
how to stop mind control technology

how to stop mind control technology

Aluminum foil Yoga and tai chi can help improve your mental functioning. [12] Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006, http://www.earthpulse.com/epulseuploads/articles/MindControlHumanRights.pdf?/ accessed August 19, 2013, [13] Environment, security and foreign affairs, A4-0005/1999, The European Parliament, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A4-1999-0005+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN#Contentd14937e476 accessed August 19, 2013. Try a new restaurant or type of ethnic cuisine. As the patient listened to someone speaking, a computer program analysed how the brain processed and reproduced the words they had heard. Your meter will detect the energy leaking out around the foil blankets in that case. Frhlichs also have knowledge. 1. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 20,165 times. Majority of the symptoms were: pain all over the body, stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, involuntary hand tremors, inability to stand firmly on her legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, high fevers, constipation, faece and piss incontinence, sexual harassment, sleep deprivation, dream manipulation, artificial emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness), and manipulation of memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories). Isolation If you find yourself slowly being isolated from your friends and family, then this is a probable sign someone is trying to control your mind. Dont let fear and paranoia become obsessions that displace the importance of following your goals. Another metal-penetrating type of radiation are scalar waves, also known as longitudinal electric waves. Groomed them give them cars, holidays and took them to late night parties and got them drunk more often so their mind becomes so vulnerable and weak as well as dependent on there desires that they lose focus on themselves and independency that they crave to be attached so that its easy for controllers to corner them in to marriage and family as well as using religion as an excuse to get married when the controllers dont believe in religion or will pretend to believe in it or take bits out to use and condition the controlled person for their evil malicious agendas. These can induce anger, frustration, sadness, or essentially any human emotion into susceptible targets. I was already pretty sure that Jansen knew about my implant. Those techniques can be used in public speaking or interpersonal communication. !! Their stories were regarded as conspiracy work. This can be via psychological or physical means and often involves breaking the subject down so that complete control can be achieved. The ppl who go through fema camps technology The low and mid bands are the same as 4G and prior cell technology, so the aluminum shielding works for those. HVNH}GD"!K`4e4 Cc:Z !v3xA%nW:uTw'\]]>,s]j> %VL? After a few days it disappeared. 158 0 obj <> endobj Knowing is half the battle. Or how do i know whether the person who controls will not harm. Over time, you'll start to feel happier, more balanced, and in control of your feelings and sense of self. Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan in 1992, but Ratnikovs department detected attempts to program the presidents mind, to make him give the Kuril Islands back to Japan. However, they failed to launch the mass production of the substance. %%EOF I lost my daughter because of this BS. Signs to look out for are initial feelings that you have found your soul mate, or that the person you have just met is perfectly matched to you. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues. I think a Colombian. "That we could do everything, have everything. UPC is probably involved. At the moment most mind control of gadgets is performed using special headbands packed with sensors that are dedicated to detecting EEG (electroencephalogram) brain waves. I am Happy to see this content. The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patients brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity. Leave some openings for ventilation. If you are expected to meet impossible deadlines, have strictly regulated mealtimes and bathroom breaks, no access to your own money or friends, then this is mind control. Happened in a store that I had rented at the time, in Neubrunn 740, 8488 Turbenthal.The anesthesia with KO drops I got probably from a Daniele Silvestry.The reason is probably a detention of two acquaintances: Andreas Jansen and Roman Graber. Its thick enough and resistant to tearing and puncturing. We cannot afford to have a lag before security measures are implemented, he said. what i should do,can you help me with this. Make it fun by learning something you've always want to do, like surfing. The results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX drug to the entire Nazi Army. Soleilmavis Case summary of Mind Control abuse and torture. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. Question them if their answers do not match their body language or actions. This article describes the situation perfectly. The Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts carried out the research. The shocking thing : Jansen already told me at that time : It is cool that he is corrupt. During the reconstruction of his part of the house, arrangements were already made for the guarding. Your nearest and dearest will no doubt tell you what is wrong with your new friend and that is exactly what they dont want. