
phan rang air base agent orange

phan rang air base agent orange

Neuropathy sever. Im trying to help my mother get benefits resulting from my fathers death. Developed a nonexploding module for sensor security that saved countless F4 delivery aircraft. What dont they want me to know? There were 2 JUSMAG USAF pilots stationed at Chang Mai flying with the Thai Air Force. With all of the VA documents that state that Agent Orange was used on bases in Thailand, my denials stated that there was no evidence that Agent Orange was ever used there. VA wants to deny my claim of exposure to Agent Orange present there and my exposure being the cause of this disease and disability. I was sent TDY in Jun 1973 from Mather AFB to Utapao AFB Aircraft Avionics to Support KC135s and B52s. [13] The crew of the latter aircraft were not recovered during the war and were posted as missing in action; however the wreckage of their Canberra was finally located in April 2009 and their remains returned to Australia. Possible exposure due to Department of Defense herbicide tests and storage at military installations in the United States and at locations in other countries, and locations added by the PACT Act. The 1969 map you found, a great source, lists the UTM coordinates for the facilities, but not in a format Ive ever seen, two letters and four digits (e.g. I also survived Brain Surgeries 20-years later. Find the document CHECO. is not right!!!! Yes they would send you to Vietnam on Christmas. Until 1986 after my second son was born I became Diabetic. I said yes and thats when we found information about AO at Takhli. Please confirm if you got answers or got your claim since 2020. Coverage of the 612th Tactical Fighter Squadron's first combat missions (F-100Ds) out of Phan Rang. Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. On March 8, 1966, the 315th ACW, TC was organized and stationed at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam. There was also a USAF Security Squadron stationed near the airport. How will I replace you. I smartly saluted the Major and assured him my mission flying times were over. Younger brother served there. I served on Army tug LT2075 in Sattahip in 1969-1970 639th tug detachment. During my off duty times I worked in the MARS Radio Station AI8AIR at night, helping both USAF and Army troops talk to their families, girl friends, etc., back in the U.S.A. I have a list of the names and ranks of those assigned to Det 5 and my name is listed just above Parker, Marvin M. rank of Sgt. I request anyone with knowledge of what my brother did please share it with me. I served US Army 71-74 was Deployed to a small base north of Udon (CLASSIFIED) from Nov-72 to Nov-73 There were dead plants across much of the base not just the perimeter. Need information about base perimeter for VA claim. My dad was in Ubon and Udorn Thailand in 1964 and 1965. I was a Security police augmentee I too was exposed. I served in the 8th SPS at Ubon Rtafb June 72-73. God bless. During the Vietnam War, the United States military used an herbicide called Agent Orange as a defoliant in Vietnam and on the perimeters of certain Royal Thai Air Force Bases in Thailand. The doctor who removed his prostate had died years back so he could not be interviewed or questioned concerning this matter. Have lost prostate,bladder to agent orange. I was at NKP Mar 1970 Aug 1971. They sprayed some kind of Herbicide around the perimeter at NKP and 2 weeks later everything was dead. In January 2023 I received a letter from VA that encourage me to submit a supplement claim because in August 2022 was signed PACT ACT and now a lot of people may be eligible for benefits and need to do it to reevaluate cases. On 13 September 1971, Department of Defense Secretary Melvin Laird ordered all remaining stocks of Agent Orange (and Orange II) in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) returned to the United States. Im looking for anyone who remember working with my dad. Your main picture of the Phan Rang flightline is reversed. without consent. Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products. In resonse to Dwight L Perkins Sr., who was with Red Horse Army constuction battalion at NKP, I can definitely confirm that your hooches were directly behind one of the towers where I was posted. NKP 1966. I filed a claim for diabetes but was denied, because I have no proof that I was at or worked the perimeter. Fire Control Specialist on AC-130A/AC-130H Gunships. Try it. But thats the Marine Corps way. 3. your physician can state your illnesses, like chf, diabetes, PTSD, tinnitus, any of the presumptive illnesses on the VA forms or in a letter. We are attempting to research the flight routes taken by Air Force personnel who were stationed at Udorn AFB in the Vietnam War (1968-1972). worked KC-135 and B-52D flight line phase on west side and Bomber run-up 0n the Eastside. [19] An aircraft from the squadron responded to a distress call on 24 April 1969 and, against operational orders, bombed a site in Cambodia (the Fishhook) where US special forces were pinned down. 1. Unfortunately, VA will not accept award of the Medal as proof of service within the coordinates outlined for Medal Criteria. We never used them. Serve at the Rose Garden Thailand Marine The homecoming ceremony at RAAF Richmond on 31August 2009 was a momentous occasion for Squadron Veterans. God Bless u all! Response to Charles Ernest Hill 12/20/22. Lois. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. I was at Takhli right after it reopened till July or August 1973. were classified (?). I was @ Don mong airforce base in 67 and 68. in communications. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. I had no idea that AO was being used to clear the jungles before we went in to grade and build barracks. Phan Rang Air Base - History History The airfield at Phan Rang was used by the Japanese during World War II. Agent orange was used at the Depot to clear vegetation around the ammunition storage areas and fence line. 120th Tactical Fighter Squadron F-100C 54-1836 Phan Rang AB.jpg 600 413; 72 KB. (Sgt Bernar Kociol). Location is on the beach at Bangsaray Sare (also spelled Bang Saray). Phan Rang: The Air Base at Phan Rang was originally built by Australian and British POW's under the Japanese and the Japanese used the Air Field throughout WW II. I have heard of other guys having missing records from military. Stationed with USAF 73/74 at Ramasun Station. I was stationed at Ramasun Station in the 6924 Scty Sq from Dec 74 to Mar 76. The soldiers got off the plane (deplaned), and walked on the tarmac. I was never able to get an audience with anyone regarding the herbicides-Vitiligo-sunburn connection. The squadron returned to Australia in 1971, having been deployed overseas for a total of 13 years.