of this rule provide that proposals that concern ordinary business matters but focus on significant social policy issues would not be excludable because the proposals would transcend the day-to-day business matters. [82] In seeking to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals, companies argued that these audits concerned day-to-day aspects of their ordinary business operations, including: (i) product sales and advertising; [83] (ii) customer relationships; [84] (iii) the nature of the companys public relations, messaging, and communications with its shareholders and other constituents; [85] (iv) workforce management; [86] (v) relationships with suppliers; [87] (vi) community impacts; [88] or (vii) decisions regarding the products and services [the company] offers. [89] Furthermore, these companies contended that the proposals did not focus on a significant policy issue that transcended their ordinary business. [97] Wells Fargo Co. (Wells Fargo) said it is conducting a human rights impact assessment, and that it will update its Human Rights Statement to better align with the expectations of companies under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. From our startup lab to our cutting-edge research, we broaden access to capital for diverse entrepreneurs and spotlight their success. At the higher end, proxy advisory firms may offer official guidelines on what they believe are minimum actions a company should take with respect to Racial Equity Audits in order to receive the advisors support. Companies Negotiated with Shareholders to Withdraw the Racial Equity Audit Proposal.BlackRock, the world's largest asset management firm, and CoreCivic Inc. ("CoreCivic"), an operator of private prisons, have agreed to conduct independent Racial Equity Audits after receiving shareholder proposals for such audits, resulting in the proponents withdrawing their . Recently, investors and companies have also begun to appreciate that positive financial returns are often associated with investing in initiatives working towards racial equality. In light of the protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd in June 2020, the CtW Investment Group has requested systemically important financial institutions to conduct a racial equity audit that identifies, prioritizes, and remedies the adverse impacts of the bank's policies and practices on non-white stakeholders and communities of color. But that was never going to be enough for racial justice advocates. Why did nearly all of the banks urge "no" votes on the audit proposals? hW[oSI+B"!vThKA}4J~-c2)75x>qfg\ Z2X$gp-78Yz|Z8X|^^_&fdrrv1s*Cj=Wo/y>?NW&xUJKW (go back), 96See e.g., Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35 (We share the proponents focus on advancing racial equity.); Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69 (While we disagree with the overall approach in this Proposal, we are completely aligned with its stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector.); see also Lawmakers debate bill mandating racial equity audits at firms, The Hill, Abigail Goldberg-Zelizer, June 30, 2021, available at https://thehill.com/policy/finance/561026-lawmakers-debate-bill-mandating-racial-equity-audits-at-firms; Shareholders want to hold corporate giants accountable for their commitments to racial equity and justice. Multicultural and women entrepreneurs are the cutting-edge leaders of businesses that power markets. [65] Certain of these racial justice proposals submitted by shareholders included proposals calling for Racial Equity Audits. I am very proud to announce that I have been named in Morgan Stanley's prestigious 2023 Pacesetter's Club, a group of the Firm's successful Financial Advisors. [44] Advocates of Racial Equity Audits believe that they are essentially intended to be implemented in furtherance of risk management and risk tolerance, criteria that fiduciaries may choose to measure in order to protect their investments. . Services Employees International Union (SEIU), Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(7) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(10) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur with exclusion on any of the bases asserted, Materially False and Misleading Exception (Vague or Indefinite). Morgan Stanley team with $715 million joins . https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-sec-vote/u-s-sec-blocks-amazon-effort-to-stop-shareholder-votes-on-racial-equity-audit-idUSKBN2BU38U. As discussed further below, several financial institutions, including Citi, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman have resisted shareholder proposals requesting Racial Equity Audits, stating that they would either fold such measures into their existing human rights assessments or that they didnt believe it was the appropriate time for such an endeavor. Wells Fargo plans to conduct a racial equity audit, asking an outside law firm to assess the bank's workforce diversity and determine how its business practices are affecting communities of color. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a company's policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. At Morgan Stanley, advancing racial equity is about intentional, holistic change at the intersection of what we do, who we are and how we engage our communities. [120] Among these, the proposal for a Racial Equity Audit garnered the most support, with 44% of the votes cast on this proposal voting in favor. 