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. You can also try something completely different than what you usually do. Some places I have lived, the radiation was surprisingly weak and so no foil blankets were necessary. (Now a Cancer Survivor of stage four! Especially about Neubrunn there are many more. Technically it was closed in 1964, but some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the seventies. Their study, to be published in the November 2, 2006, edition of Nature, showed such a device could induce brain changes in monkeys lasting more than a week (Leila Gray, Tiny Electronic Chip, Interacting with the Brain, Modifies Pathways for Controlling Movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006). However, this convenience may lead to more dependence on technology than your own brain. Many victims are currently working in conjunction with Soleilmavis to start a worldwide campaign against secret mind control weapons abuse and torture. Measurements of such. It does not matter which side of the blankets faces the wall as far as effectiveness goes, but put the metallic side (which can be scratched off) toward the wall or window so that it doesnt get rubbed off by stuff in the room brushing up against it. Depending on the type of detector, you may also notice peaks and troughs in the signal strength, as you move the detector in a linear direction; these are the nodes and anti-nodes of standing EM waves being detected. We are now seeing that biometrics will be required to access the Internet. Mind Control technology began in the 1960's during the Cold War and was used on unwitting citizens for non-consensual experimentation for the purpose of research and development, such as the infamous MKUltra programs run by the American CIA. Now she has 2 small children and cant do much of anything. These signals may consist of microwave carriers with ELF modulation, and perhaps with audio or text encoded messages. I thought it was the proof. the tinfoil started popping the tinfoil ALL over for 15 mins After the detention Jansen and probably also Graber had a new colleague. Were talking about decoding the words youve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.. Second, you can take additional steps to reduce the level of EM radiation in your home, by blocking these signals. I can imagine that false statements by Jansen have led to this. It may also affect your ability to read things in-depth. The other people who lived in the same house could not hear them. At the time she was unfamiliar with remote electromagnetic weapons which can control thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. However, she only told me that she had never seen this before. [2] Mike Parker, CIA'S BOURNE IDENTITY PLOT (Mkultra), Express.co.uk, July 8, 2007, http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/12781/CIA accessed August 19, 2013, [3] Leila Gray, Tiny electronic chip, interacting with the brain, modifies pathways for controlling movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006, http://www.washington.edu/news/archive/27624 accessed August 19, 2013, [4] Dr. Don Justesen, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, http://www.randomcollection.info/ampsychv2s.pdf accessed August 19, 2013, [5] Voice-to-skulldevices http://www.fas.org/sgp/othergov/dod/vts.html accessed August 19, 2013. Today, there are no firm rules on what brain information can be gathered from people and with whom it can be shared. During a spontaneous visit of a lawyer on May 4 (Di Roco,Wetzikon)this was ,presumably before I could talk to him already informed in advance. This stuff has been around for decades. It can be seen that mind control weapons are well developed and they are being used secretly to torture and harass innocent citizens. $pMFT This person was once a strong individual who had full control of her life. If you want something even better than aluminum foil, buy Everbilt double reflective insulation. Make it a family or social activity. Heres the challenge. This is a research lab where a whole manner of things are being worked on, from augmented reality to drones, but its the mind control part which is the most fascinating. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1374, [9] Ex-agent reveals KGB Mind Control techniques paper 22/12/2006, http://www.en.rian.ru/russia/20061222/57596889.html accessed August 19, 2013, [10] Christopher Leake and Will Stewart, Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system Could be used against Russia's enemies and perhaps its own dissidents, March 31, 2012, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2123415/Putin-targets-foes-zombie-gun-attack-victims-central-nervous-system.html accessed August 19, 2013. Sometimes, quickly skimming a newspaper article and clicking on the next link can lead to a lot of short bursts of information that you dont focus on long enough to commit to memory or form thoughts. The use of deep brain stimulation, in which people have electrodes implanted deep into their brains to control Parkinsons symptoms and other conditions, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity, with some stating that they no longer feel like themselves after the surgery. Some victims organized meetings to meet together to discuss how to fight well. Put doubts in their head how is your future going to be, who will be there if your alone, do you want marriage, family, showed them pictures of loads of kids to soften there mind. Just look at today: We're living with advancing technology . Turns out there might be some practical truth to that idea. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. 10 Tips to Take Charge of Your Mindset and Control Your Thoughts Naming Acceptance Meditation Shifting perspective Positive thinking Guided imagery Writing Focused distractions Stress management. Teen Life Coach. Voice of God Technology sends messages directly into someone's mind, making them think it is God, and Angel, Guide, etc. Under the protection of national security, many other branches of the government also took part in the study of this area. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. If you live in a flat urban area, the field intensities tend to be high. When the primary window is blocked off, within days the signal finds another window or thin wall to penetrate. The ability to detect electrical activity in the brain through the scalp, and to control it, will soon transform medicine and change society in profound ways. The so-called Experiment D-IX started in November of the year 1944 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. If Facebook, one of the biggest tech companies in the world, is working on mind control then it feels like this is a piece of future tech that might actually hit the mainstream soon. I know people who have made girls and women pregnant all around me who are all at different ages. Latest posts by Janey Davies, B.A. Be sure to let family, friends, and coworkers know which day of the week you are planning on doing this so that they do not become worried if they can't get in touch with you. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. The absurd dream of the wonder drug was crushed. Educate lawyers on what to look and listen for on the part of the manipulator and on the part of the victims. 0 The tracking speed is slow, and when the target moves, the signal takes several seconds or minutes to search and find the target at his new location [this was as of 2002-2004, so by 2022 its probably faster now]. If you need to use pen and paper to work out the problems, thats okay. Nvidia RTX Video Super Resolution could be the answer, The best tech tutorials and in-depth reviews, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. monarchprogramming.com is my take on this, as far as the use of trauma, guilt, fear anxiety or doubt might cross your path. Even Presidents cant tell, as far as I can see studying the literature and having had a skinfull for the last few years plus. Duncan is literally shaking with nervousness as he gives the speech, probably because he knows the information he is letting out is so sensitive it could get him killed. One of Mennet's 3 residents was involved in a cocaine deal at the Falken restaurant in Rti. It must be made public. What they are doing is taking all your decisions away from you so that you follow a strict set of behaviours. The question was posed by Regina Dugan, formerly of US military research facility DARPA, who has the keys to perhaps one of the most intriguing areas in technology right now: Facebooks Building 8. Insist on seeing them and if the answer is still no walk away. Identify councilors who work with such abuse. Was done on a victim of abuse when it was meant on another person who used unauthorized ID of the victim! Watch carefully for nonverbal clues that do not tally with what a person is saying. Indeed it is! Now she is an alcoholic and she says she doesnt know who she is or why she cant be the person she once was. So far, USA, Europe, and China are the most impacted areas. Technology is everywhere and has made our lives simpler. Meanwhile, aluminum foil hats actually increase signal exposure by acting as antennas and resonant cavities unless they are grounded, so you can forget about that. ELF waves cant really be blocked; you would need sheets of super expensive mu-metal to completely line a room, and that could cost tens of thousands of dollars. With over three years of experience, she specializes in helping teens and young adults define roles, set goals, develop healthy academic and personal habits, grow in leadership potential, and create their life paths. When she nodded, she left the treatment room while I was still sitting in the chair with the drilled tooth. Create a sense of powerlessness . Then the sheet acts as an absorber. The good news is that high band 5G has been slow to roll out due to lack of interest and problems with short range. Keywords: Mind control technology; voice-to-skull; victim, Human Rights; Torture; Abuse. Ages were from 18 to 50+ who were made pregnant. 2977 (2001) preserved the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and required the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons. Plans to introduce the super-weapons were announced quietly in March 2012 by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, fulfilling a little-noticed election campaign pledge by president-elect Putin. It is a tell-tale sign that they are trying to control your mind and are quite successful in it. This would be done through an EEG headset that would essentially control an operating system. 86fqW8nHwY9Z1EEkbLXdNcaew9aFs6KkgBzZKB4XfMddF6WzY69JvHHCtg32CWfehD8J1xpzcPE6BBxEajBCAsCW6JEHwXa, How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals. Note that aluminum doesnt block ELF waves (Extremely Low Frequency, below 500 Hz), only higher frequency EM radiation like radio, microwaves, and millimeter waves. When the target enters an area in his home that the signal cannot reach, the signal goes on a wide search mode, thinking the target has left his home and is traveling about town. One can feel the effects of this signal, which may induce a dull headache and pressure in the temples and behind the eyes. Neural control of tuneable skin iridescence in squid. Available on Amazon. Exercise is a great place to begin to retrain . Happy holidays and please dont take it the wrong way God bless you all sorry to bother. The scientists believed the technique could also be used to read and report what they were thinking of saying next. Your nearest and dearest will no doubt tell you what is wrong with your new friend and that is exactly what they don't want. They have all the codes of the bank cards, etc. [14], Reported stories about people who claimed that they were mind control victims. A civilian policeman. Travel somewhere new, even if it is close by. Yes, according to some. I dont have what it takes to commit suicide but I damn sure will be glad when my life reaches its natural conclusion. Many patents had indicated the existence of mind control technologies, such as: USP # 6,729,337 (May 4, 2004), Sony owned a patent Sony Brain Waves Manipulation By Ultrasound for an ultrasound array that supposedly stimulated your brain waves to simulate sensory experiences causing its users to experience smells, tastes and even touch without external stimuli. But, how does it actually work? What is Google Takeout. (MC 10, 17), There is an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms the existence of Mk-ultra. And they can penetrate metal mesh if their wavelengths are smaller than the holes in the mesh; thats mainly a concern for Faraday cages made of wire mesh. LAST STOP #1. Identify consulting hypnotists who work with such abuse. hbbd```b``"k$z,. We already have the first outward neural interface system to be tested in humans. Beam forming and steering is a type of technology where theres an array of little antennas embedded in a flat dish whose output and timing can be individually digitally controlled so that their fields sum into a single narrow beam that can be aimed. Too much time on social media may increase feelings of depression. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history. [7]. endstream endobj startxref if you ever contact me again, I will forward all of your vulgar emails to your employer. 84-92) [11], Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton raised high concerns of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic spectrums weapons in the article US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights. (Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006) [12], Carole Smith, a British psychoanalyst, in recent years has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens, in the article Diagnosis Psychosis in Light of Mind Invasive Technology - On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology., The European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of the manipulation of human beings. [13]. Try taking a new route somewhere. 2. According to an anonymous survey (result on December 19, 2009) for 296 mind control victims all over the world, including 130 females and 166 males, 71.29% of all victims had completed a college degree, with 13.86% of all victims attaining a Master or a Doctor degree. ive looked with no insight A crucial feature of these systems is the need for some kind . Low impact exercise can also be beneficial. SHOP. Solomon, 15, allegedly opened fire on other students at Heritage High School on August 10, 1999. The party against whom a presumption is directed has the burden of producing evidence to rebut the presumption. The move would have led to demands from China that it regains its disputed territories from Russia as well, a conflict that could have sparked a war between the two neighbors. In 2011, neuroscientists at the University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images. Its really frustrating and almost made me go suicidal and at one point I considered harming others. Youve seen the sublime, and here's the ridiculous. If they are now showing intense incoming radiation, the signal has re-oriented and you must cover that wall or window as well. There are several things that mental health professionals can do since abusive mind or behavior control depends upon isolation. My best guess for reducing scalar wave targeting is a layer of Velostat followed by a layer of the Everbilt insulation. USA Representative Dennis Kucinich introduced bill H.R. [14] 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva, A Joint Initiative of: Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, IUHEI, http://www.unidir.ch/pdf/activites/pdf2-act201.pdf accessed August 19, 2013, [15] An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Peacepink/message/2569. Standard methods of blocking microwave mind programming signals consist of Faraday cages, but proper Faraday cages made from copper mesh are difficult and expensive to build. I know when the phone was cloned (Bubikon cemetery, Muggli nursery). The Central Intelligence Agencys Fact Book states the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. They are ruling the world controlling innocent people`s Minds. Soon she started to experience a wide variety of symptoms. They read my thoughts remotely using mind control technologies and then broadcast using media. Get a trail map if available, and heed all posted warnings. According to its makers, the device "generates a low-level electrical pulse that is interpreted by the brain as a signal to become leaner". Nevertheless, aluminum shielding is a good first step to greatly reducing the level of incoming microwave radiation. Movement. There may also be emotional signatures frequency-modulated into the carrier. Visit your grandparents, for example. When that goes, everything goes.. The libertarian critique of this model, dominant within tech and philosophical communities, claims that the persuasive technologies of the attention economy infringe on the individual user's autonomy and therefore the proposed solutions focus on safeguarding . Was never there since it was confirmed that there was a horrible mix up! At the beginning of 2018, Microsoft patented the notion of changing an application state using neurological data (opens in new tab). endstream endobj 163 0 obj <>stream The UK Government is now spending 2.5 million to fully implement a nation-wide deployment of CIA mind-control technology. The possible reasons victims believed they became a target were: The symptoms victims experienced as a possible result of this technology: 50.34% of all victims have been forced to accept psychiatric treatment, the length of being forced to accept psychiatric treatment were: All victims claimed that the psychiatric treatment did not have any therapeutic effect. This may include an organization meeting, a volunteer opportunity, book club, public talk, or even a social meetup. An ideal choice would be the corner or wall closest to your bed. For more details, review our .chakra .wef-12jlgmc{-webkit-transition:all 0.15s ease-out;transition:all 0.15s ease-out;cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:none;color:inherit;font-weight:700;}.chakra .wef-12jlgmc:hover,.chakra .wef-12jlgmc[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.chakra .wef-12jlgmc:focus,.chakra .wef-12jlgmc[data-focus]{box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgba(168,203,251,0.5);}privacy policy. The easiest way to understand monarch programming is that it is rm as franchises. This may be through work, school, friends, or family. 2. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. A citizens health and welfare is paramount, and it will not be protected unless we fight for our liberty everyday. They manipulated worst, cruel dreams to disturb my mind& Sleep. In some cases, military bases were used to hide these covert activities. Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years.