[13]. Jet engine mechanic on J75 for Thuds F105. While one can see the locations of Thai military facilities, absent are installations and perimeter defenses that may have been added later by American forces. The first day we arrived the Red Horse group dropped off building materials next to a cement pad. jeudi 27 dcembre 2018, Veuillez noter qu'il manque certaines pages, parties de page ou cahiers de la version ne-numrique du journal La Tribune des annes 2006 2008.Sherbrooke :La tribune lte,1910- He stayed at the hooches where he spent 10 hours a day. Her husband served at U-Tapao from June 1971 June 1973, his MOS was Aerospace Ground Equipment Vehicle Operator, working with B52s and KC135s. I read with interest all of the recollections of those serving at all the plush Air Force facilities throuhout Thailand, but I reflect back to the entry from Gary E McEvilla, September 24, 2019. Thanks. I was sstationeed at Karot TDY from CCK Taiwan may 74-July 74, I worked flight line for 2 months 24/7 on 130s, would like to talk with anyone who served at this time. froze my buttox off there. My First time at this VA Hospital, saw a DVA Office sign, walked in, told him was thinking to apply for VA Benefits, so he gave me the papers to fill out, took them home to do later, but later never came, Was there again about 2-3 months later, different man in the office, shook hands, exchanged names, told me to sit and he would type it up. The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. I got assigned as a Augmentee to security police and r was on peremiter several times as well as in the jungle . He went back to school when he got out in 1970 and he wrote a paper on agent orange. Security Police Squadron, Me too 35th SPS, Heavy Weapons Worked at 355FMS-AGE. On the bottom of the map is a list of U.S. installations and facilities, broken down by service branch. Would like to contact you. Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. Our unit saw action at Thuy Hoa, Cheo Reo, and Nhon Co among others. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be Installations and Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand,1 November, 1969. I am going to see a kidney specialist in June to see if they are going to take one of my kidneys are put me on dialysis or both if anyone has proof of agent orange at this location please let me know. Also had a close friend in USAF who worked in the photo lab, JJ Collopy. From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. I am currently appealing the denial of a claim for hypertension and have a claim for stage 3 kidney disease as secondary to the diabetes type II pending. He was stationed in Thailand RTAFB but not sure where. The intended result was to expose enemy forces who relied on the trees for cover. Was made 100% disabled in 36 days. During my time there I was an aircraft electrician on the F-105 and EB-66. I wish he were still alive to see this. Thank you all again for your sacrifice, and bravery. I was put in hootches when I first arrived. Of all the various branches of service, the USAF was the most active in combat operations. Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) or basic description (truck driver, mechanic, pilot, medic etc) Appealed and was denied again not service connected. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Welcome home boy you guys are men and have be enjoyed for years, it was a pleasure serving with you guys from the sea. How can I contact people who have left a comment? It was near the end of the Vietnam War, and Congress had promised to have all American combat personnel out by year's end. Charlie has so many of the same issues. Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used to defoliate the thick jungle in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Pic of F-100 is a Guard figher, My Husband, CSM Charles Floyd, 1969-1970, at LZ Nancy, in 77th Armor. But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. Since 2000 I have found a great passion. Can I use this blog as apiece of evidence to support his claim? Then, six months before discharge, I injured it a fourth time. So, my driver and I had to wait outside for about two hours until the alert was over. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. I worked on the FLIR, NOS and Fire Control. may 2019 filed with va but never connected service with all these complications and now have to prove everything is service connected. He was at Pearl Harbor, Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa. The FLR-9 Not killed by the guard. Claim approved the first submission. I recall Thai security guard showing me a dead cobra. Berton Duncan was his name. I was in Life Support, maintained all equipment used by pilots. He had been fighting the VA for benefits since he was diagnosed with Type ll diabetes in 1999. Leo Funk was his name. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a means to enhance security. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. I will gladly help any veteran or dependent with any information or photos that I have, including any and all my knowledge of my personal experiences with the Herbicides used at Phu Mu freely. I have Coronary Artery Disease, COPD and Psoriasis on my right hand. Le Vit Nam, Viet Nam, Vietnam ou Vitnam, en forme longue la rpublique socialiste du Vit Nam (en vietnamien : Vit Nam couter et Cng ho X hi Ch ngha Vit Nam couter) est un pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, situ l'est de la pninsule indochinoise.Il fait galement partie de la sinosphre (sphre culturelle chinoise), aussi appele sphre culturelle d'Asie de l . Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. June ,1965 for 6 months. Service officers tell me different things. Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. I dont remember your husband but I still might be helpful. Charles L. Hall. I was stationed at Korat from Jan 1975 to June 1975. There is supposed to be a bill in Congress to cover everyone that was in Thialand, but it has not gone anywhere in years. You can find a full copy of Operation Ranch Hand which states that all South East Asia bases will have the areas around the perimeters sprayed and and the run ways will be kept cleared for the planes, put that report in with your claim as proof of what they did. I went to Amphitheatre High School during the Vietnam War and had a high school choir teacher, Mr. FUNK. The content of all comments is released into the public domain has recognized ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) as Service DePodesta says that for many years his eye injury qualified him for a disability rating of 30 percent and a monthly payment of under $400. R diagnosed to Multiple System Atrophy in 2011 Does anyone recall specialists like me flown in for TDY on complex Voodoo repairs? Sq., Ground Radio Equipment Repair. I was an electro-mechanical specialist on the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) system. mercredi 24 aot 2016, Journaux, St-Georges, Qubec :Corporation Sun mdia,2009- Has anyone had a claim approved for agent orange exposure during that time? My Cavalry Squadron, 2-1 Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Armd Div, was moved from the Central Highlands, Pleiku, 4th Infantry Division, to Ninh Thuan Province, in Feb/Mar 1969, to provide security for Engineer Work Parties to open up Highway 1 & repair the highway, rebuild bridges and repair the rail line, from Phan Rang AB, to Siagon, so that supply convoys could move from Phan Rang AB to Siagon. USAF Veteran Utapao RTNAB Thailand, two times 1973 and 74-75 . I have suffered diabetes, and a rare skin disease Bullous pemphigoid. If any one can recall these incidents and would be so kind as to confirm them with a letter I would really appreciate it. He worked as a computer repairman for a large computer which he has said for many years was within feet of the boundary. Wishing you and all of us in this long fought battle, the best. To Dan Furches. You might want to check with the Recce group located at Beale AFB, Ca where the Deuce is currently located. It houses the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing of the Air Force and is the base of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division of the Army. 2.I dislike____RELYING_____too much on other people. I send all of his DD 214 and performance Whether you were working F-4s at the trim pad or working AC-130 Gunships at the other end of the ramp on the perimeter. I was stationed at Takhli 3/68 3/69. medical complications ever since. They all came home. The majority of the fuel can from Bangkok in 3170 gallon trucks. We had a mutual friend, Chuay Kannawat, with whom I went to school in Puerto Rico. Worked on A7Ds, F-4s and AC-130 Gunships. have type 2 Diabetes Prostate cancer skin cancer arthritis heart disease Started at UTapao in73. Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. It was no secret and the commanders knew as well as everyone else. Nearly 11 million liters of Agent Orange were handled on the base. I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). We were not a combat unit, but was exposed to Agent Orange! We loaded munitions on F4Ds and pulled 12hr shifts which included arming and recovering the birds at EOR. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! However, I am now trying to pursue some legal assistance. He passed away on 08/06/2020. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . The proof of my services there was the passport the US Army issued me for that mission. called era vets same as those living home every day in the states. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. UC-123 with tail numbers 55-4532, 55-4571, and 56-4362 ("Patches") were sampled for TCDD residue by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies for their report. He came home from Vietnam to Camp Lejeune. Hi all I know this is a long shot but Ive tried many and every means to help me to form my family puzzle in terms of my moms side in which I can say currently. I was confirmed 5 or 6 years ago and am confused as to why others are denied exposure who were at Udorn. I was in the 1890 Comm. 3. He has terminal prostate cancer, mets to the bones, multiple myeloma and Polycythemia Vera (blood disorder). Check Herbicide Spraying in Thailand and variants to find an abundance of information on the net. Needless to say everyone who was asleep that day was outside on the deck before the fragments started to fall. Largely inspired by the British use of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D ( Agent Orange) during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s, it was part of the overall herbicidal warfare program during the war called "Operation Trail Dust". There was a small detachment of Army Trac 97 electronic technicians next door to the Quenset Hut where my electronics was located. Some local specialities: bnh cn, ch c and seafood with moderate price. I did not find anyone I knew on this listing, but I came across Jackie McKenzie who wanted to get certain info about her husbands locations on base. Robert Plascove. philippines weather july. The form IBM. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. My husband still has his drivers license because he was one of the drivers. It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. I was on the flight line every night, B52 s. I believe the later was for tracking flights. Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. responsible for everything that you post. Many of the comments Ive read here are extremely disturbing. Im not sure if that klong ran parallel to front gate. . There is a Facebook group that I have found very helpful. I served in Thailand as an ASA Cambodian mission specialist with the 7 Radio Research Field Station Airborne Radio Direction Finding.(ARDF). From a much different war, my father, an Army Combat Engineer enlisted soldier and officer (battlefield commission) served in the Pacific from 1941 to 1944. Apache. I remember your parties as being exciting events! Media in category "Phan Rang Air Base" The following 30 files are in this category, out of 30 total. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. was referred to Civilian Neurologists and was diagnosed OCT 2019 with Parkinsons. A.O. Anyone who was stationed on Hill 272, Sattip Thailand, 70-72. 1.Board of Veteran Appeals ruled flight line is an extension of the perimeter. I know that Udorn was classified as a front line facility. I am active on several closed FaceBook pages; Udorn RTAFB Veterans; Thailand Veterans Herbicide Exposure; Det 1 56 SOW & PreservingOurHistory. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB IN 1971/72 as a B57G maintenance crew chief. The 355 Tactical Fighter Wing which was station at McConnell AFB was transferred to Taklhi, Thailand PCS. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Linkedin; Influencers; Brands; Blog; About; FAQ; Contact Library of Congress. Shortly after he arrived at Phan Rang, the base began closing down. If you open Google or some other search engine, type this phrase: Citation NR: Then type in a base, or an ailment or combo of. Couldnt your hand in front of your face! Im pretty sure his name was Dick Rose but they cant seem to find record of the incident. Have I tried to get any compensation for heart problems or skin cancer or other problems, along with the fact that I spent 10 days in the hospital in Udorn for an unknown problem, NO. I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. I was stationed at Phan Rang air base at Air Movements section with 2 sqn from 1971-72 and we were one of the last to leave due to the VC and north Vietnamese gradually taking over. Ramp 5060 is entirely within the 500 meter drift zone. What other tasks did he do that could have brought him to the perimeter? 1968.if so lets communicate.I need help to substanuate Iwas stationed in Udorn 67-68,diagnosed with blood cancer, July 2021, doctor says could be caused by exposure to Agent Orange, looking for best way to file a claim, any suggestions? Thank you. I have type two diabetes. Walt C passed away 2020 from intestinal cancer. One was near or in the central supply. We were just south of Udorn. I was very fortunate to serve with a great bunch of guys in mms. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. This is where recovered crashed or DBR aircraft were stored. We served our country; they subjected us to bad toxins; then they reject our claims! from 1968 to 1969. Do your homework before writing articles. There DDT and herbicides were deployed in and at the perimeter of this small camp. Im about to have my 6th surgery. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. Lived in the NCO quarters not far from the perimeter. Are there any Facebook groups on Marble Mountain. He died of multiple cancers in 2020. Would like to hear from other Airmen as to what exposure they have had and what medical conditions they have. He died recently from cancer. We were building part of the Bangkok Bypass. Public outcry and official investigations followed. I was stationed at the hospital at both bases. He was there during the Tet offensive. My husband was Sgt. Does anyone have information in regards to the usage date of agent orange and why would claims not be considered after May 1975 theres no doubt in my mind chemical agents were continually applied Until our end date in Thailand 1976. Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. You fought for this country; if Agent Orange and combat stress disabled you; then our country needs to step up to the plate and provide the benefits you need. I remember the Klong with its sickening smell. looking for anyone that was in 388 transpotation squadron at korat air force base. long live the memories of the forgoten. VA disalowed the cause being agent orange because I was stationed in Thailand. But, NOTHING WAS EVER PLANTED ON THAT OPEN FIELD FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969!!!!! I want to file for agent orange exposure. I had heart surgery in 2017. How do I get map of the base to substantiate my claim? I was sent to Tan Son Nhut Air Base to work on RF-4C and RB-57s. Appealing since 2013. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. Went to Tachikawa AB, Japan on C-130As, we flew out of Than Shan Nut on 2 week rotations. Hello fellow Veterans @! Obtenga la proteccin! The VA Found out I have N. I lived and showered on base and had no idea where water came from. Like to hear from anyone from Camp Friendship. Looking for others that were stationed in Avionics (AMS) during 1973. The latter group was composed of U.S. government civilian personnel, such as ambassadorial staff, intelligence analysts, contractors, and others. Viet Nam 1966 - Phan Rang. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. If this statement were true, then AF soldiers who were on those planes would meet the boots on the ground test, which is the defining test for the Nehmer class members. I am currently engaged in filing a claim with the VA for medical complications stemming from significant exposure to Agent Orange while stationed there. Themapped data concerning American forces isbroken down by color:Red symbolsrepresent U.S Army installations and facilities that numbered 45; the blue U.S. Navy and Coast Guard installations that numbered 18; the green U.S. Air Force installations that numbered 28; and thebrown Joint and Others locations that numbered 11. (for Thailand) or have a source where I could find one. My photos will be there from the time I was at PRAB 169-12/69 with 600th Photo Det 5. (Mac) McDonough with a unit arming F100s Claim for disability is currently at BVA awaiting a decision. our base was clear of all vegatation, but surrounded by thick forested jungle. Operation Ranch Hand was a U.S. military operation during the Vietnam War, lasting from 1962 until 1971. Any help will be appreciated. See more ideas about vietnam, phan, vietnam war. I was with the 601 Photo Squadron, if anyone else was in the unit or in NKP during that time you are more than welcome to Contact me Thanks for your service and Welcome home, Jerry Bruns since you worked on the trim pad, can we talk about how close the pad was to the perimeter? Was stationed on hill 272 1970 1971, I was the mess Sergeant for the 379th ist battalion. In response to veterans and their families suffering fromthe effects of Agent Orange, the U.S. government makes a presumption of exposure forthosewho served on land in Vietnam for the purpose of filing a claim with the Veterans Administration. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 He was K.I.A. We deployed to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam to serve the rest of my tour. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. I was stationed at Happy Valley from Nov 68 Nov 69 with the 554th Red Horse Squadron and we constructed most of the Concrete Sky aircraft shelters. I have successfully filed for service related disability due to agent orange exposure while I was with the 6908 security squadron at NKP Thailand July 74 to June 75. we could see some action over VN. I was a USAF captain assigned as an advisor to HQ RVNAF at TSN 1972-1973 for anything electrical, especially power plants. That was my last normal EKG (Bradicardia, Neg T-waves, etc). I do this all from my disability income. Will I get it, who knows? Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. The first 26 were to be AC-119Gs, equipped with four 7.62 GAU-2B/A miniguns, gun sight, armor, night observation sight, DPN-34 and SPR-3 radars, 20 kw airborne illuminator, and an LAU-74/A flare launcher.