1What is ESG?, ADEC Innovations ESG Solutions, available at https://www.esg.adec-innovations.com/about-us/faqs/what-is-esg/. In this case, failure to have a Racial Equity Audit policy or refusal to implement such a policy after shareholders have approved a proposal to implement one may become a criteria an advisory firm would consider in making a recommendation for or against the re-election of a companys chairperson of the governance committee and/or the re-election of other directors at the companys annual meeting. (go back), 43Webinar, Vivian Gray, SEIU Pension Fund Trustee, supra note 23. At Morgan Stanley, giving back is a core valuea central part of our culture globally. S7-11-19, available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2020/33-10825.pdf; New Human Capital Disclosure Requirements, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, Margaret Engel, February 6, 2021, available at https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2021/02/06/new-human-capital-disclosure-requirements/. [38] Racial Equity Audits can be designed to help identify if and where these issues exist within a company so that management can address them most effectively. (go back), 80See J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. On July 28, 2021, ISS launched its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey, which included requests for feedback on Racial Equity Audits. Equity audits guide schools in conducting a critical review of their data to inform ways of addressing systemic inequities. 5 Sustainable Investing Trends for Companies and Investors, 7 Investment Ideas That Could Drive Markets in 2023, Yes, You Can Be a Tech Innovator at Morgan Stanley, Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion at Morgan Stanley. Given current trends in ESG, public companies should stay informed on Racial Equity Audits and their adoption, crafting and implementation. (go back), 91See SEC, Division of Corporate Finance Staff Legal Bulletin No. (go back), 119See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. [121] Comptroller DiNapoli described the vote as an immense success for a first-time proposal . (go back), 117See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. (go back), 102Shareholder-Advisory Firms Take Opposing Views on Racial Audits, Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan, April 17, 2021, available at https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/shareholder-advisory-firms-take-opposing-views-on-racial-audits?context=article-related (quoting Glass Lewis). [16] Enhanced performance in these areas can lead to less scrutiny from environmental regulators, increased customer loyalty, more productive employees, reduced employee turnover, more lucrative business partnerships and increased profitability. Black Rock, the world's largest asset manager, is launching a racial audit at a request of a shareholder. We offer timely, integrated analysis of companies, sectors, markets and economies, helping clients with their most critical decisions. Learn from our industry leaders about how to manage your wealth and help meet your personal financial goals. JPMorgan Chase JPM, +0.38% is one of a handful of the nation's biggest banks being urged to conduct racial-equity audits to examine how their practices and policies affect nonwhite customers.

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morgan stanley racial equity audit

Shareholders at JPMorgan Chase and State Street hold their meetings this week. However, not all companies have been as eager and willing to comply with these requests. [134] ISS will use the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey as a key component of ISS annual policy development process to assess potential policy changes across regions and markets for 2022 and beyond. [135] While ISS has largely appeared hesitant to support Racial Equity Audits in the circumstances presented in the 2021 proxy season, the results from its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey could change its future guidance and recommendations on such audits. Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments. Among the many ESG developments bubbling to the forefront of the markets in recent years is the desire of investors to see companies address social justice concerns. [91] The Staff has recognized that exclusion is permitted pursuant to Rule 14a-8(i)(3) if the resolution contained in the proposal is so inherently vague or indefinite that neither the stockholders voting on the proposal, nor the company in implementing the proposal (if adopted), would be able to determine with any reasonable certainty exactly what actions or measures the proposal requires. [92] Johnson & Johnson, the only company to invoke Rule 14a-8(i)(3) during the 2021 proxy season to attempt to exclude a Racial Equity Audit proposal, argued that the proposal was impermissibly vague and indefinite because neither Johnson & Johnson nor shareholders would be able to determine with any reasonable certainty what actions or measures the proposal requires. [93]. Sarah Anderson May 17, 2021 Inequality.org Below is a chart listing the shareholder