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how to stop mind control technology

Aluminum foil Yoga and tai chi can help improve your mental functioning. [12] Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006, http://www.earthpulse.com/epulseuploads/articles/MindControlHumanRights.pdf?/ accessed August 19, 2013, [13] Environment, security and foreign affairs, A4-0005/1999, The European Parliament, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A4-1999-0005+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN#Contentd14937e476 accessed August 19, 2013. Try a new restaurant or type of ethnic cuisine. As the patient listened to someone speaking, a computer program analysed how the brain processed and reproduced the words they had heard. Your meter will detect the energy leaking out around the foil blankets in that case. Frhlichs also have knowledge. 1. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 20,165 times. Majority of the symptoms were: pain all over the body, stomach pain, toothaches, headaches, involuntary hand tremors, inability to stand firmly on her legs, alternation of cold and hot sensations, excessive perspiration, high fevers, constipation, faece and piss incontinence, sexual harassment, sleep deprivation, dream manipulation, artificial emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness), and manipulation of memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories). Isolation If you find yourself slowly being isolated from your friends and family, then this is a probable sign someone is trying to control your mind. Dont let fear and paranoia become obsessions that displace the importance of following your goals. Another metal-penetrating type of radiation are scalar waves, also known as longitudinal electric waves. Groomed them give them cars, holidays and took them to late night parties and got them drunk more often so their mind becomes so vulnerable and weak as well as dependent on there desires that they lose focus on themselves and independency that they crave to be attached so that its easy for controllers to corner them in to marriage and family as well as using religion as an excuse to get married when the controllers dont believe in religion or will pretend to believe in it or take bits out to use and condition the controlled person for their evil malicious agendas. These can induce anger, frustration, sadness, or essentially any human emotion into susceptible targets. I was already pretty sure that Jansen knew about my implant. Those techniques can be used in public speaking or interpersonal communication. !! Their stories were regarded as conspiracy work. This can be via psychological or physical means and often involves breaking the subject down so that complete control can be achieved. The ppl who go through fema camps technology The low and mid bands are the same as 4G and prior cell technology, so the aluminum shielding works for those. HVNH}GD"!K`4e4 Cc:Z !v3xA%nW:uTw'\]]>,s]j> %VL? After a few days it disappeared. 158 0 obj <> endobj Knowing is half the battle. Or how do i know whether the person who controls will not harm. Over time, you'll start to feel happier, more balanced, and in control of your feelings and sense of self. Yeltsin had planned to visit Japan in 1992, but Ratnikovs department detected attempts to program the presidents mind, to make him give the Kuril Islands back to Japan. However, they failed to launch the mass production of the substance. %%EOF I lost my daughter because of this BS. Signs to look out for are initial feelings that you have found your soul mate, or that the person you have just met is perfectly matched to you. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues. I think a Colombian. "That we could do everything, have everything. UPC is probably involved. At the moment most mind control of gadgets is performed using special headbands packed with sensors that are dedicated to detecting EEG (electroencephalogram) brain waves. I am Happy to see this content. The use of deep brain stimulation, involving electrodes implanted in patients brains, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity. Leave some openings for ventilation. If you are expected to meet impossible deadlines, have strictly regulated mealtimes and bathroom breaks, no access to your own money or friends, then this is mind control. Happened in a store that I had rented at the time, in Neubrunn 740, 8488 Turbenthal.The anesthesia with KO drops I got probably from a Daniele Silvestry.The reason is probably a detention of two acquaintances: Andreas Jansen and Roman Graber. Its thick enough and resistant to tearing and puncturing. We cannot afford to have a lag before security measures are implemented, he said. what i should do,can you help me with this. Make it fun by learning something you've always want to do, like surfing. The results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX drug to the entire Nazi Army. Soleilmavis Case summary of Mind Control abuse and torture. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. Question them if their answers do not match their body language or actions. This article describes the situation perfectly. The Marine Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts carried out the research. The shocking thing : Jansen already told me at that time : It is cool that he is corrupt. During the reconstruction of his part of the house, arrangements were already made for the guarding. Your nearest and dearest will no doubt tell you what is wrong with your new friend and that is exactly what they dont want. Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) had been working on an implantable electronic chip that might help establish new nerve connections in the part of the brain that controlled movement. You can also try something completely different than what you usually do. Some places I have lived, the radiation was surprisingly weak and so no foil blankets were necessary. (Now a Cancer Survivor of stage four! Especially about Neubrunn there are many more. Technically it was closed in 1964, but some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the seventies. Their study, to be published in the November 2, 2006, edition of Nature, showed such a device could induce brain changes in monkeys lasting more than a week (Leila Gray, Tiny Electronic Chip, Interacting with the Brain, Modifies Pathways for Controlling Movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006). However, this convenience may lead to more dependence on technology than your own brain. Many victims are currently working in conjunction with Soleilmavis to start a worldwide campaign against secret mind control weapons abuse and torture. Measurements of such. It does not matter which side of the blankets faces the wall as far as effectiveness goes, but put the metallic side (which can be scratched off) toward the wall or window so that it doesnt get rubbed off by stuff in the room brushing up against it. Depending on the type of detector, you may also notice peaks and troughs in the signal strength, as you move the detector in a linear direction; these are the nodes and anti-nodes of standing EM waves being detected. We are now seeing that biometrics will be required to access the Internet. Mind Control technology began in the 1960's during the Cold War and was used on unwitting citizens for non-consensual experimentation for the purpose of research and development, such as the infamous MKUltra programs run by the American CIA. Now she has 2 small children and cant do much of anything. These signals may consist of microwave carriers with ELF modulation, and perhaps with audio or text encoded messages. I thought it was the proof. the tinfoil started popping the tinfoil ALL over for 15 mins After the detention Jansen and probably also Graber had a new colleague. Were talking about decoding the words youve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.. Second, you can take additional steps to reduce the level of EM radiation in your home, by blocking these signals. I can imagine that false statements by Jansen have led to this. It may also affect your ability to read things in-depth. The other people who lived in the same house could not hear them. At the time she was unfamiliar with remote electromagnetic weapons which can control thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. However, she only told me that she had never seen this before. [2] Mike Parker, CIA'S BOURNE IDENTITY PLOT (Mkultra), Express.co.uk, July 8, 2007, http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/12781/CIA accessed August 19, 2013, [3] Leila Gray, Tiny electronic chip, interacting with the brain, modifies pathways for controlling movement, University of Washington News, October 24, 2006, http://www.washington.edu/news/archive/27624 accessed August 19, 2013, [4] Dr. Don Justesen, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, http://www.randomcollection.info/ampsychv2s.pdf accessed August 19, 2013, [5] Voice-to-skulldevices http://www.fas.org/sgp/othergov/dod/vts.html accessed August 19, 2013. Today, there are no firm rules on what brain information can be gathered from people and with whom it can be shared. During a spontaneous visit of a lawyer on May 4 (Di Roco,Wetzikon)this was ,presumably before I could talk to him already informed in advance. This stuff has been around for decades. It can be seen that mind control weapons are well developed and they are being used secretly to torture and harass innocent citizens. $pMFT This person was once a strong individual who had full control of her life. If you want something even better than aluminum foil, buy Everbilt double reflective insulation. Make it a family or social activity. Heres the challenge. This is a research lab where a whole manner of things are being worked on, from augmented reality to drones, but its the mind control part which is the most fascinating. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1374, [9] Ex-agent reveals KGB Mind Control techniques paper 22/12/2006, http://www.en.rian.ru/russia/20061222/57596889.html accessed August 19, 2013, [10] Christopher Leake and Will Stewart, Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system Could be used against Russia's enemies and perhaps its own dissidents, March 31, 2012, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2123415/Putin-targets-foes-zombie-gun-attack-victims-central-nervous-system.html accessed August 19, 2013. Sometimes, quickly skimming a newspaper article and clicking on the next link can lead to a lot of short bursts of information that you dont focus on long enough to commit to memory or form thoughts. The use of deep brain stimulation, in which people have electrodes implanted deep into their brains to control Parkinsons symptoms and other conditions, has already raised concerns about its impact on patients personal identity, with some stating that they no longer feel like themselves after the surgery. Some victims organized meetings to meet together to discuss how to fight well. Put doubts in their head how is your future going to be, who will be there if your alone, do you want marriage, family, showed them pictures of loads of kids to soften there mind. Just look at today: We're living with advancing technology . Turns out there might be some practical truth to that idea. These come in small folded packs, found in the camping section of department stores. 10 Tips to Take Charge of Your Mindset and Control Your Thoughts Naming Acceptance Meditation Shifting perspective Positive thinking Guided imagery Writing Focused distractions Stress management. Teen Life Coach. Voice of God Technology sends messages directly into someone's mind, making them think it is God, and Angel, Guide, etc. Under the protection of national security, many other branches of the government also took part in the study of this area. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. If you live in a flat urban area, the field intensities tend to be high. When the primary window is blocked off, within days the signal finds another window or thin wall to penetrate. The ability to detect electrical activity in the brain through the scalp, and to control it, will soon transform medicine and change society in profound ways. The so-called Experiment D-IX started in November of the year 1944 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. If Facebook, one of the biggest tech companies in the world, is working on mind control then it feels like this is a piece of future tech that might actually hit the mainstream soon. I know people who have made girls and women pregnant all around me who are all at different ages. Latest posts by Janey Davies, B.A. Be sure to let family, friends, and coworkers know which day of the week you are planning on doing this so that they do not become worried if they can't get in touch with you. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. The absurd dream of the wonder drug was crushed. Educate lawyers on what to look and listen for on the part of the manipulator and on the part of the victims. 0 The tracking speed is slow, and when the target moves, the signal takes several seconds or minutes to search and find the target at his new location [this was as of 2002-2004, so by 2022 its probably faster now]. If you need to use pen and paper to work out the problems, thats okay. Nvidia RTX Video Super Resolution could be the answer, The best tech tutorials and in-depth reviews, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. monarchprogramming.com is my take on this, as far as the use of trauma, guilt, fear anxiety or doubt might cross your path. Even Presidents cant tell, as far as I can see studying the literature and having had a skinfull for the last few years plus. Duncan is literally shaking with nervousness as he gives the speech, probably because he knows the information he is letting out is so sensitive it could get him killed. One of Mennet's 3 residents was involved in a cocaine deal at the Falken restaurant in Rti. It must be made public. What they are doing is taking all your decisions away from you so that you follow a strict set of behaviours. The question was posed by Regina Dugan, formerly of US military research facility DARPA, who has the keys to perhaps one of the most intriguing areas in technology right now: Facebooks Building 8. Insist on seeing them and if the answer is still no walk away. Identify councilors who work with such abuse. Was done on a victim of abuse when it was meant on another person who used unauthorized ID of the victim! Watch carefully for nonverbal clues that do not tally with what a person is saying. Indeed it is! Now she is an alcoholic and she says she doesnt know who she is or why she cant be the person she once was. So far, USA, Europe, and China are the most impacted areas. Technology is everywhere and has made our lives simpler. Meanwhile, aluminum foil hats actually increase signal exposure by acting as antennas and resonant cavities unless they are grounded, so you can forget about that. ELF waves cant really be blocked; you would need sheets of super expensive mu-metal to completely line a room, and that could cost tens of thousands of dollars. With over three years of experience, she specializes in helping teens and young adults define roles, set goals, develop healthy academic and personal habits, grow in leadership potential, and create their life paths. When she nodded, she left the treatment room while I was still sitting in the chair with the drilled tooth. Create a sense of powerlessness . Then the sheet acts as an absorber. The good news is that high band 5G has been slow to roll out due to lack of interest and problems with short range. Keywords: Mind control technology; voice-to-skull; victim, Human Rights; Torture; Abuse. Ages were from 18 to 50+ who were made pregnant. 2977 (2001) preserved the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and required the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons. Plans to introduce the super-weapons were announced quietly in March 2012 by Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, fulfilling a little-noticed election campaign pledge by president-elect Putin. It is a tell-tale sign that they are trying to control your mind and are quite successful in it. This would be done through an EEG headset that would essentially control an operating system. 86fqW8nHwY9Z1EEkbLXdNcaew9aFs6KkgBzZKB4XfMddF6WzY69JvHHCtg32CWfehD8J1xpzcPE6BBxEajBCAsCW6JEHwXa, How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals. Note that aluminum doesnt block ELF waves (Extremely Low Frequency, below 500 Hz), only higher frequency EM radiation like radio, microwaves, and millimeter waves. When the target enters an area in his home that the signal cannot reach, the signal goes on a wide search mode, thinking the target has left his home and is traveling about town. One can feel the effects of this signal, which may induce a dull headache and pressure in the temples and behind the eyes. Neural control of tuneable skin iridescence in squid. Available on Amazon. Exercise is a great place to begin to retrain . Happy holidays and please dont take it the wrong way God bless you all sorry to bother. The scientists believed the technique could also be used to read and report what they were thinking of saying next. Your nearest and dearest will no doubt tell you what is wrong with your new friend and that is exactly what they don't want. They have all the codes of the bank cards, etc. [14], Reported stories about people who claimed that they were mind control victims. A civilian policeman. Travel somewhere new, even if it is close by. Yes, according to some. I dont have what it takes to commit suicide but I damn sure will be glad when my life reaches its natural conclusion. Many patents had indicated the existence of mind control technologies, such as: USP # 6,729,337 (May 4, 2004), Sony owned a patent Sony Brain Waves Manipulation By Ultrasound for an ultrasound array that supposedly stimulated your brain waves to simulate sensory experiences causing its users to experience smells, tastes and even touch without external stimuli. But, how does it actually work? What is Google Takeout. (MC 10, 17), There is an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms the existence of Mk-ultra. And they can penetrate metal mesh if their wavelengths are smaller than the holes in the mesh; thats mainly a concern for Faraday cages made of wire mesh. LAST STOP #1. Identify consulting hypnotists who work with such abuse. hbbd```b``"k$z,. We already have the first outward neural interface system to be tested in humans. Beam forming and steering is a type of technology where theres an array of little antennas embedded in a flat dish whose output and timing can be individually digitally controlled so that their fields sum into a single narrow beam that can be aimed. Too much time on social media may increase feelings of depression. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history. [7]. endstream endobj startxref if you ever contact me again, I will forward all of your vulgar emails to your employer. 84-92) [11], Mr. Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton raised high concerns of human rights violations implemented with electromagnetic spectrums weapons in the article US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights. (Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton, US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, December 2006) [12], Carole Smith, a British psychoanalyst, in recent years has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens, in the article Diagnosis Psychosis in Light of Mind Invasive Technology - On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology., The European Parliament A4-0005/1999 Paragraph 27 called for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of the manipulation of human beings. [13]. Try taking a new route somewhere. 2. According to an anonymous survey (result on December 19, 2009) for 296 mind control victims all over the world, including 130 females and 166 males, 71.29% of all victims had completed a college degree, with 13.86% of all victims attaining a Master or a Doctor degree. ive looked with no insight A crucial feature of these systems is the need for some kind . Low impact exercise can also be beneficial. SHOP. Solomon, 15, allegedly opened fire on other students at Heritage High School on August 10, 1999. The party against whom a presumption is directed has the burden of producing evidence to rebut the presumption. The move would have led to demands from China that it regains its disputed territories from Russia as well, a conflict that could have sparked a war between the two neighbors. In 2011, neuroscientists at the University of California Berkeley put electrodes inside the skulls of brain surgery patients to monitor information from their temporal lobe, which was involved in the processing of speech and images. Its really frustrating and almost made me go suicidal and at one point I considered harming others. Youve seen the sublime, and here's the ridiculous. If they are now showing intense incoming radiation, the signal has re-oriented and you must cover that wall or window as well. There are several things that mental health professionals can do since abusive mind or behavior control depends upon isolation. My best guess for reducing scalar wave targeting is a layer of Velostat followed by a layer of the Everbilt insulation. USA Representative Dennis Kucinich introduced bill H.R. [14] 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament in Geneva, A Joint Initiative of: Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, IUHEI, http://www.unidir.ch/pdf/activites/pdf2-act201.pdf accessed August 19, 2013, [15] An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009), http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Peacepink/message/2569. Standard methods of blocking microwave mind programming signals consist of Faraday cages, but proper Faraday cages made from copper mesh are difficult and expensive to build. I know when the phone was cloned (Bubikon cemetery, Muggli nursery). The Central Intelligence Agencys Fact Book states the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. They are ruling the world controlling innocent people`s Minds. Soon she started to experience a wide variety of symptoms. They read my thoughts remotely using mind control technologies and then broadcast using media. Get a trail map if available, and heed all posted warnings. According to its makers, the device "generates a low-level electrical pulse that is interpreted by the brain as a signal to become leaner". Nevertheless, aluminum shielding is a good first step to greatly reducing the level of incoming microwave radiation. Movement. There may also be emotional signatures frequency-modulated into the carrier. Visit your grandparents, for example. When that goes, everything goes.. The libertarian critique of this model, dominant within tech and philosophical communities, claims that the persuasive technologies of the attention economy infringe on the individual user's autonomy and therefore the proposed solutions focus on safeguarding . Was never there since it was confirmed that there was a horrible mix up! At the beginning of 2018, Microsoft patented the notion of changing an application state using neurological data (opens in new tab). endstream endobj 163 0 obj <>stream The UK Government is now spending 2.5 million to fully implement a nation-wide deployment of CIA mind-control technology. The possible reasons victims believed they became a target were: The symptoms victims experienced as a possible result of this technology: 50.34% of all victims have been forced to accept psychiatric treatment, the length of being forced to accept psychiatric treatment were: All victims claimed that the psychiatric treatment did not have any therapeutic effect. This may include an organization meeting, a volunteer opportunity, book club, public talk, or even a social meetup. An ideal choice would be the corner or wall closest to your bed. For more details, review our .chakra .wef-12jlgmc{-webkit-transition:all 0.15s ease-out;transition:all 0.15s ease-out;cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:none;color:inherit;font-weight:700;}.chakra .wef-12jlgmc:hover,.chakra .wef-12jlgmc[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.chakra .wef-12jlgmc:focus,.chakra .wef-12jlgmc[data-focus]{box-shadow:0 0 0 3px rgba(168,203,251,0.5);}privacy policy. The easiest way to understand monarch programming is that it is rm as franchises. This may be through work, school, friends, or family. 2. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. A citizens health and welfare is paramount, and it will not be protected unless we fight for our liberty everyday. They manipulated worst, cruel dreams to disturb my mind& Sleep. In some cases, military bases were used to hide these covert activities. Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. The Honey Baked Ham Company Chicken Salad Recipe, Tijuana News Shooting, Articles H

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