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phan rang air base agent orange

Neuropathy sever. Im trying to help my mother get benefits resulting from my fathers death. Developed a nonexploding module for sensor security that saved countless F4 delivery aircraft. What dont they want me to know? There were 2 JUSMAG USAF pilots stationed at Chang Mai flying with the Thai Air Force. With all of the VA documents that state that Agent Orange was used on bases in Thailand, my denials stated that there was no evidence that Agent Orange was ever used there. VA wants to deny my claim of exposure to Agent Orange present there and my exposure being the cause of this disease and disability. I was sent TDY in Jun 1973 from Mather AFB to Utapao AFB Aircraft Avionics to Support KC135s and B52s. [13] The crew of the latter aircraft were not recovered during the war and were posted as missing in action; however the wreckage of their Canberra was finally located in April 2009 and their remains returned to Australia. Possible exposure due to Department of Defense herbicide tests and storage at military installations in the United States and at locations in other countries, and locations added by the PACT Act. The 1969 map you found, a great source, lists the UTM coordinates for the facilities, but not in a format Ive ever seen, two letters and four digits (e.g. I also survived Brain Surgeries 20-years later. Find the document CHECO. is not right!!!! Yes they would send you to Vietnam on Christmas. Until 1986 after my second son was born I became Diabetic. I said yes and thats when we found information about AO at Takhli. Please confirm if you got answers or got your claim since 2020. Coverage of the 612th Tactical Fighter Squadron's first combat missions (F-100Ds) out of Phan Rang. Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. On March 8, 1966, the 315th ACW, TC was organized and stationed at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, South Vietnam. There was also a USAF Security Squadron stationed near the airport. How will I replace you. I smartly saluted the Major and assured him my mission flying times were over. Younger brother served there. I served on Army tug LT2075 in Sattahip in 1969-1970 639th tug detachment. During my off duty times I worked in the MARS Radio Station AI8AIR at night, helping both USAF and Army troops talk to their families, girl friends, etc., back in the U.S.A. I have a list of the names and ranks of those assigned to Det 5 and my name is listed just above Parker, Marvin M. rank of Sgt. I request anyone with knowledge of what my brother did please share it with me. I served US Army 71-74 was Deployed to a small base north of Udon (CLASSIFIED) from Nov-72 to Nov-73 There were dead plants across much of the base not just the perimeter. Need information about base perimeter for VA claim. My dad was in Ubon and Udorn Thailand in 1964 and 1965. I was a Security police augmentee I too was exposed. I served in the 8th SPS at Ubon Rtafb June 72-73. God bless. During the Vietnam War, the United States military used an herbicide called Agent Orange as a defoliant in Vietnam and on the perimeters of certain Royal Thai Air Force Bases in Thailand. The doctor who removed his prostate had died years back so he could not be interviewed or questioned concerning this matter. Have lost prostate,bladder to agent orange. I was at NKP Mar 1970 Aug 1971. They sprayed some kind of Herbicide around the perimeter at NKP and 2 weeks later everything was dead. In January 2023 I received a letter from VA that encourage me to submit a supplement claim because in August 2022 was signed PACT ACT and now a lot of people may be eligible for benefits and need to do it to reevaluate cases. On 13 September 1971, Department of Defense Secretary Melvin Laird ordered all remaining stocks of Agent Orange (and Orange II) in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) returned to the United States. Im looking for anyone who remember working with my dad. Your main picture of the Phan Rang flightline is reversed. without consent. Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products. In resonse to Dwight L Perkins Sr., who was with Red Horse Army constuction battalion at NKP, I can definitely confirm that your hooches were directly behind one of the towers where I was posted. NKP 1966. I filed a claim for diabetes but was denied, because I have no proof that I was at or worked the perimeter. Fire Control Specialist on AC-130A/AC-130H Gunships. Try it. But thats the Marine Corps way. 3. your physician can state your illnesses, like chf, diabetes, PTSD, tinnitus, any of the presumptive illnesses on the VA forms or in a letter. We are attempting to research the flight routes taken by Air Force personnel who were stationed at Udorn AFB in the Vietnam War (1968-1972). worked KC-135 and B-52D flight line phase on west side and Bomber run-up 0n the Eastside. [19] An aircraft from the squadron responded to a distress call on 24 April 1969 and, against operational orders, bombed a site in Cambodia (the Fishhook) where US special forces were pinned down. 1. Unfortunately, VA will not accept award of the Medal as proof of service within the coordinates outlined for Medal Criteria. We never used them. Serve at the Rose Garden Thailand Marine The homecoming ceremony at RAAF Richmond on 31August 2009 was a momentous occasion for Squadron Veterans. God Bless u all! Response to Charles Ernest Hill 12/20/22. Lois. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. I was at Takhli right after it reopened till July or August 1973. were classified (?). I was @ Don mong airforce base in 67 and 68. in communications. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. I had no idea that AO was being used to clear the jungles before we went in to grade and build barracks. Phan Rang Air Base - History History The airfield at Phan Rang was used by the Japanese during World War II. Agent orange was used at the Depot to clear vegetation around the ammunition storage areas and fence line. 120th Tactical Fighter Squadron F-100C 54-1836 Phan Rang AB.jpg 600 413; 72 KB. (Sgt Bernar Kociol). Location is on the beach at Bangsaray Sare (also spelled Bang Saray). Phan Rang: The Air Base at Phan Rang was originally built by Australian and British POW's under the Japanese and the Japanese used the Air Field throughout WW II. I have heard of other guys having missing records from military. Stationed with USAF 73/74 at Ramasun Station. I was stationed at Ramasun Station in the 6924 Scty Sq from Dec 74 to Mar 76. The soldiers got off the plane (deplaned), and walked on the tarmac. I was never able to get an audience with anyone regarding the herbicides-Vitiligo-sunburn connection. The squadron returned to Australia in 1971, having been deployed overseas for a total of 13 years.