proposals submitted at various companies during the 2021 proxy season, the proponent, the regulatory basis to exclude the proposal invoked by the company and the SECs response to the companys request for exclusion. endstream endobj 335 0 obj <>stream This post is based on an Olshan memorandum by Mr. Berenblat, Ms. Gonzalez-Sussman,Claudia B. Dubn, Rebecca L. Van Derlaske, Ian A. Engoron, and Sarah R. Matchett. identify and address racial and other inequities in the accounting profession. [129] As a result, the shareholder proposal was withdrawn and SEIU announced that it was currently working with BlackRock to bring about needed change within the company and the financial services industry. [130] Commentators anticipate that BlackRocks commitment to a Racial Equity Audit could sway other financial services companies to follow in its footsteps. [131]. (go back), 98Wells Fargo & Company, Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/72971/000119312521082907/d71313ddef14a.htm [hereinafter Wells Fargo Proxy Statement]. Citigroup Inc. (Citi), sought "no action" relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission to exclude the requests from its 2021 proxy statements, which request was denied. According to public policy analysts, racial violence and the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposals focused on racial justice. (go back), 123Racial Equity Audit, SOC Investment Group, 2021, available at https://www.socinvestmentgroup.com/racial-equity-audit. Since our founding in 1935, Morgan Stanley has consistently delivered first-class business in a first-class way. (go back), 142SEC Approves Nasdaqs New Listing Rules Designed to Advance Greater Boardroom Diversity, Elizabeth Gonzalez-Sussman and Ron Berenblat, August 2021, available at https://www.olshanlaw.com/resources-alerts-Nasdaq-SEC-boardroom-diversity-rule.html. Everything we do at Morgan Stanley is guided by our five core values: Do the right thing, put clients first, lead with exceptional ideas, commit to diversity and inclusion, and give back. Amazon to conduct racial-equity audit led by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. With offices in more than. Morgan Stanley initially urged its shareholders to reject the audit . We believe our greatest asset is our people. According to this study, closing racial gaps would have generated an additional $16 trillion in economic output since [the year] 2000, and by closing the various gaps between Blacks and Whites, the U.S. could stand to gain an additional $5 trillion in economic activity over the next five years. [42] Racial Equity Audits could therefore prove to be a critical tool for companies looking to capture some of these unrealized gains. The activist investor nominated a slate of four director candidates with expertise operating energy companies and utilizing clean technology. Morgan Stanley did not respond to a request for comment. (go back), 129BlackRock Breaks Wall Street Ranks With Planned Racial Audit (1), Bloomberg Tax, Saijel Kishan, April 5, 2021, available at https://news.bloombergtax.com/financial-accounting/blackrock-breaks-ranks-with-wall-street-in-performing-race-audit. Kellogg Foundation has found that [b]y 2050, our country stands to realize an $8 trillion gain in GDP by closing the U.S. racial equity gap. [28]. (go back), 22Supra note 10. Professional development and peer engagement are crucial building blocks to a careers strong foundation. (go back), 9ESG DisclosureKeeping Pace with Developments Affecting Investors, Public Companies and the Capital Markets, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, John Coates, March 11, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/coates-esg-disclosure-keeping-pace-031121. UPDATE: According to a preliminary tally, 39 percent of JPMorgan shareholders voted in support of the racial equity audit proposal on May 18. New York State Common Retirement Fund et al. (go back), 31Webinar, Susan Baker, Director of Shareholder Advocacy, Trillium Asset Management, supra note 23; supra note 27. Votes on the Proposals at JP Morgan & Chase, Goldman Sachs and State Street will take place in the next few weeks. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. (go back), 116See How Amazons Emissions are Hurting Communities of Color, Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, May 26, 2020, available at https://amazonemployees4climatejustice.medium.com/environmental-justice-and-amazons-carbon-footprint-9e10fab21138; Amazon workers demand end to pollution hitting people of color hardest, NBC News, April Gleiser and Leticia Miranda, May 24, 2021, available at https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/amazon-shareholders-demand-end-pollution-hitting-people-color-hardest-n1268413. The firm's $10 million grant will help expand financial literacy, workforce development and access to capital programs in communities where the civil rights organization operates. [55], Some companies have independently engaged in Racial Equity Audits or similar internal reviews, usually in response to external pressures. . Our survey found progress in investor attitudes and actions, but more needs to be done to close the funding gap for women and multicultural entrepreneurs. Recently, Morgan Stanley and CtW Investment Group reached an agreement for the bank to conduct an internal diversity review . Assumed . The organization designed an audit process through a SACOG-wide survey that collected qualitative and quantitative research. This report is based on a survey conducted on behalf of Morgan Stanley by Brunswick Group between August 5 and 8, 2020, in the U.S. (go back), 77Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter re: JPMorgan Chase & Co.2021 Annual Meeting, Supplemental Letter dated January 11, 2021, Relating to Shareholder Proposal Submitted by CtW Investment Group, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, February 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwjpmorgan032621-14a8.pdf [hereinafter JPMorgan No-Action LetterFebruary]. (go back), 82See Final Rule: Amendments to Rules on Shareholder Proposals, Release No. 34-40018, May 28, 1998, available at https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-1998-05-28/html/98-14121.htm. Yesterday, the audit proposal also went to the vote at Wells Fargo, the result has not yet been disclosed. Measurement and transparency are important components of the work Citi is doing to advance diversity, equity and inclusion, both at our bank and through our contributions to our communities and society more generally. Intentional investing approaches can allow you to have an impact on racial equity, while pursuing your financial goals. (go back), 17Supra note 5; see also What Is ESG? The chart below lists the proponents who submitted Racial Equity Audit proposals to public companies pursuant to Rule 14a-8 during the 2021 proxy season and the number of proposals they submitted: Source: ISS Corporate Solutions and SEC Filings, Boards of directors of public companies are [i]ncreasingly . In 2007, the firm's co-founder, a former Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley banker named Divesh Makan, told a wealth management magazine that he'd even organized clients' parties and helped . (go back), 105Id. In 2020, partners at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility(ICCR) filed 12 resolutions calling for racial equity audits. A fiduciarys duty is to act in the best interest of their beneficiaries and traditionally translates to acting to obtain the highest return on investment, but it can be equally important that fiduciaries seek to minimize risk. The $1.9 trillion-asset bank has hired the law firm Covington & Burling to conduct the review and plans . McKensie Mack Group (MMG), a Black-led consultancy that centers around racial equity, released their Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) racial equity audit. [63] If the company determines that it is not in the best interests of the company to include a Rule 14a-8 shareholder proposal in its proxy materials, it can (i) seek no-action relief from the SEC staff (the Staff) that, if granted, would allow the company to exclude the proposal without the threat of Staff recommendation of an enforcement action based on a procedural deficiency or a substantive exclusion under Rule 14a-8; (ii) take legal action in court to exclude the proposal; and/or (iii) negotiate with the proponent to withdraw the proposal. From our origins as a small Wall Street partnership to becoming a global firm of more than 60,000 employees today, Morgan Stanley has been committed to clients and communities for 85 years. (go back), 125Rule 14a-8 No Action Letter, CtW Investment Group, November 12, 2020, available at https://www.sec.gov/divisions/corpfin/cf-noaction/14a-8/2021/ctwjpmorgan032621-14a8.pdf. [90], Under Rule 14a-8(i)(3), a shareholder proposal may be excluded from a companys proxy materials if the proposal or the supporting statement accompanying the proposal is contrary to any of the federal proxy rules, including Rule 14a-9, which prohibits a company from disclosing materially false or misleading statements in its proxy materials. Racial equity audits started catching on after the events of 2020 prompted a racial reckoning in the U.S. BlackRocks response to the Racial Equity Audit proposal that SEIU submitted for inclusion in its proxy statement was an outlier among the other financial and asset management firms that faced similar proposals. State Street's support increased from 12.5 percent in 2021 to a bare majority of racial equity audit proposals (52.6 percent) in 2022. Risks to shareholder value associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) remain a top engagement priority for Vanguard with our funds' portfolio companies. [17], Improved ESG criteria is not a new area for activist investors. Racial Equity Audits and similar equity and inclusion initiatives that are not robust or designed with the aid of independent third party consultants may risk being perceived as mere window dressing and invite criticism from shareholders. [58] The audit produced three reports, which ultimately described how Facebook utilized the audit process to listen, plan and deliver on various consequential changes that will help advance the civil rights of its users in a number of categories and also recommended implementation of specific action items, including to (1) continue to onboard expertise, (2) build out the civil rights leaders team, (3) expand civil rights product review processes, (4) require civil rights perspectives in escalation of key content decisions