[13]. Jet engine mechanic on J75 for Thuds F105. While one can see the locations of Thai military facilities, absent are installations and perimeter defenses that may have been added later by American forces. The first day we arrived the Red Horse group dropped off building materials next to a cement pad. jeudi 27 dcembre 2018, Veuillez noter qu'il manque certaines pages, parties de page ou cahiers de la version ne-numrique du journal La Tribune des annes 2006 2008.Sherbrooke :La tribune lte,1910- He stayed at the hooches where he spent 10 hours a day. Her husband served at U-Tapao from June 1971 June 1973, his MOS was Aerospace Ground Equipment Vehicle Operator, working with B52s and KC135s. I read with interest all of the recollections of those serving at all the plush Air Force facilities throuhout Thailand, but I reflect back to the entry from Gary E McEvilla, September 24, 2019. Thanks. I was sstationeed at Karot TDY from CCK Taiwan may 74-July 74, I worked flight line for 2 months 24/7 on 130s, would like to talk with anyone who served at this time. froze my buttox off there. My First time at this VA Hospital, saw a DVA Office sign, walked in, told him was thinking to apply for VA Benefits, so he gave me the papers to fill out, took them home to do later, but later never came, Was there again about 2-3 months later, different man in the office, shook hands, exchanged names, told me to sit and he would type it up. The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. I got assigned as a Augmentee to security police and r was on peremiter several times as well as in the jungle . He went back to school when he got out in 1970 and he wrote a paper on agent orange. Security Police Squadron, Me too 35th SPS, Heavy Weapons Worked at 355FMS-AGE. On the bottom of the map is a list of U.S. installations and facilities, broken down by service branch. Would like to contact you. Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. Our unit saw action at Thuy Hoa, Cheo Reo, and Nhon Co among others. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be Installations and Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand,1 November, 1969. I am going to see a kidney specialist in June to see if they are going to take one of my kidneys are put me on dialysis or both if anyone has proof of agent orange at this location please let me know. Also had a close friend in USAF who worked in the photo lab, JJ Collopy. From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. I am currently appealing the denial of a claim for hypertension and have a claim for stage 3 kidney disease as secondary to the diabetes type II pending. He was stationed in Thailand RTAFB but not sure where. The intended result was to expose enemy forces who relied on the trees for cover. Was made 100% disabled in 36 days. During my time there I was an aircraft electrician on the F-105 and EB-66. I wish he were still alive to see this. Thank you all again for your sacrifice, and bravery. I was put in hootches when I first arrived. Of all the various branches of service, the USAF was the most active in combat operations. Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) or basic description (truck driver, mechanic, pilot, medic etc) Appealed and was denied again not service connected. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Welcome home boy you guys are men and have be enjoyed for years, it was a pleasure serving with you guys from the sea. How can I contact people who have left a comment? It was near the end of the Vietnam War, and Congress had promised to have all American combat personnel out by year's end. Charlie has so many of the same issues. Agent Orange is an herbicide that was used to defoliate the thick jungle in Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Pic of F-100 is a Guard figher, My Husband, CSM Charles Floyd, 1969-1970, at LZ Nancy, in 77th Armor. But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. Since 2000 I have found a great passion. Can I use this blog as apiece of evidence to support his claim? Then, six months before discharge, I injured it a fourth time. So, my driver and I had to wait outside for about two hours until the alert was over. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. I worked on the FLIR, NOS and Fire Control. may 2019 filed with va but never connected service with all these complications and now have to prove everything is service connected. He was at Pearl Harbor, Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa. The FLR-9 Not killed by the guard. Claim approved the first submission. I recall Thai security guard showing me a dead cobra. Berton Duncan was his name. I was in Life Support, maintained all equipment used by pilots. He had been fighting the VA for benefits since he was diagnosed with Type ll diabetes in 1999. Leo Funk was his name. In Thailand, Agent Orange was used to clear the jungle around bases, as a means to enhance security. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. I will gladly help any veteran or dependent with any information or photos that I have, including any and all my knowledge of my personal experiences with the Herbicides used at Phu Mu freely. I have Coronary Artery Disease, COPD and Psoriasis on my right hand. Le Vit Nam, Viet Nam, Vietnam ou Vitnam, en forme longue la rpublique socialiste du Vit Nam (en vietnamien : Vit Nam couter et Cng ho X hi Ch ngha Vit Nam couter) est un pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, situ l'est de la pninsule indochinoise.Il fait galement partie de la sinosphre (sphre culturelle chinoise), aussi appele sphre culturelle d'Asie de l . Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. June ,1965 for 6 months. Service officers tell me different things. Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. I dont remember your husband but I still might be helpful. Charles L. Hall. I was stationed at Korat from Jan 1975 to June 1975. There is supposed to be a bill in Congress to cover everyone that was in Thialand, but it has not gone anywhere in years. You can find a full copy of Operation Ranch Hand which states that all South East Asia bases will have the areas around the perimeters sprayed and and the run ways will be kept cleared for the planes, put that report in with your claim as proof of what they did. I went to Amphitheatre High School during the Vietnam War and had a high school choir teacher, Mr. FUNK. The content of all comments is released into the public domain has recognized ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) as Service DePodesta says that for many years his eye injury qualified him for a disability rating of 30 percent and a monthly payment of under $400. R diagnosed to Multiple System Atrophy in 2011 Does anyone recall specialists like me flown in for TDY on complex Voodoo repairs? Sq., Ground Radio Equipment Repair. I was an electro-mechanical specialist on the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) system. mercredi 24 aot 2016, Journaux, St-Georges, Qubec :Corporation Sun mdia,2009- Has anyone had a claim approved for agent orange exposure during that time? My Cavalry Squadron, 2-1 Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Armd Div, was moved from the Central Highlands, Pleiku, 4th Infantry Division, to Ninh Thuan Province, in Feb/Mar 1969, to provide security for Engineer Work Parties to open up Highway 1 & repair the highway, rebuild bridges and repair the rail line, from Phan Rang AB, to Siagon, so that supply convoys could move from Phan Rang AB to Siagon. USAF Veteran Utapao RTNAB Thailand, two times 1973 and 74-75 . I have suffered diabetes, and a rare skin disease Bullous pemphigoid. If any one can recall these incidents and would be so kind as to confirm them with a letter I would really appreciate it. He worked as a computer repairman for a large computer which he has said for many years was within feet of the boundary. Wishing you and all of us in this long fought battle, the best. To Dan Furches. You might want to check with the Recce group located at Beale AFB, Ca where the Deuce is currently located. It houses the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing of the Air Force and is the base of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division of the Army. 2.I dislike____RELYING_____too much on other people. I send all of his DD 214 and performance Whether you were working F-4s at the trim pad or working AC-130 Gunships at the other end of the ramp on the perimeter. I was stationed at Takhli 3/68 3/69. medical complications ever since. They all came home. The majority of the fuel can from Bangkok in 3170 gallon trucks. We had a mutual friend, Chuay Kannawat, with whom I went to school in Puerto Rico. Worked on A7Ds, F-4s and AC-130 Gunships. have type 2 Diabetes Prostate cancer skin cancer arthritis heart disease Started at UTapao in73. Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. It was no secret and the commanders knew as well as everyone else. Nearly 11 million liters of Agent Orange were handled on the base. I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). We were not a combat unit, but was exposed to Agent Orange! We loaded munitions on F4Ds and pulled 12hr shifts which included arming and recovering the birds at EOR. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! However, I am now trying to pursue some legal assistance. He passed away on 08/06/2020. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . The proof of my services there was the passport the US Army issued me for that mission. called era vets same as those living home every day in the states. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. UC-123 with tail numbers 55-4532, 55-4571, and 56-4362 ("Patches") were sampled for TCDD residue by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies for their report. He came home from Vietnam to Camp Lejeune. Hi all I know this is a long shot but Ive tried many and every means to help me to form my family puzzle in terms of my moms side in which I can say currently. I was confirmed 5 or 6 years ago and am confused as to why others are denied exposure who were at Udorn. I was in the 1890 Comm. 3. He has terminal prostate cancer, mets to the bones, multiple myeloma and Polycythemia Vera (blood disorder). Check Herbicide Spraying in Thailand and variants to find an abundance of information on the net. Needless to say everyone who was asleep that day was outside on the deck before the fragments started to fall. Largely inspired by the British use of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D ( Agent Orange) during the Malayan Emergency in the 1950s, it was part of the overall herbicidal warfare program during the war called "Operation Trail Dust". There was a small detachment of Army Trac 97 electronic technicians next door to the Quenset Hut where my electronics was located. Some local specialities: bnh cn, ch c and seafood with moderate price. I did not find anyone I knew on this listing, but I came across Jackie McKenzie who wanted to get certain info about her husbands locations on base. Robert Plascove. philippines weather july. The form IBM. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. My husband still has his drivers license because he was one of the drivers. It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. I was on the flight line every night, B52 s. I believe the later was for tracking flights. Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. responsible for everything that you post. Many of the comments Ive read here are extremely disturbing. Im not sure if that klong ran parallel to front gate. . There is a Facebook group that I have found very helpful. I served in Thailand as an ASA Cambodian mission specialist with the 7 Radio Research Field Station Airborne Radio Direction Finding.(ARDF). From a much different war, my father, an Army Combat Engineer enlisted soldier and officer (battlefield commission) served in the Pacific from 1941 to 1944. Apache. I remember your parties as being exciting events! Media in category "Phan Rang Air Base" The following 30 files are in this category, out of 30 total. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. was referred to Civilian Neurologists and was diagnosed OCT 2019 with Parkinsons. A.O. Anyone who was stationed on Hill 272, Sattip Thailand, 70-72. 1.Board of Veteran Appeals ruled flight line is an extension of the perimeter. I know that Udorn was classified as a front line facility. I am active on several closed FaceBook pages; Udorn RTAFB Veterans; Thailand Veterans Herbicide Exposure; Det 1 56 SOW & PreservingOurHistory. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB IN 1971/72 as a B57G maintenance crew chief. The 355 Tactical Fighter Wing which was station at McConnell AFB was transferred to Taklhi, Thailand PCS. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Linkedin; Influencers; Brands; Blog; About; FAQ; Contact Library of Congress. Shortly after he arrived at Phan Rang, the base began closing down. If you open Google or some other search engine, type this phrase: Citation NR: Then type in a base, or an ailment or combo of. Couldnt your hand in front of your face! Im pretty sure his name was Dick Rose but they cant seem to find record of the incident. Have I tried to get any compensation for heart problems or skin cancer or other problems, along with the fact that I spent 10 days in the hospital in Udorn for an unknown problem, NO. I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. I was stationed at Phan Rang air base at Air Movements section with 2 sqn from 1971-72 and we were one of the last to leave due to the VC and north Vietnamese gradually taking over. Ramp 5060 is entirely within the 500 meter drift zone. What other tasks did he do that could have brought him to the perimeter? 1968.if so lets communicate.I need help to substanuate Iwas stationed in Udorn 67-68,diagnosed with blood cancer, July 2021, doctor says could be caused by exposure to Agent Orange, looking for best way to file a claim, any suggestions? Thank you. I have type two diabetes. Walt C passed away 2020 from intestinal cancer. One was near or in the central supply. We were just south of Udorn. I was very fortunate to serve with a great bunch of guys in mms. Thanks, Jin A, I hit the jackpot, I was in Thailand Feb 72 to Feb 73, assigned to the 307th FMS at UTapao, and 90 days TDY to Korat to the 4104th Air Refueling Provisional. This is where recovered crashed or DBR aircraft were stored. We served our country; they subjected us to bad toxins; then they reject our claims! from 1968 to 1969. Do your homework before writing articles. There DDT and herbicides were deployed in and at the perimeter of this small camp. Im about to have my 6th surgery. served in warin communications station a few miles west of the laotion cambodian border. Lived in the NCO quarters not far from the perimeter. Are there any Facebook groups on Marble Mountain. He died of multiple cancers in 2020. Would like to hear from other Airmen as to what exposure they have had and what medical conditions they have. He died recently from cancer. We were building part of the Bangkok Bypass. Public outcry and official investigations followed. I was stationed at the hospital at both bases. He was there during the Tet offensive. My husband was Sgt. Does anyone have information in regards to the usage date of agent orange and why would claims not be considered after May 1975 theres no doubt in my mind chemical agents were continually applied Until our end date in Thailand 1976. Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. You fought for this country; if Agent Orange and combat stress disabled you; then our country needs to step up to the plate and provide the benefits you need. I remember the Klong with its sickening smell. looking for anyone that was in 388 transpotation squadron at korat air force base. long live the memories of the forgoten. VA disalowed the cause being agent orange because I was stationed in Thailand. But, NOTHING WAS EVER PLANTED ON THAT OPEN FIELD FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969!!!!! I want to file for agent orange exposure. I had heart surgery in 2017. How do I get map of the base to substantiate my claim? I was sent to Tan Son Nhut Air Base to work on RF-4C and RB-57s. Appealing since 2013. I was stationed at NKP from Jan 71 to Jan 72. Went to Tachikawa AB, Japan on C-130As, we flew out of Than Shan Nut on 2 week rotations. Hello fellow Veterans @! Obtenga la proteccin! The VA Found out I have N. I lived and showered on base and had no idea where water came from. Like to hear from anyone from Camp Friendship. Looking for others that were stationed in Avionics (AMS) during 1973. The latter group was composed of U.S. government civilian personnel, such as ambassadorial staff, intelligence analysts, contractors, and others. Viet Nam 1966 - Phan Rang. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. If this statement were true, then AF soldiers who were on those planes would meet the boots on the ground test, which is the defining test for the Nehmer class members. I am currently engaged in filing a claim with the VA for medical complications stemming from significant exposure to Agent Orange while stationed there. Themapped data concerning American forces isbroken down by color:Red symbolsrepresent U.S Army installations and facilities that numbered 45; the blue U.S. Navy and Coast Guard installations that numbered 18; the green U.S. Air Force installations that numbered 28; and thebrown Joint and Others locations that numbered 11. (for Thailand) or have a source where I could find one. My photos will be there from the time I was at PRAB 169-12/69 with 600th Photo Det 5. (Mac) McDonough with a unit arming F100s Claim for disability is currently at BVA awaiting a decision. our base was clear of all vegatation, but surrounded by thick forested jungle. Operation Ranch Hand was a U.S. military operation during the Vietnam War, lasting from 1962 until 1971. Any help will be appreciated. See more ideas about vietnam, phan, vietnam war. I was with the 601 Photo Squadron, if anyone else was in the unit or in NKP during that time you are more than welcome to Contact me Thanks for your service and Welcome home, Jerry Bruns since you worked on the trim pad, can we talk about how close the pad was to the perimeter? Was stationed on hill 272 1970 1971, I was the mess Sergeant for the 379th ist battalion. In response to veterans and their families suffering fromthe effects of Agent Orange, the U.S. government makes a presumption of exposure forthosewho served on land in Vietnam for the purpose of filing a claim with the Veterans Administration. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 He was K.I.A. We deployed to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam to serve the rest of my tour. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. I was stationed at Happy Valley from Nov 68 Nov 69 with the 554th Red Horse Squadron and we constructed most of the Concrete Sky aircraft shelters. I have successfully filed for service related disability due to agent orange exposure while I was with the 6908 security squadron at NKP Thailand July 74 to June 75. we could see some action over VN. I was a USAF captain assigned as an advisor to HQ RVNAF at TSN 1972-1973 for anything electrical, especially power plants. That was my last normal EKG (Bradicardia, Neg T-waves, etc). I do this all from my disability income. Will I get it, who knows? Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. The first 26 were to be AC-119Gs, equipped with four 7.62 GAU-2B/A miniguns, gun sight, armor, night observation sight, DPN-34 and SPR-3 radars, 20 kw airborne illuminator, and an LAU-74/A flare launcher. What Is Weight Transfer In A Race Car?, Arizona Form 140nr Instructions 2020, Articles P

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