and (5) prioritize civil rights. [59] The thoroughness of the audit and the response and subsequent actions taken by the company have led to the Facebook audit being heralded by many as a big success. [3], With the increasing prominence of ESG awareness, the market has also seen the rise of ESG-specific funds as a new form of investment vehicle. Beyond the moral case and business case for conducting Racial Equity Audits, and fighting systemic racism in general, is the democracy case espoused by social justice advocates [37] and that corporations can at times act more swiftly and have a more profound effect on current social issues than the government; therefore, these advocates argue that corporations have a responsibility to address issues affecting our democracy. (go back), 38See e.g., Opinion: Companies Have a Duty to Defend Democracy, NPR, Brett Bruen, July 7, 2020, available at https://www.npr.org/2020/07/07/887628306/opinion-companies-have-a-duty-to-defend-democracy (discussing corporations ability to be more responsive to critical issues to voters on the macro-level, such as gun control and climate change, as well as on a more personal level including Twitter, Uber and Blue Apron announc[ing that] they would give employees a paid day off when their country holds elections). We leverage the full resources of our firm to help individuals, families and institutions reach their financial goals. (go back), 30Webinar, Cyrus Mehri, Founding Partner of Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, supra note 23. SEC interpretations of this rule provide that proposals that concern ordinary business matters but focus on significant social policy issues would not be excludable because the proposals would transcend the day-to-day business matters. [82] In seeking to exclude Racial Equity Audit proposals, companies argued that these audits concerned day-to-day aspects of their ordinary business operations, including: (i) product sales and advertising; [83] (ii) customer relationships; [84] (iii) the nature of the companys public relations, messaging, and communications with its shareholders and other constituents; [85] (iv) workforce management; [86] (v) relationships with suppliers; [87] (vi) community impacts; [88] or (vii) decisions regarding the products and services [the company] offers. [89] Furthermore, these companies contended that the proposals did not focus on a significant policy issue that transcended their ordinary business. [97] Wells Fargo Co. (Wells Fargo) said it is conducting a human rights impact assessment, and that it will update its Human Rights Statement to better align with the expectations of companies under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. From our startup lab to our cutting-edge research, we broaden access to capital for diverse entrepreneurs and spotlight their success. At the higher end, proxy advisory firms may offer official guidelines on what they believe are minimum actions a company should take with respect to Racial Equity Audits in order to receive the advisors support. Companies Negotiated with Shareholders to Withdraw the Racial Equity Audit Proposal.BlackRock, the world's largest asset management firm, and CoreCivic Inc. ("CoreCivic"), an operator of private prisons, have agreed to conduct independent Racial Equity Audits after receiving shareholder proposals for such audits, resulting in the proponents withdrawing their . Recently, investors and companies have also begun to appreciate that positive financial returns are often associated with investing in initiatives working towards racial equality. In light of the protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd in June 2020, the CtW Investment Group has requested systemically important financial institutions to conduct a racial equity audit that identifies, prioritizes, and remedies the adverse impacts of the bank's policies and practices on non-white stakeholders and communities of color. But that was never going to be enough for racial justice advocates. Why did nearly all of the banks urge "no" votes on the audit proposals? hW[oSI+B"!vThKA}4J~-c2)75x>qfg\ Z2X$gp-78Yz|Z8X|^^_&fdrrv1s*Cj=Wo/y>?NW&xUJKW (go back), 96See e.g., Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35 (We share the proponents focus on advancing racial equity.); Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69 (While we disagree with the overall approach in this Proposal, we are completely aligned with its stated goal of addressing racial inequity in the financial sector.); see also Lawmakers debate bill mandating racial equity audits at firms, The Hill, Abigail Goldberg-Zelizer, June 30, 2021, available at https://thehill.com/policy/finance/561026-lawmakers-debate-bill-mandating-racial-equity-audits-at-firms; Shareholders want to hold corporate giants accountable for their commitments to racial equity and justice. Multicultural and women entrepreneurs are the cutting-edge leaders of businesses that power markets. [65] Certain of these racial justice proposals submitted by shareholders included proposals calling for Racial Equity Audits. I am very proud to announce that I have been named in Morgan Stanley's prestigious 2023 Pacesetter's Club, a group of the Firm's successful Financial Advisors. [44] Advocates of Racial Equity Audits believe that they are essentially intended to be implemented in furtherance of risk management and risk tolerance, criteria that fiduciaries may choose to measure in order to protect their investments. . Services Employees International Union (SEIU), Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(7) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(10) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur with exclusion on any of the bases asserted, Materially False and Misleading Exception (Vague or Indefinite). Morgan Stanley team with $715 million joins . https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-sec-vote/u-s-sec-blocks-amazon-effort-to-stop-shareholder-votes-on-racial-equity-audit-idUSKBN2BU38U. As discussed further below, several financial institutions, including Citi, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman have resisted shareholder proposals requesting Racial Equity Audits, stating that they would either fold such measures into their existing human rights assessments or that they didnt believe it was the appropriate time for such an endeavor. Wells Fargo plans to conduct a racial equity audit, asking an outside law firm to assess the bank's workforce diversity and determine how its business practices are affecting communities of color. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a company's policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. At Morgan Stanley, advancing racial equity is about intentional, holistic change at the intersection of what we do, who we are and how we engage our communities. [120] Among these, the proposal for a Racial Equity Audit garnered the most support, with 44% of the votes cast on this proposal voting in favor. 1What is ESG?, ADEC Innovations ESG Solutions, available at https://www.esg.adec-innovations.com/about-us/faqs/what-is-esg/. In this case, failure to have a Racial Equity Audit policy or refusal to implement such a policy after shareholders have approved a proposal to implement one may become a criteria an advisory firm would consider in making a recommendation for or against the re-election of a companys chairperson of the governance committee and/or the re-election of other directors at the companys annual meeting. (go back), 43Webinar, Vivian Gray, SEIU Pension Fund Trustee, supra note 23. At Morgan Stanley, giving back is a core valuea central part of our culture globally. S7-11-19, available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2020/33-10825.pdf; New Human Capital Disclosure Requirements, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, Margaret Engel, February 6, 2021, available at https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2021/02/06/new-human-capital-disclosure-requirements/. [38] Racial Equity Audits can be designed to help identify if and where these issues exist within a company so that management can address them most effectively. (go back), 80See J&J No-Action Letter, supra note 78. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a companys policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. On July 28, 2021, ISS launched its Annual Benchmark Policy Survey, which included requests for feedback on Racial Equity Audits. Equity audits guide schools in conducting a critical review of their data to inform ways of addressing systemic inequities. 5 Sustainable Investing Trends for Companies and Investors, 7 Investment Ideas That Could Drive Markets in 2023, Yes, You Can Be a Tech Innovator at Morgan Stanley, Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion at Morgan Stanley. Given current trends in ESG, public companies should stay informed on Racial Equity Audits and their adoption, crafting and implementation. (go back), 91See SEC, Division of Corporate Finance Staff Legal Bulletin No. (go back), 119See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. [121] Comptroller DiNapoli described the vote as an immense success for a first-time proposal . (go back), 117See Webinar, Thomas DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller, supra note 23. (go back), 102Shareholder-Advisory Firms Take Opposing Views on Racial Audits, Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan, April 17, 2021, available at https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/shareholder-advisory-firms-take-opposing-views-on-racial-audits?context=article-related (quoting Glass Lewis). [16] Enhanced performance in these areas can lead to less scrutiny from environmental regulators, increased customer loyalty, more productive employees, reduced employee turnover, more lucrative business partnerships and increased profitability. Black Rock, the world's largest asset manager, is launching a racial audit at a request of a shareholder. We offer timely, integrated analysis of companies, sectors, markets and economies, helping clients with their most critical decisions. Learn from our industry leaders about how to manage your wealth and help meet your personal financial goals. JPMorgan Chase JPM, +0.38% is one of a handful of the nation's biggest banks being urged to conduct racial-equity audits to examine how their practices and policies affect nonwhite customers. How Much Did Geha Pay For Naming Rights, True Form Darkseid Vs Dr Manhattan, Green Burial Michigan, Articles M

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